Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I just found out the Hebrew meaning of this name and oof, but this name is very pretty, and I love it! The Hebrew meaning isn't too bothersome. It might be a good nickname for Arizona, too.
My name is “Zona” I feel special despite the Hebrew meaning. I do not represent myself in a negative way. I always felt my name is very unique, beautiful and sounds exotic, which is just some of my attributes.
Interesting name. It sounds nice, but the Hebrew meaning... o o f.
Zona is the name of my wife, it sounds heavenly despite its indecent meaning in the "Hebrew" language. Whenever I listen to it, my soul shakes and cherishes and I want to listen to it multiple times. I find it very rare, this also makes my loved one unique and beautiful as no doubt she is! Ever since I watch her, I thought I was destined to meet her.
My first name is Zona and I really liked my name until I read its meaning in Hebrew, it's quite depressing actually. My grandfather told me it is an Arabic word meaning "Genius".
My first name is Zona. I have always loved it. Now I find there are people with the last name Zona! Great name in a crowd, if someone yells Zona you know they are calling you!
It's unfortunate how it means "prostitute" in Hebrew, but putting that aside, I do think it sounds lovely and really pretty! :)
When I first saw this name, I thought "Is someone using the Spanish word for "zone" as a name?" Regardless, I like it. Zona sounds very pretty and unconventional, but not impractical, in terms of spelling and pronunciation. It's rare, but didn't strike me as being strange or odd. Until I read what "Zona" means in Hebrew. Knowing that, I definitely wouldn't use this name myself. Unless Zona is a common name in your culture (I know that it's popular in Serbia), it could cause a lot of embarrassment and problems. I mean, imagine if Zona ever went to Israel? Or converted to Judaism? Or moved to a mostly Jewish community? She'd probably want to get a name change. Though I do like Zona, as a non-Serb, I'd consider the similar-sounding Zora instead, and keep Zona as a character name.
Considering the Hebrew meaning of "whore", I can imagine an old Jewish woman asking her daughter, "You're going to name your daughter WHAT?"
My middle name is Zona, and I despised it for ages, it wasn't until I was in my late teens that I decided that it wasn't SO bad. I have to laugh if it indeed means 'prostitute' in Hebrew, like it says above. Lucky I'm not planning on going to Israel any time soon.

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