Browse Names

This is a list of names in which the meaning contains the keyword three.
Hifumi m & f Japanese
From Japanese (hi) meaning "one", (fu) meaning "two" and (mi) meaning "three".
Kenzō m Japanese
From Japanese (ken) meaning "humble", (ken) meaning "healthy, strong" or (ken) meaning "wise" combined with () meaning "three". Other kanji combinations can also form this name.
Saburō m Japanese
From Japanese (sabu) meaning "three" and () meaning "son". This was traditionally a name for the third son. Other kanji combinations are possible as well.
Trey m English
From an English nickname meaning "three".
Tri m & f Indonesian
Means "three, third" in Indonesian, ultimately from Sanskrit त्रि (tri).
Triton m Greek Mythology
Meaning uncertain. It is possibly related to a root meaning "the sea" (cognate with Old Irish trethan). Alternatively it could be connected to Greek τρεῖς (treis) meaning "three" (ordinal form τρίτος). In Greek mythology Triton was the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite. He was often depicted as a merman, half-human and half-fish. The largest of Neptune's moons is named after him.