Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword zither.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Cầm m & f Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 琴 (cầm) meaning "zither, lute".
Hongzheng f Chinese
From the Chinese 泓 (hóng) meaning "clear, deep pool of water" and 筝 (zhēng) meaning "zheng zither", "kite".
Huiqin f Chinese
From Chinese 惠 (huì) meaning "favour, benefit" or 慧 (huì) meaning "bright, intelligent" combined with 琴 (qín) meaning "zither, lute"... [more]
Kotomi f Japanese
Derived from the Japanese kanji 琴 (koto) meaning "koto (a Japanese zither)" or 寿 / 壽 (koto) both meaning "(something worthy of) congratulations, longevity" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beauty, beautiful" or 弥 (mi) meaning "widely, increasingly, for a long time"... [more]
Ningzheng f Chinese
From the Chinese 宁 (níng) meaning "calm, peaceful" and 筝 (zhēng) meaning "zheng zither", "kite".
Qiuzheng f Chinese
From the Chinese 秋 (qiū) meaning "autumn" and 筝 (zhēng) meaning "zheng zither", "kite".
Se m & f Chinese
From Chinese 瑟 (sè) meaning "zither".
Xiaoqin f & m Chinese
From Chinese 晓 (xiǎo) meaning "dawn, daybreak, know, understand" or 小 (xiǎo) meaning "small" combined with 勤 (qín) meaning "diligent, hardworking, frequent", 琴 (qín) meaning "zither, lute" or 芹 (qín) meaning "celery"... [more]
Xiaozheng f Chinese
From the Chinese 笑 (xiào) meaning "smile, laugh", 小 (xiǎo) meaning "small" or 霄 (xiāo) meaning "sky, heaven, clouds, mist" and 筝 (zhēng) meaning "zheng zither", "kite".
Xiuqin f Chinese
From Chinese 秀 (xiù) meaning "luxuriant, beautiful, elegant, outstanding" combined with 勤 (qín) meaning "diligent, hardworking, frequent" or 琴 (qín) meaning "zither, lute"... [more]
Xizheng f Chinese
From the Chinese 希 (xī) meaning "hope, hope for, rare" and 筝 (zhēng) meaning "zheng zither", "kite".
Yaozheng f Chinese
From the Chinese 谣 (yáo) meaning "sing, folksong, ballad" and 筝 (zhēng) meaning "zheng zither", "kite".
Yuqin f Chinese
From Chinese 玉 () meaning "jade, precious stone, gem", 钰 (yù) meaning "treasure, solid metal", or 育 (yù) meaning "raise, rear, nourish" combined with 琴 (qín) meaning "zither, lute", 芹 (qín) meaning "celery", or 钦 (qīn) meaning "respect, admire"... [more]
Yuzheng f Chinese
From the Chinese 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain" and 筝 (zhēng) meaning "zheng zither", "kite".
Zhengfang f Chinese
From the Chinese 筝 (zhēng) meaning "zheng zither", "kite" and 芳 (fāng) meaning "fragrant".
Zhengji f Chinese
From the Chinese 筝 (zhēng) meaning "zheng zither", "kite" and 霁 (jì) meaning "clear up rain, cease to be angry".
Zhengle f Chinese
From the Chinese 筝 (zhēng) meaning "zheng zither", "kite" and 乐 (lè) meaning "be glad, amused, happy".
Zhengran f Chinese
From the Chinese 筝 (zhēng) meaning "zheng zither", "kite" and 然 (rán) meaning "yes, certainly" or "pledge, promise".
Zhengyao f Chinese
From the Chinese 筝 (zhēng) meaning "zheng zither", "kite" and 瑶 (yáo) meaning "precious jade".
Zhengying f Chinese
From the Chinese 正 (zhèng) meaning "just, right, proper, correct" or 筝 (zhēng) meaning "zheng zither", "kite" and 樱 (yīng) meaning "cherry, cherry blossom" or 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, lustrous".
Zhengyu f Chinese
From the Chinese 筝 (zhēng) meaning "zheng zither", "kite" and 玉 (yù) meaning "jade".
Zhengyue f Chinese
From the Chinese 筝 (zhēng) meaning "zheng zither", "kite" and 月 (yuè) meaning "moon".
Zhengzi f Chinese
From the Chinese 筝 (zhēng) meaning "zheng zither", "kite" and 子 (zi) meaning "child".
Zhizheng f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 知 (zhī) meaning "know" and 筝 (zhēng) meaning "zheng zither", "kite".