Japanese Submitted Names

Japanese names are used in Japan and in Japanese communities throughout the world. Note that depending on the Japanese characters used these names can have many other meanings besides those listed here. See also about Japanese names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aa ああ, 唖々, 阿々, 阿亜, 于 m & f Japanese
From Japanese 唖 (a) meaning "mute, dumb", 阿 (a) meaning "mountain", 于 (aa) meaning "Bon festival; Feast of Lanterns", 嗟 (aa) meaning "Ah!; Oh!; Alas!​", 憙 (aa) meaning "like, love, enjoy" combined with 々, a phonetic character indicting a duplication of the beginning kanji or 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia"... [more]
Aai 亜愛, 亜歩衣, 彩愛, 明愛, 杏愛 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 彩 (a) meaning "colour", 明 (a) meaning "bright, light", 杏 (a) meaning "apricot", 空 (a) meaning "sky", 絢 (a) meaning "brilliant fabric design, kimono design" or 阿 (a) meaning "flatter, fawn upon, corner, nook, recess", 歩 (a) meaning "walk" combined with 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection", 衣 (i) meaning "garment, clothes, dressing" or 藍 (ai) meaning "indigo"... [more]
Aami 杏々光, 空々実, 絢々珠, 阿々心, 嗟真 f Japanese
From Japanese , 杏 (a) meaning "apricot", 空 (a) meaning "sky", 絢 (a) meaning "brilliant fabric design, kimono design" or 阿 (a) meaning "flatter, fawn upon, corner, nook, recess" ", 嗟 (aa) meaning "Ah!; Oh!; Alas!", 憙 (aa) meaning "like, love, enjoy" combined with 々, a phonetic character indicting a duplication of the beginning kanji, combined with 光 (mi) meaning "light", 実 (mi) meaning "reality, truth, fruit", 珠 (mi) meaning "pearl", 心 (mi) meaning "heart, mind, soul", 真 (mi) meaning "true, reality", 望 (mi) meaning "hope"... [more]
Aasu 亜有素 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 有 (a) meaning "exist" combined with 素 (su) meaning "white (silk)". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aato ああと, 亜々人, 亜々斗, 亜都 m Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 々 used to duplicate 亜 combined with 人 (to) meaning "person", 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation or 都 (to) meaning "metropolis, capital, all, everything"... [more]
Aberu 愛鈴, アベル f & m Japanese (Modern, Rare)
Transliterated form of Abel (for boys), in use among the Japanese in recent years.... [more]
Acha 空侘 f Japanese
From Japanese 空 (a) meaning "sky" combined with 侘 (cha) meaning "disappointed, forlorn". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Adakichi 仇吉 f Literature, Japanese (Archaic)
From Japanese 仇 (ada) meaning "enemy, foe" and 吉 (kichi) meaning "good luck". This is the name of a geisha character in the 1832-1833 novel Shunshoku Umegoyomi by Japanese novelist Tamenaga Shunsui (1790-1844)... [more]
Adami 麻美 f Japanese
From Japanese 麻 (ada) meaning "flax" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Adohira f & m Japanese
Ado means "uproar,disturbance,ado" while bits is quite contradicting torwards this and means "peace". If a Japanese person has actually used this name,it would probably mean "Peace Within Chaos".
Adonana f Japanese
Ado means "Chaos/Uproar(Disturbance)",but it's most likely a combination of A meaning "Heavenly,Sky","Love,Affection","Second,Asia","An Exclamation" and Do meaning "Wall" or "The Way of", and Nana means "Seven"... [more]
Adzumi 愛月心, あづみ f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection", 月 (dzu) meaning "moon" combined with 心 (mi) meaning "heart, mind, soul". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Adzusa アヅサ f Japanese
Variant transcription of Azusa.
Aeka 亜依霞, 亜映佳, 亜映果, 亜栄果, 亜永加 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 依 (e) meaning "rely on" combined with 霞 (ka) meaning "mist". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aeko 亜依子, 亜衣子, 安衣子, アエ子, アヱ子 f Japanese (Rare)
This name can be used as 亜依子, 亜衣子 or 安衣子 with 亜 (a, tsu.gu) meaning "Asia, come after, rank next", 安 (an, yasu, yasu.i, yasu.maru, yasu.raka, a) meaning "cheap, contented, low, peaceful, quiet, relax, rested", 依 (i, e, yo.ru) meaning "consequently, depend on, due to, reliant, therefore" and 衣 (i, e, kinu, -gi, koromo) meaning "clothes, dressing, garment."... [more]
Aeri あえり, 亜映利, 亜映里, 亜永利, 亜絵里 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 映 (e) meaning "a reflection; to reflect" combined with 利 (ri) meaning "profit, benefit". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Afuru 感, 洸, アフル f & m Japanese (Rare)
From 溢る (afuru), modern afureru, meaning "to flood, overflow, brim over," written as 感, from kan meaning "feeling, emotion, sensation," and 洸, from 洸洸 (kōkō) meaning "surge (of water), valiant, brave."... [more]
Agasa 亜芽沙, 亜雅沙, 有芽沙 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 芽 (ga) meaning "bud, sprout, shoot" combined with 沙 (sa) meaning "sand". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Ageha 揚羽, 亜夏羽, 亜華羽, 愛華羽, アゲハ f Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name can be used as 揚羽, 亜夏羽, 亜華羽 or 愛華羽 with 揚 (you, a.garu, -a.ge, a.geru) meaning "fry in deep fat, hoist," 亜 (a, tsu.gu) meaning "Asia, come after, rank next," 愛 (ai, ito.shii, o.shimu, kana.shii, mana, me.deru, a) meaning "affection, favourite, love," 夏 (ka, ga, ge, natsu) meaning "summer," 華 (ka, ke, hana) meaning "flower, gay, gorgeous, luster, ostentatious, petal, shine, showy, splendour" and 羽 (u, ha, hane, wa) meaning "feathers."... [more]
Aguri 亜久里, 安久里, 阿久里, 亜久利, 安久利 f & m Japanese
As a unisex name, this name combines 亜 (a, tsu.gu) meaning "Asia, come after, rank next," 安 (an, yasu, yasu.i, yasu.maru, yasu.raka, a) meaning "cheap, low, peaceful, rested" or 阿 (a, o, omone.ru, kuma) meaning "corner, flatter, nook" with 久 (kyuu, ku, hisa.shii) meaning "long time" & 里 (ri, sato) meaning "parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village."... [more]
Ahamado アハマド, 阿波麻杼 m Japanese
Japanese form of Ahmad.
Ahana 亜華, 天花 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" or 天 (a) meaning "heavens, sky" combined with 華 (hana) or 花 (hana) both meaning "flower". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ahina 明日南 f Japanese
From Japanese 明日 (ahi) meaning "tomorrow" combined with 南 (na) meaning "south". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ahiru あひる f Japanese
Means "domestic duck" in Japanese.
Aia 愛亜 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aiai 愛々 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" and 々, a phonetic character indicting a duplication of the beginning kanji. Other kanji with the same pronunciations can also be used to form this name.
Aian 愛杏 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 杏 (an) meaning "apricot". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aibi 亜以美, 愛美, 藍弥 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 美 (bi) meaning "beautiful". Other combinations of kanji characters are possible.... [more]
Aichi 愛知 m Japanese
Like the surname and place name, it could be from 愛 (ai, a, mana) meaning "love, affection" and 知 (chi, tomo) meaning "wisdom, knowledge, intelligence".
