Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword barrel.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Kisaiya f Romani
Either a corruption of Keziah or else derived from or influenced by Romani kissi "purse" (ultimately from Sanskrit koza "box; pocket; cask; treasure; bud").
Kyouhei m Japanese
From Japanese 杏 (kyou) meaning "apricot", 馨 (kyou) meaning "fragrant, balmy, favourable", 叶 (kyou) meaning "grant, answer", 亨 (kyou) meaning "pass through, go smoothly", 享 (kyou) meaning "enjoy, receive, undergo, answer (phone), take, get, catch", 京 (kyou) meaning "capital", 協 (kyou) meaning "cooperation", 匡 (kyou) meaning "correct, save, assist", 叫 (kyou) meaning "shout, exclaim, yell", 喬 (kyou) meaning "high, boasting", 強 (kyou) meaning "strong", 恭 (kyou) meaning "respect, reverent", 教 (kyou) meaning "teach, faith, doctrine", 郷 (kyou) meaning "home town, village, native place, district", 鏡 (kyou) meaning "mirror, speculum, barrel-head, round rice-cake offering", 響 (kyou) meaning "echo, sound, resound, ring, vibrate", 暁 (kyou) meaning "daybreak, dawn, in the event", 慶 (kyou) meaning "jubilation, congratulate, rejoice, be happy" or 香 (kyou) meaning "fragrance" combined with 坪 (hei) meaning "thirty-six sq ft", 平 (hei) meaning "even, flat, peace", 兵 (hei) meaning "soldier, private, troops, army, warfare, strategy, tactics" or 柄 (hei) meaning "design, pattern, build, nature, character, handle, crank, grip, knob, shaft"... [more]