Usagi Alohaoe from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure part 9.
Also used for Typhoons that form in the Western Pacific Ocean.
Yuzuha Usagi is a character from the Manga and TV Show "Alice In Borderland".
It's Sailor Moon's Japanese first name. In the German version her name was Bunny, the English translation of Usagi. In later German versions it was changed back to Usagi.
Sailor Moon's Japanese name.
Usagi Tsukino known as Sailor Moon is an anime character Naoko Takeuchi.
Agnes Usagi Diego, also known as Akidearest, has this as her middle name.
The name Usagi is Sailor Moon's real name in the Japanese anime/ manga.
It's very cute, and sounds nice. But it would basically be like naming your kid "rabbit", though this word sounds much better, haha.
It would be a nice name for a character, or as someone did, a pen name. But as a full name, no matter where you go, it's a bit strange.
This is also a Japanese name, though rarely used and it can be given from the word rabbit, and it is commonly given during the year of the rabbit. It can also be built from the kanji "月姫", which translates to "moon princess".
Usagi is also the nickname of the character Usami Akihiko in the anime/manga Junjou Romantica.
Said oo sag ee.
After watching the Japanese version of Sailor Moon, I know that this name is pronounced "oo-SAW-gee".
This is a Japanese name.
In the anime and manga series "Junjou Romantica" a character (Usami Akihiko) is nicknamed Usagi.
Associated with the moon as in Japanese tradition a rabbit is seen in the shadows on the moon, not the man as in European tradition.
In the manga series DOLLS Seiju mishears his teammate's name (Usaki) as Usagi and he insists on calling him that.
This name is soooo cute. I'm naming a character this. ^-^
In the manga Tsuki no Shippo (Tail of the Moon) by Tinko Ueda, the main character is named Usagi.
Actually, it isn't too uncommon to see a girl named Usagi in Japan. It's just that the Kanji used to spell it doesn't mean "rabbit". I've seen it spelt so that it means "heron's feather/wing", "full moon", and several other ways that I can't recall at the moment.
A famous writer named herself Usagi (Nakamura Usagi) as her pen name, but it's not for a real name. It's funny if you see people called Usagi.
Most Japanese people would not name a child "Usagi". In fact, some might even laugh (maybe quietly to themselves) if they heard that a couple had inflicted that on their daughter. [noted -ed]
There's a Manga (Japanese comic) about a rabbit samurai called Usagi Yoyimbo.
In the show "Sailor Moon" it was Sailor Moon's Japanese name.
Sailor Moon's surname, Tsukino, is a pun for 'of the moon'. So her name itself is a pun for the rabbit of the moon, a Japanese legend.

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