Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I know someone named Zoieh, pronounced like Zoe. Couldn't find that variant on here.
Weird spelling. Looks like ZOY-ee. Zoe is so much better.
Odd spelling.
I personally think this spelling is really pretty and more mature. I like Zoee better though. My daughter’s name was going to be Zoee but we decided on Chloee instead. While I was pregnant with her, I also thought of Zoeigh. I am only 19 and my daughter is 3 so yes, I’m a teen mom but I really don’t like to be judged on my name preferences. I’m glad I named my daughter Chloee but I’m a little disappointed that I can’t use Zoie/Zoee now because it’s too matchy with Chloee. Very nice name though.
I really don't like this spelling.
I love my name spelled differently from most Zoie's. I've heard many variants of the meaning and I like the meaning 'fruitful life'. How is it trashy? I've never heard of a stripper named Zoie- maybe Sparkle or Misty, but really I've heard it's common in France, but not where I'm from. It seems everyone who actually has the name seems to like it. It grows on you and isn't too plain or exotic. It's cute and I've had many people, even in job interviews, tell me they love it. I was surprised that these people took the time to say negative things about a name that's not theirs. I had to say something myself because it's my name. Anyway, Zoie was the name of a byzantine empress and I think a lot of movies and shows have always put a character named Zoie to be sweet, successful and spunky.
Favorite spelling of this name! It's so cute and unique.
This just looks as if the parents were too dumb to spell. It also looks as if it should be pronounced ZOY-ee instead of ZO-ee. I would strongly advise not to settle your daughter with this ugly spelling of the beautiful name Zoe.And no, it's not creative, it's just dumb. When you call your little Zoie on the playground all the other little girls named Zoe, Zoey, Zooey, Zowie and Zoee will still turn around because it sounds exactly the same. It will only cause problems for your kid.
I love this name! I like it better than `Zoe` or `Zoey`. I think this name has a lot of spunk.
I think this name is unique.

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