Aichiyo f & m Japanese (Rare)
Combination of Ai 1 and Chiyo.... [more]
Aie アイエ, 愛恵 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 恵 (e) meaning "favour, benefit". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aiga 亜依雅, 愛芽, 愛雅, 愛楽, 藍雅 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 依 (i) meaning "to rely on" combined with 雅 (ga) meaning "elegance". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aiha f Japanese
Ai could mean "love/affection(ate)", "indigo" and "ha" could mean "feather" or a short form of hana "flower".... [more]
Aihei 愛平, 藍平, アイヘイ m Japanese (Rare)
From Ai 1 combined with 平 (hei) meaning "even, flat."... [more]
Aihi 愛妃 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 妃 (hi) meaning "a ruler's wife; queen; empress". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aihiko 愛彦 m Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 彦 (hiko) meaning "boy, prince". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aihime 愛姫, 藍姫 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" or 藍 (ai) meaning "indigo" combined with 姫 (hime) meaning "princess". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aihito 相仁 m Japanese
From Japanese 相 (ai) meaning "appearance, look" combined with 仁 (hito) meaning "benevolence". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Aii 愛似 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 似 (i) meaning "resemble". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aiichi 愛一, 亜伊智, 合一, 和一 m Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 一 (ichi) meaning "one". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aiichirō 愛一郎 m Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection", 一 (ichi) meaning "one" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Aiichirou 愛一郎 m Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection", 一 (ichi) meaning "one" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.
Aijin 愛人, 愛臣 m & f Japanese
From Japanese 愛人 (aijin) meaning "lover". Other kanji or kanji combinations can form this name as well.
Aijiro 愛次郎, 愛二郎, 藍二郎 m Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 藍 (ai) meaning "indigo" or 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection", and 二 (ji) meaning "two" or 次 (ji) meaning "next, second", and 郎 (ro) meaning "son"... [more]
Aijirou 愛次郎, 愛二郎, 藍二郎 m Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Aijiro.
Aika 愛華, 愛花, 愛香, 愛加, 愛歌 f Japanese
This name combines 愛 (ai, ito.shii, o.shimu, kana.shii, mana, me.deru) meaning "affection, love" or 藍 (ran, ai) meaning "indigo" with 華 or 花 (ka, ke, hana) which both mean "flower," 香 (kyou, kou, ka, kao.ri, kao.ru) meaning "incense, perfume, smell", 加 (ka, kuwa.eru, kuwa.waru) meaning "add, include, join", 歌 (ka, uta, uta.u) meaning "sing, song, poem" or 嘉 (ka, yoi, yomi.suru) meaning "applaud, esteem, praise."
Aikako 愛花子, 愛香子, 藍香子 f Japanese (Rare)
From 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" or 藍 (ai) meaning "indigo", combined with 花 (ka) meaning "flower, blossom" or 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", and 子 (ko) meaning "child, sign of the rat"... [more]
Aiki 藍貴 m Japanese
From Japanese 藍 (ai) meaning "indigo" and 貴 (ki) meaning "precious, valuable, honor, esteem". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aiku 藍空, 愛来, 愛空, 愛久 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" or 藍 (ai) meaning "indigo" combined with 空 (ku) meaning "sky", 久 (ku) meaning "long time" or 来 (ku) meaning "to come"... [more]
Aime 愛芽, 愛夢 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 芽 (me) meaning "bud, sprout, shoot" or 夢 (me) meaning "dream". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aimiko アイミコ f Japanese
In Japanese(ai) means "love", (mi) means "beauuty" and (ko) means "child"... [more]
Aimu 愛夢, 逢夢, 彩夢, 曖夢, 亜以夢 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection", 逢 (ai) meaning "meeting, tryst, date, rendezvous", 彩 (ai) meaning "colour", 曖 (ai) meaning "dark, not clear", 亜 or 亞 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 以 (i) meaning "by means of, because, in view of, compared with", 衣 (i) meaning "garment, clothes, dressing" or 好 (i) meaning "fond, pleasing, like some" combined with 夢 (mu) meaning "dream"... [more]
Ain 亜音, あいん f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" combined with 音 (in) meaning "sound". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aine 愛音 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) "love" and 音 (ne) "sound". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aino アイノ, 亜祈, 愛音, 愛希, 愛祈 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 阿 (a) meaning "mountain", 安 (a) meaning "peace, quiet", 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection", 会 (ai) meaning "meeting, meet, party, association, interview, join", 間 (ai) meaning "interval, space", 藍 (ai) meaning "indigo", 和 (ai) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan", 以 (i) meaning "by means of, because, in view of, compared with", 伊 (i) meaning "that one", 依 (i) meaning "reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to", 委 (i) meaning "committee, entrust to, leave to, devote, discard", 惟 (i) meaning "consider, reflect, think", 衣 (i) meaning "garment, clothes, dressing" or 意 (i) meaning "idea, mind, heart, taste, thought, desire, care, liking" combined with 祈 (ino, no) meaning "pray, wish", 音 (no) meaning "sound, noise", 希 (no) meaning "hope, beg, request, pray, rare, few, phenomenal", 乃 (no), a possessive particle or 野 (no) meaning "area, field"... [more]
Ainosuke 愛之輔, 愛之介, 愛之助, 会之介, 会之祐 m Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection", 之 (no), a possessive marker, combined with 輔 (suke) meaning "help". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aio 愛緒, 愛男, 愛夫, 愛雄, 愛郎 m & f Japanese
The kanji used for males is 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 夫 (o) meaning "man, husband", 男 (o) meaning "male" or 雄 (o) meaning "hero, manly" and for females the kanji is 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 緒 (o) meaning "thread"... [more]
Aiona 藍央菜, 藍央, 愛欧奈 f Japanese
From Japanese 藍 (ai) meaning "indigo", 央 (o) meaning "centre, middle" combined with 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aira あいら, 亜伊羅 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 伊 (i) meaning "Iraq, Iran" combined with 羅 (ra) meaning "lightweight fabric". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Airan 爱蘭, 蔼蘭, 愛蘭, 藍蘭 f & m Japanese
Combination of Ai 1 or Ai 2 and Ran.
Aire 愛恋, 愛麗, 愛玲, 亜衣礼 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 恋 (re) meaning "to love". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Airen 愛蓮, 愛恋, 藍蓮 f & m Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 蓮 (ren) meaning "lotus". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Airiko 愛利子 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai, ito, mana) meaning "love, affection" and 利 (ri, ki.ku) meaning "advantage, benefit, profit, gain", combined with 子 (ko, shi, su) meaning "child, the sign of the rat, 1st sign of the Chinese zodiac"... [more]
Airin 愛林, 愛隣, 愛凛, 藍琳, 愛依林 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 林 (rin) meaning "woods; grove; forest; copse". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Airo 茜色 f Japanese
From Japanese 茜色 (airo) meaning "madder red". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Airou 愛郎, 愛朗, 哀浪 m Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Airu あいる, 愛流, 愛瑠, 阿惟瑠, 哀琉 m & f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection", 阿 (a) meaning "flatter, fawn upon, corner, nook, recess", 哀 (ai) meaning "pathetic, grief, sorrow, pathos, pity, sympathize", 碧 (ai) meaning "blue, green" or 藍 (ai) meaning "indigo", 惟 (i) meaning "consider, reflect, think" combined with 流 (ru) meaning "current, a sink, flow, forfeit", 瑠 (ru) meaning "lapis lazuli", 琉 (ru) meaning "precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli", 屡 (ru) meaning "often, frequently", 入 (ru) meaning "enter, insert", 蕗 (ru) meaning "butterbur, bog rhubarb", 璃 (ru) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli" or 留 (ru) meaning "detain, fasten, halt, stop"... [more]
Aisa 愛沙 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 沙 (sa) meaning "sand". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aisha 愛星, 藍沙, 愛釈, 愛謝, 愛詩弥 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 星 (sha) meaning "star". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Aishi 愛志, 愛思, 愛詩 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 志 (shi) meaning "purpose, will, determination, aspiration, ambition", 思 (shi) meaning "think" or 詩 (shi) meaning "poetry, poem"... [more]
Aisuke 愛輔, 愛介, 愛祐, 相助 m Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 輔 (suke) meaning "help". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aito m & f Japanese
Means "affection" in Japanese.
