Browse Names

This is a list of names in which the meaning contains the keyword turn.
See Also
turn meaning
Havilah m Biblical
Probably means "to dance, to circle, to twist" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is both a place name and a masculine personal name.
Njinga m & f Mbundu
Possibly from a Bantu root meaning "to twist, to wrap" (kujinga in Kimbundu), alluding to the wrapping of the umbilical cord around the neck of the newborn. This name was borne by kings and queens of the African kingdoms of Ndongo and Kongo, notably a 17th-century queen of Ndongo who resisted the Portuguese.
Penuel m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "facing God" in Hebrew. This is the name of two minor characters in the Old Testament.
Turner m English
From an English surname for one who worked with a lathe, derived from Old English turnian "to turn", of Latin origin.
Vratislav m Czech, Slovak
Derived from the Slavic elements vortiti (Czech vrátit) meaning "to return" and slava meaning "glory". This was the name of two dukes of Bohemia (the second later a king).