Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Vesna Vulovic was a Serbian flight attendant who survived a 33,000 foot fall out of a passenger plane after it exploded. It is still the highest fall ever survived without a parachute.
Vesna Čitaković, volleyball player
Vesna Jovanović, visual artist
Vesna Krmpotić, writer and translator
Vesna Manasieva, tennis player
Vesna Milačić, songwriter and performer
Vesna Milošević, handball player
Vesna Mišanović, chess player
Vesna Pešić, politican
Vesna Pisarović, pop singer
Vesna Pusić, a member of Hrvatski Parliament and a main speaker of the opposition Hrvatski People's Party - Liberal Democrats in the Parliament.
Vesna Radović, handball player
Vesna Škare Ožbolt
Vesna Teršelič, peace activist
Vesna Trivalić, actress
Vesna Vulović, political activist and former flight attendan
Vesna Zmijanac, folk singer
Vesna is a fictional character in the movie "Samotáři". She was played by Labina Mitevska.
Russian pop singer Alsou sings a song called Vesna (meaning 'spring' in Russian). It is a pretty song and I think this is a pretty name too.

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