Aiwa 愛環 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 環 (wa) meaning "circle, ring, wheel". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aiyako 愛椰子 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai, ito, mana) meaning "love, affection" and 椰 (ya) meaning "coconut palm tree", combined with 子 (ko, shi, su) meaning "child, the sign of the rat, 1st sign of the Chinese zodiac"... [more]
Aiyo 愛代 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 代 (yo) "world, society". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aiyoko 愛代子 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai, ito, mana) meaning "love, affection" and 代 (yo) meaning "world, society" combined with 子 (ko, shi, su) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aiza 愛座 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ai) meaning "love, affection" combined with 座 (za) meaning "seat". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aizen 愛 善 m & f Japanese
The name Aizen is derived from two Japanese kanji characters: “ai” (愛) meaning “love” or “affection,” and “zen” (善) meaning “good” or “virtuous.” Together, Aizen can be translated as “lover of good” or “one who does good deeds out of love and compassion.”... [more]
Ajia 亜細亜 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜細亜 (ajia) meaning "Asia".
Ajisai 紫陽花, アジサイ f Japanese
From Japanese 紫陽花 (ajisai) meaning "hydrangea" which comes from combining 紫 (murasaki) meaning "purple, violet", 陽 (yō) meaning "light, sun, male", and 花 (hana, ka) meaning "flower". Other kanji or combinations of kanji can also form this name.
Aka 赤, あか f Japanese
Directly taken from Japanese 赤 (aka) meaning "red". Red is the color of youth and celebration in Japan. This name was popular in the Edo Era, nowadays it's more popular as a name element as, for example, in Akari.
Akaha 愛華羽, あかは, 阿華葉, 安華葉, 紅羽 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection", 華 (ka) meaning "flower" combined with 羽 (ha) meaning "feathers". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Akahana f Japanese
Meaning: Red Rose/Beautiful Flower
Akahiko 赤彦, 朱彦, アカヒコ m Japanese (Rare)
From 赤/朱 (aka) meaning "red" combined with 彦 (hiko) meaning "boy, prince."... [more]
Akahito m Japanese
The name of a famous Japanese poet of the Yamato
Akai 愛海, 朱衣, あかい m & f Japanese
From the Japanese kanji 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection" and 海 (kai) meaning "sea; ocean". It can also derive from 朱 (aka) meaning "crimson red" and 衣 (i) meaning "clothing".... [more]
Akaki 朱希 f Japanese
From Japanese 朱 (aka) meaning "crimson, red" combined with 希 (ki) meaning "Greece". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.... [more]
Akako 紅子 f Japanese
From Japanese 紅 "red" (aka) and 子 (ko) "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Akami 愛奏心 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection", 奏 (ka) meaning "to play (music)" combined with 心 (mi) meaning "heart, mind, soul". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Akana あかな, 茜菜, 茜奈, 紅菜, 紅奈 f Japanese
From Japanese 茜 (aka) meaning "deep red, dye from the rubia plant", 紅 (aka) meaning "crimson" or 朱 (aka) meaning "cinnabar, vermilion" combined with 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens" or 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree"... [more]
Akaneko 茜子, アカネコ f Japanese (Rare)
From Akane combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child."... [more]
Akaneo アカネオ m & f Japanese
From Japanese 茜 (akane) meaning "deep red, dye from the rubia plant" combined with 男 (o) meaning "male", 夫 (o) meaning "husband, man" or 雄 (o) meaning "masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence"... [more]
Akano 緋乃, 丹野 f Japanese
From Japanese 緋 (aka) meaning "scarlet, red" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle. Other kanji combinations are possible.
Akariko f Japanese
Akari can mean "red" and ko means "child, sign of the rat, first sign of the Chinese zodiac".
Akaru あかる, 安加流, 晶琉, 明, 明日瑠 f Japanese
From Japanese 安 (a) meaning "peace", 加 (ka) meaning "add, addition, increase" combined with 流 (ru) meaning "to flow". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Akashi あかし, 朱, 赫, 照石, 証 m Japanese
From Japanese 朱 (akashi) meaning "vermilion, crimson". Other kanji or combinations of kanji can form this name as well.
Akashika 赤鹿, アカシカ m Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 赤鹿 (akashika) meaning "red deer".
Akatsuki 暁, 暁月, 緋月, アカツキ m & f Japanese (Rare), Popular Culture
From 暁 (akatsuki) meaning "dawn, daybreak," shifted from earlier akatoki, made up of 明 (aka) meaning "bright" and 時 (toki) meaning "time."... [more]
Akayo 緋世 f Japanese
From Japanese 緋 (aka) meaning "red, scarlet" combined with 世 (yo) meaning "world". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ake 明, 明希 f Japanese
From Japanese 明 (ake) meaning "bright". Other kanji or kanji combinations can form this name as well.
Akebono​ 曙, アケボノ m & f Japanese (Rare)
From 曙 (akebono) meaning "dawn, daybreak," derived from a combination of 明け (ake) meaning "daybreak" and 仄 (hono) meaning "faint."... [more]
Akehisa m Japanese
Ake means "bright" and hisa means "longevity, long time (ago)".
Akeko 晏気子, 朱子, 曙子, 明子 f Japanese
From Japanese 晏 (a) meaning "late in the day", 気 (ke) meaning "spirit; mood" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Akeno 明乃 m & f Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 明 (ake) meaning "bright" and 乃 (no), a possessive particle. Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Akeru 明, 開, 空, 朱, 暁 m & f Japanese (Rare)
From verbs 明ける (akeru) meaning "to dawn, grow light," 開ける (akeru) meaning "to open, unwrap, unlock" or 空ける (akeru) meaning "to empty, remove, make room; to move/clear out," also written as 朱, from ake meaning "scarlet, red," or 暁, from Akatsuki.... [more]
Akeyoshi 明義, 開義, 空義, 朱吉, 暁吉 m Japanese
From Japanese 明 (ake) meaning "bright, light, clear, daybreak" and 義 (yoshi) meaning "righteous" or 吉 (yoshi) meaning "lucky, fortunate, auspicious, good". Other kanji combinations are possible... [more]
Akia 明空 f Japanese
From Japanese 明 (aki) meaning "clear, tomorrow, bright" combined with 空 (a) meaning "sky". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Akichika 晶睦, 明睦, 昭睦, 秋睦 m Japanese
From Japanese 晶 (aki) meaning "clear, crystal", 明 (aki) or 昭 (aki) both meaning "bright, light, clear" or 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn" combined with 睦 (chika, mutsumi) meaning "friendly, amiable, peaceful, intimate, harmonious"... [more]
Akico 晶子, 明子, 秋子 f Japanese
Variant of Akiko.
