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[Facts] Laramie..
Can anyone tell me how to pronounce Laramie?
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Speaking of Laramie, does anyone have a pic of Laramie's Design? I can't remember what it looks like.
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Y :)
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Thanks Yahalome!
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Yr welcome..or perhaps LAY-rah-mee, I think their both correct.
Y :)
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Yes, I know a Laramie who pronounces it LAIR-a-mee.
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Actually, that's pretty much it's pronounced by them what live there (Laramie, Wyoming). I work with two natives of the place.To folks of my generation in the US, it also brings to mind a brand of make-them-yourself cigarettes that were sold as empty paper tubes, a tin of tobacco, and were put together with a little brown plastic machine. Not terribly good cigarettes, but they were a novelty to college kids in the early 70's, and the machine could be used to load, uh, OTHER smoking contents...- Da.
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Actually, the home-stuffed cigarettes were Laredos...but for whatever reason back then (and now) I had a mental block about the name and usually called them Laramies. That's why "Laramie" brought them to mind. Hell, after 30 years, I'm lucky I can remember my name.
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Laramie Hi-Tar cigarettesActually "Laramie Hi-Tars" have appeared in episodes of the Simpsons! The mind can play weird tricks, particularly to us who were around in the 70s :P
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'Specially since it's unusual...or maybe because? ;P Man, you're getting off easy, I've caught myself using Yahalome or forgetting that Julie is short for Julia, and I'm only sixteen! Y :)
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