Most "Nerdy" Feminine Names

This list is based on ratings left by visitors to this site. Names must have at least 50 rating responses to be considered.

1. Maria Grazia 90% 59 responses 91% Good 98% Feminine
2. Anna Maria 87% 55 responses 86% Good 99% Feminine
3. Minerva 86% 227 responses 82% Good 97% Feminine
4. Catia 86% 72 responses 92% Good 97% Feminine
5. Theodosia 86% 103 responses 80% Good 97% Feminine
6. Celandine 85% 65 responses 75% Good 92% Feminine
7. Eurydice 84% 67 responses 71% Good 93% Feminine
8. Theophania 84% 63 responses 72% Good 94% Feminine
9. Freyja 84% 287 responses 78% Good 98% Feminine
10. Sole 84% 67 responses 90% Good 88% Feminine
11. Emanuela 83% 95 responses 80% Good 95% Feminine
12. Hermione 83% 387 responses 78% Good 95% Feminine
13. Mouna 83% 60 responses 79% Good 98% Feminine
14. Hildegard 82% 90 responses 78% Good 88% Feminine
15. Scholastica 81% 101 responses 54% Good 94% Feminine
16. Annamaria 81% 77 responses 81% Good 98% Feminine
17. Marzia 81% 61 responses 80% Good 98% Feminine
18. Eleonora 81% 185 responses 81% Good 98% Feminine
19. Velma 81% 76 responses 71% Good 97% Feminine
20. Meritxell 81% 55 responses 64% Good 87% Feminine

Masculine and Feminine  ·  Masculine Names Only