Akifumi 晃文, 顕文, 晃史, 暁史, 旺史 m Japanese
From Japanese 晃 (aki) meaning "clear" combined with 文 (fumi) meaning "sentence". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Akifusa m Japanese (Rare)
Aki means "bright","autumn","crystal ball","clear","rising sun",and possibly more. Fusa means "house,building,room". Manabe Akifusa was a daimyo in the Meiji period.
Akiha あきは, 亜希葉, 穐場, 愛祈羽, 旭葉 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 希 (ki) meaning "hope, rare" combined with 葉 (ha) meaning "leaf". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Akiharu 旭明 m Japanese
From Japanese 旭 (aki) meaning "rising sun" combined with 明 (haru) meaning "bright". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Akihide 英秀, 暁英, 暁秀, 顕栄, 顕秀 m Japanese
From Japanese 英 (aki) meaning "hero, outstanding", 暁 (aki) meaning "daybreak, dawn, in the event", 顕 (aki) meaning "appear, existing", 現 (aki) meaning "present, existing, actual", 昂 (aki) meaning "rise", 晃 (aki) meaning "clear", 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn", 彰 (aki) meaning "patent, clear", 昌 (aki) meaning "prosperous, bright, clear", 昭 (aki) meaning "shining, bright", 晶 (aki) meaning "sparkle, clear, crystal", 章 (aki) meaning "badge, chapter, composition, poem, design", 聡 (aki) meaning "wise, fast learner", 明 (aki) meaning "bright, light", 耀 (aki) meaning "shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle", 陽 (aki) meaning "light, sun, male", 晟 (aki) meaning "clear", 曉 (aki) meaning "dawn, daybreak, clear", 皓 (aki) meaning "white, clear" or 堯 (aki) meaning "high, far" combined with 秀 (hide) meaning "excel, excellence, beauty, surpass", 英 (hide) meaning "hero, outstanding", 栄 (hide) meaning "flourish, prosperity, honor, glory, splendor" or 偉 (hide) meaning "admirable, greatness, remarkable, conceited, famous, excellent"... [more]
Akihime 秋姫, 章姫 f Japanese
From Japanese 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn" or 章 (aki) meaning "chapter; section" combined with 姫 (hime) meaning "princess". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Akihiro 明宏 m Japanese
From Japanese 昭 (aki) meaning "bright, luminous" combined with 大 (hiro) meaning "big, great" or 博 (hiro) meaning "command, esteem". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Akihisa 明久 m Japanese
From Japanese 明 (aki) meaning "bright" and 久 (hisa) meaning "long time". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Akiho 旭保 f Japanese
From Japanese 旭 (aki) meaning "rising sun" combined with 保 (ho) meaning "to protect; to safeguard; to defend". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Akii あきい, 秋 f Japanese (Rare, Archaic)
Variant transcription of Aki 2 used during the Edo Period.
Akiji 晶慈, アキジ f & m Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 晶 (aki) meaning "clear, crystal" and 慈 (ji) meaning "affection, charity". Other kanji can be used. It can be spelled as Myeong-eun in Korean.
Akika f Japanese (Rare)
Aki: "rising sun","obvious,clear","brightness,luster","crystal (ball)","autumn","bright,luminous",and others are possible meanings. Ka:"flower,petal","fragrance",and others. Akika Kurata is a pastel artist.
Akikazu m Japanese
Aki can mean "bright" or "autumn", and kazu can mean "one" or "peace, harmony".
Akima f Japanese (Rare)
Appears in the 2000 animated feature Titan A.E. as the name of Cale's love interest.
Akimasa 彰正 m Japanese
From Japanese 彰 (aki) meaning "obvious, clear" combined with 正 (masa) meaning "first (month of the lunar year)". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Akimi m & f Japanese
Means "beautiful autumn" in Japanese.
Akimichi 明道, 昭道 m Japanese
From Japanese 明 (aki) or 昭 (aki) both meaning "bright" combined with 道 (michi) meaning "path, road, way". Other kanji combinations can be used.
Akina 明菜, 明奈, 明名, 明南, 秋菜 f Japanese
From Japanese 明 "bright", combined with 菜 "vegetables, greens," 奈 "Nara", 名 "name", or 南 "south," or 秋 "autumn" combined with 菜 "vegetables, greens," or 名 "name," or 亜 "second, Asia," and 稀 "rare" and 菜 "vegetables, greens."
Akinao 晶直, 明直 m Japanese
From Japanese 晶 (aki) meaning "clear, crystal", 明 (aki) meaning "bright, light, clear" or 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn" combined with 直 (nao) meaning "straight, direct"... [more]
Akinari 秋成, 旺成, あきなり m Japanese
From the Japanese Kanji 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn" or 旺 (aki) meaning "prosperous; energic" combined with 成 (nari) meaning "to become". ... [more]
Akine 旭音 f Japanese
From Japanese 旭 (aki) meaning "rising sun" combined with 音 (ne) meaning "sound". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Akino 旭乃, 昭乃, あき野 f Japanese
From Japanese 旭 (aki) meaning "rising sun" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle. Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Akinobu 昭信, 彰布, 昭修 m Japanese
Japanese masculine name derived from meaning "bright, luminous" and meaning "trust, believe" or meaning study; or meaning "clear, obvious" and meaning "linen".
Akinobu 顕信 m Japanese
Name that was given during the Hēan Period, to a Court Noble and Poet, "藤原 顕信" FUJIWARANOAKINOBU. The Kanji Character "顕" meaning "" with the Kanji Character "信" meaning "Believe".
Akinori 輝則, 旺紀, 愛仁, 暁紀, 顕 m Japanese
From Japanese 輝 (aki) meaning "brightness, luster, brilliance" combined with 則 (nori) meaning "law". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Akinosuke 秋乃輔, 秋之助, 昭之助, 明之助 m Japanese
From Japanese 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn", 昭 (aki) meaning "shining" or 明 (aki) meaning "clear, bright" combined with 輔 (suke) meaning "help" or 助 (suke) meaning "assistance"... [more]
Akirako 明子, 晃子, あきらこ f Japanese (Rare)
From Akira combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child."... [more]
Akiran 晶蘭, 明蘭, 秋蘭, 昭蘭 f & m Japanese (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Aki 2 and Ran.
Akiren 晶蓮, 明蓮, 秋蓮, 昭蓮, 晶恋 m & f Japanese (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Aki 2 and Ren.
Akiro m Japanese
Variant transcription of Akirou.
Akirou 秋郎, 晶朗, 旺郎, 映郎, 章郎 m Japanese
From Japanese 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Akiru 昭, 明, 亮 m & f Japanese
From 昭 (akiru) meaning "bright", 明 (akiru) meaning "bright, clear, daybreak, light", or 亮 (akiru) meaning "clear". Other kanji or kanji combinations are possible.
Akisada 顕定, 晶貞, 晶定 m Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 晶 (aki) meaning "clear, crystal", 明 (aki) meaning "bright, light, clear, daybreak" or 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn" combined with 貞 (sada) meaning "faithfulness, uprightness" or 定 (sada) meaning "determine, establish, decide"... [more]
Akise 瑛世 f Japanese
From Japanese 瑛 (aki) meaning "crystal" combined with 世 (se) meaning "generations". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Akishige 彰繁, 彰成, 明繁, 昭成 m Japanese
From with 彰 (aki) meaning "clear, obvious" or 明 (aki) or 昭 (aki) both meaning "bright" combined with 繁 (shige) meaning "flourishing, luxuriant" or 成 (shige, naru) meaning "become"... [more]
Akishizu 秋靜, あきしず m Japanese
Derived from the Japanese kanji 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn" and 靜 or 静 (shizu) meaning "calm, quiet, silent".... [more]
Akisuke 顕輔, 顕亮 m Japanese
From Japanese 顕 (aki) meaning "evident, clear" combined with 輔 (suke) meaning "help" or 亮 (suke) meaning "clear". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Akitada m Japanese
Aki means "bright" and tada means "loyalty".
