Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Winslow Leach is one of the main characters in the 1974 movie Phantom of the Paradise.
Winslow is the name of the cat in the game Minecraft: Storymode "A Portal to Mystery".
Winslow Percival Schott aka Toyman of DC Comics and adaptations.Specifically in the 2015 'Supergirl' TV series: his son, Winslow "Winn" Schott, Jr.
Winslow Homer is often regarded as the greatest American painter of the 19th century. His seascapes and watercolors are amazing.
The house mouse in the Nickelodeon series 'CatDog' was named Winslow T. Oddfellow. His catchphrase was "What are you? Nuts?"
Winslow is the middle name of Dr. Frasier Crane, a character from the popular sitcoms Cheers and Frasier. Could be used by obsessive fans who have already have little Frasier, Niles, Marty and Eddie and have just wound up with another boy.
The father in John Irving's The Hotel New Hampshire is named Winslow, goes by Win.
The middle name of the "popera" singer Josh Groban.

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