Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Okay, like- it sounds like something you would name an edgy anime character. Bestie, cmon.
So handsome!
Okay well the name sounds really beautiful and nice but the spelling really? Kinda looks plain.
Really cool sounding name!
I first heard this name from Ninjago and thought it was the coolest name ever along with Kai.
So uncool.
It's a very cool name.
I really like this name. It sounds modern and it ages well. I also like the association with Zane Grey.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS NAME! I picture a blonde boy with brown eyes, and who plays guitar at a rock concert.
So, so, so, so perfect! I see a tan boy with freckles, a golden crew cut, and brown eyes. May I suggest Zane Cedric?
My nephew is named Zane, and I think it suits him very well. He is currently a year old, and is so cute. His middle name is the same as his father's and my sister and her husband chose this name together. The name Zane is short enough, easy to remember, and not hard to say.
I had a friend named Zane and I personally think that this is a cool name! Although I won't name my child this.
This actually is one of my least favorite names. It sounds way too modern and cold, in my opinion. I wouldn't ever think of naming anything this.
My immediate thought is that it sounds exactly like "sane". People are gonna hear "Hi, I'm sane!"... which isn't bad, but still.
This name gives me the impression of a strong, quiet, kind little boy. The meaning "God is gracious"--from John--is a great meaning, and I would consider this name if I didn't already like Zaina...
I first encountered this name about 10 years ago. I always thought it was a very unusual name. I have only met one person with this name and had not heard of it being used again until SyFy introduced the character of "Zane" on the show Eureka.
I have an inexplicable fondness for most 'Z' names. I think Zachary Zane would be a cool first/middle name combo.
I love the name Zane! It makes me think of a fun guy with a happy, open personality. Too cute :)
Zane is such a great name! A character in the tv show Euraka is named this and he is very good looking and a little mischievious. Love this name!
Zane sounds like an alien name - seriously - you'll be up for teasing!
My son is named Zane and he is the only boy in his preschool class with a "Z" name! I think it is a great, strong name.
Although I usually hate names that start with or are pronounced with a stressed 'z', I rather like this name. It sounds cool, and it is simpler than Xavier. I could imagine using this as a middle name for Ewan, assuming I'll ever get a chance to use those names, as it's not legal over here to use foreign names unless one of the parents is foreign.
Zane is a cool name. It's very strong and spirited.
Zane is an old name in our family line. It's been passed down in first or middle names. Oddly enough both my grandfather's first names started with Zane. They are both two different people as well. Alike, they are strong men, and protectors of those they love. My brother was given Zane as a middle name. To honor the name, my husband and I are passing it on to our boy.
Zane is a cool name for a boy, I love it.
I am distantly related to Zane Grey (whose full name was Pearl Zane Grey - I can see why he went by Zane), so I have gotten used to it over the years. It is still rather a nice name (there aren't a lot of great "Z" names) in my opinion, although the word "zany" comes to mind. But that wouldn't deter me from using this name as a middle name someday.
This name ROCKS! I like the fact it starts with a "Z". I don't like a lot of Z names but I like this one. It does give off a hint of this wild child but a likeable one. I like it!
When I think of Zane I have this image of a very tough, macho, confident guy on a motorcycle, an action hero basically. Think Vin Diesel.

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