Akitaka m Japanese
Aki can mean "autumn" or "bright" and taka can mean "hawk" or "high, tall, expensive".
Akitomo m Japanese
Aki could mean "crystal, clear", "bright", "obvious, apparent" or "rising sun" and tomo could mean "wisdom, knowledge", or "companion, friend, partner, both, company".
Akitoshi 晃智, 秋登志, 勝利, 秋敏, 彰寿 m Japanese
From Japanese 晃 (aki) meaning "clear" combined with 智 (toshi) meaning "wisdom; knowledge; intelligence". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Akitsugu 晶次, 晶嗣 m Japanese
From 晶 (aki) meaning "clear, crystal", 明 (aki) meaning "bright, light, clear" or 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn" combined with 禎 (tsugu) meaning "divine grace, auspicious, straightforward", meaning 亜 (a, tsugu) meaning “second, Asia, sub-”, or 次 (ji, tsugu) meaning "next", 嗣 (tsuguru, tsugu) meaning "descendants, heirs"... [more]
Akiya f & m Japanese
Aki means multiple things with different kanji : ... [more]
Akiyasu m Japanese
Aki means "Autumn", "Morning Sun", "Clear, Crystal", "Sparkle", etc. Yasu means "Peaceful, Thailand", "Cheap,Inexpensive", "Level, Smooth, Flat", and "Peace, Quiet" are examples of meanings too... [more]
Akiye f Japanese
Means "bright harbor" in Japanese.
Akiyo f Japanese
From Japanese 明 (aki) meaning "bright, clear" combined with 代 (yo) "world, generation". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Akiyoshi 昭良, 章良, 明義, 明好, アキヨシ m Japanese
From the Japanese kanji 昭 (aki) meaning "shining" or 章 (aki) meaning "chapter; section" combined with 良 (yoshi) meaning "good". It can also derive from 明 (aki) meaning "clear; bright; tomorrow" and 義 (yoshi) meaning "justice" or 好 (yoshi) meaning "fondness; what one likes"... [more]
Akiyuki 昭如, 章之, 昭之 晃志, あきゆき m Japanese
Derived from the Japanese kanji 昭 (aki) meaning "bright" or 章 (aki) meaning "chapter; section" or 晃 (aki) meaning "clear" combined with 如 (yuki) meaning "likeness; such as; to seem" or 之 (yuki) meaning "of; this" or 志 (yuki) meaning "purpose; will; ambition".... [more]
Akko 悪狐, アッコ f Japanese
Short form of Atsuko. Akko is a character in the popular Anime series "Little Witch Academia". It coincides with Japanese 悪狐 (akko) meaning "bad fox".
Ako あこ, 亜古, 亜子, 亜心, 亜都 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" combined with 古 (ko) meaning "old, ancient", 子 (ko) meaning "child", 心 (ko) meaning "heart, mind, soul", 都 (ko) meaning "capital (city)", 虹 (ko) meaning "rainbow", 恋 (ko) meaning "love" or 湖 (ko) meaning "lake"... [more]
Akoto 亜琴, 安琴 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" or 安 (a) meaning "calm, peaceful" combined with 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp. Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Akua 水, 藍紅愛 f Japanese
Japanese name meaning "water", influenced by the Japanese pronunciation of the Latin word aqua or from Japanese 藍 (a) meaning "indigo", 紅 (ku) meaning "crimson" combined with 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection"... [more]
Akue 亜久江 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 久 (ku) meaning "long time" combined with 江 (e) meaning "creek, bay". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Akumi f Japanese
"The Dark"... [more]
Akuru あくる, 亜玖瑠, 亜来, 渥流, 開流 f & m Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 渥 (aku) meaning "kindness, moisten", 開 (aku) meaning "open, unfold, unseal", 空 (aku) meaning "sky", 曙 (akuru) meaning "dawn, daybreak", 蒼 (a) meaning "blue" or 明 (akuru, a) meaning "bright, light", 玖 (ku) meaning "beautiful black jewel, nine", 空 (ku) meaning "sky" or 来 (ku) meaning "come, due, next, cause, become" combined with 瑠 (ru) meaning "lapis lazuli", 来 (ru) meaning "come, due, next, cause, become", 流 (ru) meaning "current, a sink, flow, forfeit" or 琉 (ru) meaning "precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli"... [more]
Ama 天, 海人, 安麻, 安間, 亜麻 f & m Japanese
From Japanese 天 (ama) meaning "heaven, sky" or other kanji which are pronounced the same way.
Amaha 雨菜, 天羽, 天葉 f Japanese
From Japanese 天 (ama) meaning "heaven, sky" or 雨 (ama) meaning "rain" combined with 羽 (ha) meaning "feather" or 菜 (ha) meaning "vegetables, greens". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Amahi 天日 f Japanese
From Japanese 天 (ama) meaning "heaven, sky" combined with 日 (hi) meaning "sun, day". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.
Amahito 亜人 m Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (ama) meaning "second, Asia" combined with 人 (hito) meaning "person". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Amai 亜舞 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" combined with 舞 (mai) meaning "dance". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Amaka 天馨, 天翔 f Japanese
From Japanese 天 (ama) meaning "heavens, sky" combined with 馨 (ka) meaning "fragrance". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Amako 天子 f Japanese
From Japanese 天 (ama) meaning "heavens, sky" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Amame 愛珠海, アマメ f Japanese
From Japanese a (愛) meaning "love", ma (珠) meaning "pearl", and me (海) meaning "sea". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Amami f Japanese
Means "beautiful sky" in Japanese.
