Comments (Personal Impression Only)

There is something weird about the spelling of this name. I like the sound of it, I just find the spelling rather odd.
Magnificent name, this is my first time hearing it. The banner is gorgeous too.
Beautiful! I prefer this to Twyla! (See my comment for Twyla)
Twyla is hideous; this is gorgeous.
It's gorgeous. So effing beautiful. I like this more than Twyla.
It’s weird, not in a positive way.
Hi, my name is Twila. Growing up I disliked my name. As an adult I used my middle name Lynn. In the last few years I have been using Twila, my first name. My nickname has always been Twilight since 1985. My husband loves my name. I just hate it when people mispronounce it. I won't answer to anything but the proper pronunciation. I was told it was from the Sioux. Wherever it's from it's a name you have to own or hate. It's who I am now. Twila rules. My husband's nickname is Lone Wolf. So I say the wolf howls at twilight. If I find out the true origins I'll post on here. There is a Twila, Kentucky. It's a small town but I plan on going there in the future.
I'm happy to read that people have their own opinions about a name. Some of the names used in today's society really have me stumped. A child has to live with it, FOREVER! Dear parents, take some time and consideration in choosing a name. Twila is a fine name. Whatever the true meaning is, it's a name folks. Don't hate yourself if you are named it. I'm in a relationship with a woman named Twila and it fits her perfectly. She's sweet and attractive. After having a rough childhood and branching out after high school, she is a successful mother of two and an educator. Don't stomp on a name, try stomping on a fool that has zero consideration of naming their child.
Hi. I'm another Twyla. My mother was named Twila, after a Native American "bubble dancer" my grandfather saw before he married. LOLI once ran into a camp where 4 Twila's were playing Scrabble together! They said one meaning was from the Welsh, meaning a double embroidery thread of two colors in one needle, symbolizing the mingling of Native American and Welsh backgrounds. I also was teased about my name, e.g. Twilight Zone. As an adult, working as a nurse, I was called "Twinkle Toes", "Twilight", and even "Twerking Twyla"! I love my name. I also went by Twyla Sue in college. Love my name -- especially as it reminds me of my mother.
Do not name your child Twila. My real name is Twila Dawn and when I was a little girl I was teased ruthlessly about my name. I was called toilet. That had the biggest hand in ruining my chances at a self esteem. It is so low that when I make a mistake I refer to myself as the toilet, further ruining my self esteem. Please, for the love of God please do not do this to your children. Let the name die. It may not happen to everyone with that awful name but the point is it can and you don't want your child hating themselves like this because kids can be extremely cruel.
I have found the name Twila (pronounced Tw-eye-la) to be used across the country to name City/county parks. There is a park in a neighboring city called Twila Reed Park. I assume it is named after a person. Anyway, Twila is a nice name.
I have had the name Twila for my entire life, I am 45 and will be 46 in May, and I can tell you that I have been using the reference to Twilight long before it was a book or a series. Twilight is a reference to night and has been for centuries.
My name is Twila Dawn, I hate how everyone is always mispronouncing it, I will have people call me who say it wrong and I tell them they have the wrong number. I just hate it. I was named by my grandma- she had a good friend named Twila Dawn. So for me it's pride that I carry the name of someone who was dear to her.
I always hated my name growing up---at times I still dislike it, because it is so unique. Yet at the same time, many of my customers ask about my name, and comment on how pretty it is. I have met three others with the same name, different spelling. Twyla, Twilla, and Twylla. And for the first time ever, I met another with the same spelling as mine, Twila.
This is a very beautiful name! I think to avoid pronunciation errors it's best to use the spelling "Twyla" as some people may incorrectly say "Twill-a" or "Tweela" instead of "TWIE-lə".
I don't know why, but this name sounds vaguely elvish to me, but only when pronounced "TWIL-la," as in rhyming with "trill."
My little sister's name is Twila Dawn. I always thought that was a good choice by my parents.
It's a poetic and lovely name, but when people relate it to Twilight, it suddenly gets less beautiful. I agree: when people relate Twila to Twilight, it gets ruined.
A strange name. It's not ugly though, just very weird.
Beautiful name, I hate the fact it was ruined by Twilight. Hopefully when I have a daughter Twilight is long forgotten.
That sounds irritating.
Maybe you can go for Csilla? (pronounced CHEEL-la)? It sounds vaguely similar, and it also means "star".
To everyone who said "it was ruined by Twilight", thank you, I agree. :DDD
It's irritating when people ask me what I'm planning to name my first daughter (originally Twila, but I'm having second thoughts) and I tell them Twila, and they're just like "oh, like Twilight".
Beautiful, but ruined by Twilight.
I've always love this name, but I hate that most people who hear it relate it to the series Twilight. Then they automatically think I love the books, not the name itself.
I think Twila is a beautiful name. I once had a friend named Twila. Everyone used to pronounce it "twilla" while everyone who knew her pronounced it "twylla." Eventually she just started spelling it Twylla so people would hopefully pronounce it right. The substitute teachers always got it wrong.
This name always reminds me of the series The Twilight Zone. Lol.

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