Amami 天美, 天海, 天実, 雨海, 雨美 f Japanese
amami can mean: "heavenly beauty","heavenly truth", "heavenly ocean"," beautiful rain"," truthful rain" or " rain ocean". the first kanji can either be 雨(ama, ame) meaning " rain" or 天(ama) meaning "heaven(ly)".... [more]
Amana 雨菜, 雨那, 雨奈, あまな, 安麻奈 f Japanese
From Japanese 雨 (ama) meaning "rain" combined with 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Amane あまね, 亜真音, 亜麻音, 亜弥, 愛音 m & f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a, ama) meaning "second, Asia", 愛 (a, ama) meaning "love, affection", 雨 (ama) meaning "rain", 海 (amane, ama) meaning "sea, ocean", 吾 (a) meaning "I, my, our, one's own", 周 (amane, ama) meaning "circumference, circuit, lap", 星 (ama) meaning "star", 天 (amane, ama) meaning "heavens, sky, imperial", 普 (amane) meaning "universal, wide(ly), generally", 遍 (amane) meaning "everywhere, times, widely, generally", 弥 (amane) meaning "all the more, increasingly" or 和 (amane) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan", 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality", 麻 (ma) meaning "hemp, flax, numb", 万 (ma) meaning "ten thousand", 満 (ma) meaning "full, fullness, enough, satisfy", 茉 (ma) meaning "jasmine" or 舞 (ma) meaning "dance" combined with 音 (ne) meaning "sound", 弥 (ne) meaning "all the more, increasingly", 峰 (ne) meaning "summit, peak", 寧 (ne) meaning "rather, preferably, peaceful, quiet, tranquility", 嶺 (ne) meaning "peak, summit", 韻 (ne) meaning "rhyme, elegance, tone", 希 (ne) meaning "hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal", 羽 (ne) meaning "feathers", 使 (ne) meaning "use, send on a mission, order, messenger, envoy, ambassador, cause" or 望 (ne) meaning "ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect"... [more]
Amano 雨乃 f Japanese
From Japanese 雨 (ama) meaning "rain" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle. Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Amara 天笑, 天良 f Japanese
From Japanese 天 (ama) meaning "sky, heaven" combined with 笑 (ra) meaning "to laugh, to smile" or 良 (ra) meaning "good, virtuous, respectable". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Amari あまり, 亜鞠, 亜真利, 亜真梨, 亜摩利 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality" and 利 (ri) meaning "profit, benefit". ... [more]
Amaru 天琉, 天瑠, 天流, 天留, 彩真琉 f & m Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 天 (ama) meaning "heavens; sky" combined with 琉 (ru), 瑠 (ru), both meaning "precious stone; gem, lapis lazuli", 流 (ru) meaning "flow", or 留 (ru) meaning "to detain; to fasten; to stop"... [more]
Amato 天斗, 亜人 f & m Japanese
From Japanese 天 (ama) meaning "heaven, sky" combined with 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation. Other kanji combinations are possible.
Amayo 天世, 天代 f Japanese
From Japanese 天 (ama) meaning "heavens, sky" combined with 世 (yo) meaning "world, society" or 代 (yo) meaning "generation". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ame 雨, 飴, アメ f & m Japanese
From Japanese "rain" or "candy".
Ameko 雨子 f Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 雨 (ame) "rain" and 子 (ko) "child".... [more]
Amena 飴奈, 雨夏 f Japanese
From Japanese 飴 (ame) meaning "candy" combined with 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ameri あめり, 亜芽理, 亜芽里, 愛芽梨, 雨李 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 芽 (me) meaning "bud, sprout, shoot" combined with 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ameria 阿芽莉阿 f Japanese
From Japanese 阿 (a) meaning "big mound", 芽 (me) meaning "bud, sprout, shoot", 莉 (ri) meaning "white jasmine, Asian pear" combined with 阿 (a), again meaning "big mound"... [more]
Ameya f Japanese
Means "midnight rain" in Japanese.
Amika あみ花, 亜美花, 亜美香, 亜望香, 亜未可 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful" combined with 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Amiko f Japanese
A means "second, Asia", mi means "beauty", and ko means "child, sign of the rat".
Amina 亜美娜 f Japanese (Modern)
Combination of Ami 3 and Na.
Amira 愛鏡, 愛美良 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection" combined with 鏡 (mira) meaning "mirror". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Amiri あみり f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful" combined with 莉 (ri) meaning "white jasmine" or 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Amiria 亜美莉杏 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful", 莉 (ri) meaning "white jasmine" combined with 杏 (a) meaning "apricot". Other kanji combinations are possible... [more]
Amisa 青海砂, 阿美沙, 亜魅沙, 亜美沙, 亜実沙 f Japanese
From Japanese 青 (a) meaning "blue", 海 (mi) meaning "sea, ocean" combined with 砂 (sa) meaning "sand". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Amon 亜門, 阿門, アモン m Japanese
This name combines 亜 (a, tsu.gu) meaning "Asia, come after, rank next" or 阿 (a, o, omone.ru, kuma) meaning "corner, flatter, nook" with 門 (mon, kado, to) meaning "gate."... [more]
Amoru あもる, 亜望留 m Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 望 (mo) meaning "hope, wish" combined with 留 (ru) meaning "to stay". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Amu f Japanese
Means "weaving". The name is borne by the main protagainist of the Japanese manga/anime Shugo Chara.
An アン, 愛杏, 愛夢, 安海, 杏 m & f Japanese
From Japanese あん (an) meaning "bean paste" or other kanji which are pronounced the same way. For females, the usage of this name is, most likely, influenced by the name Ann or Anne 1.
Ana 亜奈, 安奈 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" or 安 (a) meaning "peace, quiet" combined with 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ane 亜音, 亜寧, 亜嶺, 天羽 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" combined with 音 (ne) meaning "sound". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aneko 姉子 f Japanese
Aneko means 姉 (Sister) 子 (Child). 姉 is often used as a term for an older sister so roughly this would most likely mean "Older child/sister" and so on. It might also mean "Wise child".
Anika あに香, 亜新歌, 亜仁香, 愛仁香, 彩佳 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 新 (ni) meaning "new" combined with 歌 (ka) meaning "song". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Anji あんじ, 杏紫, 杏花, 安慈, 杏蒔 f & m Japanese
From Japanese 杏 (an) meaning "apricot" combined with 紫 (ji) meaning "purple; violet". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Anju f Japanese
"Apricot", "Shine"
Anka 安香, 杏香, 晏香 f Japanese
From Japanese 安 (an) meaning "peace, quiet", 杏 (an) meaning "apricot" or 晏 (an) meaning "peaceful, quiet" combined with 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance". Additionally, other kanji combinations can form this name.
Anmitsu f Japanese
Anmitsu is the name of the title character of the Japanese series Anmitsu Hime (Princess Anmitsu)
Anna 杏奈, 安奈, アンナ f Japanese
From Japanese 杏 (an) meaning "apricot" or 安 (an) meaning "quiet, peaceful" combined with Japanese 奈 (na) a phonetic character. Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Annamomoka 杏奈桃花 f Japanese
From Japanese 杏 (an) meaning "apricot", 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree", 桃 (momo) meaning "peach" combined with 花 (ka) meaning "flower". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Anne 安音, 闇音, 晏音 f Japanese
From Japanese 安 (an) menacing "calm, peaceful" combined with 音 (ne) meaning "sound". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Annei 安寧, あんねい m Japanese
From Japanese kanji combination 安寧 (annei) meaning "peacefullness; tranquillity".... [more]
Ano 亜乃, 愛乃, 綾乃 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection" or 綾 (aya) meaning "design" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle. Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Anoa 亜乃亜 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 乃 (no), a possessive particle combined with 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Anon あのん, 亜音, 阿音, 愛音, 杏音 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" combined with 音 (non) meaning "sound". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Anori 愛乃里 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection", 乃 (no), a possessive particle combined with 里 (ri) meaning "village". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Anri 杏里, 杏理, 安吏, 安莉, 杏莉 f & m Japanese (Modern)
As a unisex name, this name can be used as 杏里, 杏理, 安吏, 安莉 with 杏 (an, kyou, kou, anzu) meaning "apricot," 安 (an, yasu, yasu.i, yasu.maru, yasu.raka) meaning "cheap, low, peaceful, rested," 里 (ri, sato) meaning "parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village," 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "justice, logic, reason, truth," 吏 (ri) meaning "an official, officer" and 莉 (rai, ri, rei), part of 茉莉 (matsuri) meaning "jasmine."... [more]
Anriko 安里子 f Japanese
From Japanese 安 (an) meaning "peace", 里 (ri) meaning "village" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ansa 杏沙, 杏紗 f Japanese
From Japanese 杏 (an) meaning "apricot" combined with 沙 (sa) meaning "sand" or 紗 (sa) meaning "gauze, thin silk". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Anza アンザ f Japanese
Meaning: ?
Anze 杏世 f Japanese
From Japanese 杏 (an) meaning "apricot" combined with 世 (ze) meaning "generations". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Anzu 杏, 杏子, 杏珠, アンズ f Japanese
From 杏 or 杏子 (anzu), referring to a type of apricot known as Prunus armeniaca (also called the ansu, Siberian or Tibetan apricot).... [more]
Anzuko 杏子 f Japanese
From Japanese 杏 (anzu) meaning "apricot" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ao 青, 亜央, 亜夫 f & m Japanese
From Japanese 青 (ao) meaning "blue" or from Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" combined with 央 (o) meaning "centre, middle" or 夫 (o) meaning "man, husband". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ao m & f Japanese
Means "Blue" in Japanese
Aoba 青葉, 蒼葉, 蒼波, 蒼羽, 青波 m & f Japanese (Modern)
Derived from the Japanese kanji 青葉 (aoba) referred to "fresh, green/blue leaves". For a long time, the distinction between "blue" and "green" in Japanese was not made. This name can be also written 蒼 / 碧 (ao) meaning "green, blue" as well or 葵 (ao) meaning "hollyhock, mallow" combined with 葉 (ba) meaning "leaf, blade, needle" or 波 (ba) meaning "wave, billow, ripple" or 羽 (ba) meaning "feather, wing"... [more]
Aobako 翠巴子 f Japanese
From Japanese 翠 (ao) meaning "green", 巴 (ba) meaning "tomoe" combined with 子 (ko) "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aoe 青恵, 青江, 青絵, 青枝, 蒼絵 f Japanese
From Japanese 青 (ao) meaning "blue", 蒼 (ao) meaning "blue, green" or 碧 (ao) meaning "jade" combined with 恵 (e) meaning "favour, benefit", 江 (e) meaning "creek, bay", 絵 (e) meaning "picture, painting, drawing, sketch" or 枝 (e) meaning "branch"... [more]
Aogi 仰, アオギ m Japanese (Rare)
From 仰ぎ (aogi) meaning "respect, reverance" (compare Aogu).... [more]
Aogu 仰, アオグ m Japanese (Rare)
From verb 仰ぐ (aogu) meaning "to look up to, respect, revere; to seek; to depend/rely on" (compare Aogi).... [more]
Aoha 葵葉, 葵波, 葵羽, 蒼羽 f Japanese
From Japanese 葵 (ao) meaning "hollyhock" combined with 葉 (ha) meaning "leaf". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aohei 青兵 m Japanese
Aohei comes from Japanese 青兵 which consists of 青 (ao) meaning “blue, green” and兵 (hei) meaning “soldier, warrior.”
Aohime 青姫 f Japanese
From Japanese 青 (ao) meaning "blue" combined with 姫 (hime) meaning "princess". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Aohito 青人 m Japanese
From Japanese 青 (ao) meaning "blue" combined with 人 (hito) meaning "person". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aoichi 青一 m Japanese
From Japanese 青 (ao) meaning "blue" combined with 一 (ichi) meaning "one". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Aoika 碧伽, 碧夏, 碧架, 碧花, 碧華 f Japanese
From Japanese 碧 (aoi) meaning "blue, green", 葵 (aoi) meaning "hollyhock" or 蒼 (aoi) meaning "blue" combined with 伽 (ka) meaning "nursing, attending, entertainer", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 架 (ka) meaning "erect, frame, mount, support, shelf, construct", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) both meaning "flower", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 加 (ka) meaning "add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada", 可 (ka) meaning "can, passable, mustn't, should not, do not", 佳 (ka) meaning "excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled" or 果 (ka) meaning "fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed"... [more]
Aoiko 葵子, アオイコ f Japanese (Rare)
From Aoi combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child."... [more]
Aoka 葵花, 葵華, 葵香, 蒼花, 碧花 f Japanese
From Japanese 葵 (ao) meaning "hollyhock" combined with 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) which both mean "flower" or 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aoko 青子 f Japanese
From Japanese 青 (ao) "blue" combined with 子 (ko) "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aoku 碧玖, 藍久, 青空 m Japanese
From Japanese 碧 (ao) meaning "blue, green", 藍 (ao) meaning "indigo" or 青 (ao) meaning "blue" combined with 玖 (ku) meaning "beautiful black jewel, nine", 久 (ku) meaning "long time" or 空 (ku) meaning "sky"... [more]
Aome 青芽, 青女 f Japanese
From Japanese 青 (ao) meaning "blue" combined with 芽 (me) meaning "bud, sprout, shoot" or 女 (me) meaning "female, woman, wife". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aomi あおみ, 葵海, 葵巳, 翠美, 青海 f & m Japanese
From Japanese 葵 (ao) meaning "hollyhock, althea", 翠 (ao) meaning "green, kingfisher", 青, 蒼 (ao) meaning "blue", 碧 (ao) meaning "blue, green", 明 (ao, a) meaning "bright", 藍 (ao) meaning "indigo", 粟 (a) meaning "millet", 緒 (o) meaning "cord, strap", 百 (o) meaning "hundred" or 生 (o) meaning "live" combined with 海 (mi) meaning "sea, ocean", 巳 (mi), referring to the Snake, the sixth of the twelve Earthly Branches, 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful", 水 (mi) meaning "water", 実 (mi) meaning "fruit, good result, truth", 深 (mi) meaning "deep, heighten, intensify, strengthen", 望 (mi) meaning "ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect", 未 (mi) referring to the Sheep, the eighth of the twelve Earthly Branches, 魅 (mi) meaning "fascination, charm", 弥 (mi) meaning "all the more, increasingly", 洋 (mi) meaning "ocean" or 歩 (mi) meaning "walk"... [more]
Aon 亜音, 空音, 蒼音, 碧音 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 空 (a) meaning "sky", 蒼 (a) meaning "blue, green" or 碧 (a) meaning "jade, green, blue" combined with 音 (on) meaning "sound"... [more]
Aona 青菜, 彩桜那, 青奈, 蒼菜, 碧奈 f Japanese
From Japanese 青 (ao) meaning "blue" combined with 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aone 青音, 葵音, 蒼音, 碧音, 藍音 f Japanese
From Japanese 青 (ao) meaning "blue", 葵 (ao) meaning "hollyhock", 蒼 (ao) meaning "blue, green", 碧 (ao) meaning "green, blue" or 藍 (ao) meaning "indigo" combined with 音 (ne) meaning "sound"... [more]
Aono 葵乃, 青乃, 蒼乃, 碧乃, 藍乃 f Japanese
From Japanese 葵 (ao) meaning "hollyhock, althea", 青 (ao) "blue", 蒼 (ao) meaning "blue, green", 碧 (ao) meaning "jade, green, blue" or 藍 (ao) meaning "indigo" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle or 野 (no) meaning "area, field"... [more]
Aori 青梨, 青理, 翠麗, 翠璃, 翠梨 f Japanese
From Japanese 青 (ao) meaning "blue" combined with 梨 (ri) meaning "pear". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aosa f Japanese (Rare)
Ao means "blue, green" and sa means "sand".
Aoshi あおし m Japanese
Aoto 蒼斗, 蒼都, 海響, 碧斗 m Japanese
From Japanese 蒼 (ao) meaning "blue" combined with 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation. Other kanji combinations are possible.
Aoya 碧哉, 葵哉 m Japanese
From Japanese 碧 (ao) meaning "jade, blue, green" combined with 哉 (ya), an exclamation. This name can be formed with other kanji combinations as well.
Aoyo 蒼世, 蒼代 f Japanese
From Japanese 蒼 (ao) meaning "blue, green" combined with 世 (yo) meaning "world". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Aozora 青空, 蒼空, 碧空, 葵空, 蒼天 f & m Japanese (Modern)
From 青空 (aozora) meaning "blue sky."... [more]
Aporo 吾歩路, 愛星路, 明歩, アポロ m Japanese (Modern, Rare)
Japanese borrowing of Apollo.... [more]
Ara アラ, 亜羅, 亜良 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" combined with 良 (ra) meaning "good". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Arabi 亜羅美, あらび f Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 亜 (a), a phonetic character, combined with 羅 (ra), a phonetic character, combined with 美 (bi) meaning "beauty; beautiful".
Aran あらん, 亜蘭, 阿蘭, 安蘭, 和蘭 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜, 亞 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 阿 (a) meaning "big mound, mountain", 安 (a) meaning "peace, quiet", 和 (a) meaning "peace, harmony" or 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection" combined with 蘭 (ran) meaning "orchid", 藍 (ran) meaning "indigo", 桜 (ran) meaning "cherry blossom" or 卵 (ran) meaning "egg, ovum"... [more]
Arana 新夏, 新菜 f Japanese
From Japanese 新 (ara) meaning "fresh, new" combined with 夏 (na) meaning "summer" or 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Arara 亜羅羅, 愛麗玲 f & m Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" or 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection", 羅 (ra) meaning "gauze, thin silk" or 麗 (ra) meaning "lovely, beautiful, graceful, resplendent" combined with 羅 (ra) meaning "gauze, thin silk" or 玲 (ra) meaning "sound of jewels"... [more]
Arashi m Japanese
Means "storm" in Japanese.
Arato 亜羅斗, 嵐蘭人, 新人 m Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 嵐 (a) meaning "storm, tempest" or 新 (ara) meaning "new", 羅 (ra) meaning "gauze, thin silk" or 蘭 (ra) meaning "orchid" combined with 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation or 人 (to) meaning "person"... [more]
Arayo f Japanese
From Japanese 粗 (ara) meaning "defect,flaw,roughness,coarsely" combined with and 代 (tai, dai, ka.eru, ka.waru, kawa.ru, -gawa.ri, -ga.wari, shiro, yo) meaning "age, change, generation, period, replace, substitute" or 世 (se, sei, sou, sanjuu, yo) meaning "generation, public, society, world"... [more]
Areku 亜嶺公, 亜嶺功, 亜嶺紅, 亜廉久, 亜廉宮 m Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 嶺 (re) meaning "peak, summit" or 廉 (re) meaning "bargain, reason, charge, suspicion, point, account, purity, honest, low price, cheap, rested, contented, peaceful" combined with 公 (ku) meaning "public, prince, official, governmental", 功 (ku) meaning "achievement, merits, success, honor, credit", 紅 (ku) meaning "crimson, deep red", 久 (ku) meaning "long time" or 宮 (ku) meaning "Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess"... [more]
Aren あれん, 亜蓮, 亜廉, 亜恋, 亜練 m & f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 阿 (a) meaning "mountain", 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection", 安 (a) meaning "calm, peaceful", 杏 (a) meaning "apricot", 空 (a) meaning "sky" or 吾 (a) meaning "I, me" combined with 蓮 (ren) meaning "lotus", 廉 (ren) meaning "grounds, suspicion", 恋 (ren) meaning "to love", 練 (ren) meaning "practice; practicing", 聯 (ren) meaning "to connect; to join", 連 (ren) meaning "to link; to join; to connect" or 怜 (ren) meaning "pity, sympathize"... [more]
Ari 安璃, 有里, 亜李, 明里, 亜利 f Japanese
From Japanese 安 (a) meaning "peace, quiet", 有 (a) meaning "have, possess, exist", 亜 or 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", or 明 (a) meaning "bright, light" and 璃 (ri) meaning "lapis lazuli", 里 (ri) meaning "village", 李 (ri) meaning "plum", 利 (ri) meaning "benefit, advantage", 吏 (ri) meaning "officer, official", or 梨 (ri) meaning "pear"... [more]
Aria 愛梨亜, 安莉阿, 亜里亜, ありあ, 似暁 f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ariana 亜凛愛菜 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 凛 (ri) meaning "dignified, severe, cold", 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection" combined with 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens"... [more]
Arihiko m Japanese
Ari means "exist, possess, have" and hiko means "prince".
Arihiro m Japanese
Ari means "have, possess, exist" and hiro means "wide, spacious, broad".
Arihito 有人 m Japanese
From Japanese 有 (ari) meaning "exist, existance, belonging" and 人 (hito) meaning "man, person".
Arika 有嘉, 存佳 f Japanese
Derives from Kanji combinations: 有 meaning "have" with 嘉 meaning "fine" or from 存 meaning "exist" combined with 佳 meaning "beautiful, lovely".... [more]
Arikane ありかね, 在兼 m & f Japanese
Meaning varies depending on the kanji used.
Arikiyo m Japanese (Rare)
Ari means "exist, have, possess", and kiyo means "pure, clean".
Ariko アリコ, アリ子, 有子, 有理子, 作子 f Japanese
From Japanese 有 (ari) meaning "exist" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Arima 存摩, 存真, 存磨, 存馬, 存麻 m Japanese
From Japanese 存 (ari) meaning "exist, suppose, be aware of, believe, feel" or 有 (ari) meaning "exist" combined with 摩 (ma) meaning "chafe, rub, polish, grind, scrape", 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality", 磨 (ma) meaning "grind, polish, scour, improve, brush (teeth)", 馬 (ma) meaning "horse", 麻 (ma) meaning "flax, linen, hemp" or 舞 (ma) meaning "dance"... [more]
Arimi 亜里美, 亜鈴実, 亜理実, 亜梨実, ありみ f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 里 (ri) meaning "village" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Arimori m Japanese
Means «Exist prosperously »
Arin ありん, 亜凜, 亜琳, 愛鈴, 杏琳 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" combined with 凜 (rin) meaning "dignified, severe, cold". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Arina ありな, 亜莉菜, 亜璃菜, 亜鈴菜, 可菜 f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 莉 (ri) meaning "white jasmine", 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli", 鈴 (ri) meaning "bell" or 可 (ari) meaning "passable", 光 (ari) meaning "light" or 有 (ari) meaning "exist" combined with 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens"... [more]
Arine 有音, 在根 f Japanese
From Japanese 有 (ari) meaning "exist" combined with 音 (ne) meaning "sound". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Arino 有乃, 有野, 亜梨乃 f Japanese
From Japanese 有 (ari) meaning "exist" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle. Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Arisa 有沙, 有紗, ありさ f Japanese
From Japanese 有 (aru) meaning "to possess, exist" and 沙 (sa) meaning "sand" or 紗 (sa) meaning "silk, gauze". Other kanji combinations are possible. This name is often spelled in hiragana.
Arishia f Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 志 (shi) meaning "purpose, will, determination, aspiration, ambition" combined with 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection"... [more]
Arisu 有珠, 有寿, 有澄, 亜利珠, 亜梨朱 f Japanese, Popular Culture
Japanese transliteration of Alice, in use among the Japanese since the 20th century, particularly in recent decades.... [more]
Aritaka m Japanese
Ari means "exist, have, possess" and taka means "filial piety".