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[Opinions] Mariana
What do you think of Mariana?I love it but my only concern would be that it's too much of a mouthful for every day use and I wouldn't want to see it shortened to Mary or Mare or anything else. Would that be a concern for you? And what do you think of the name itself?
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I love it. I have considered it for a middle name in the past because I have so many Mary/Maria and Anne/Ann/Anna relatives that I would be using it as an honoring name. I think some people might try to shorten it, which is part of the reason why I liked it more as a middle name.
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It wouldn't be a concern for me because Mary Anna and Mariana sound completely different where I live.:) The -ana is too frilly for me - I like Marion and Marianne better - but it is pretty and I'd probably like it on someone else's daughter. The Tennyson association is a big downer, though.
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I first became really aware of it, years ago, as the name of a character in "Penmarric" by Susan Howatch. In the novel, the mother of Mariana states that she had whiled away the time during her pregnancy by reading Tennyson, and that's how she was inspired to name her daughter Mariana. When she tells her husband that she wants to use that name, he asks, "After the girl in 'Measure for Measure'?" and she replies, "After the girl in Tennyson's poem", and is then informed by her husband that Tennyson took his inspiration from Shakespeare.Anyway, I had never read the poem when I first read the novel and didn't know how sad, gloomy, and tragic it is. The fictional mother in the novel didn't find that off-putting, however. I don't think that I would in real life, either. I don't think. But maybe.
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It reminds me too much of marinara sauce, unfortunately.
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I really like the name Mariana. It's delicate and strong at the same time, somehow. Very beautiful.I know a Mariana and nobody has ever tried to shorten her name as far as I'm aware. I wouldn't be overly concerned about Mariana getting chopped up into Mare or Mary because Mariana just rolls so nicely off the tongue. If anything I might encourage a different nickname, like "Yana" or Mina or something.
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I think it's really pretty. I also like Mary Anna, Mary Anne, and Marianne.I don't think Mariana is too long. Do you say Mary-AH-na or Mary-anna?
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I say Mary-anna. I like it better that way.
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We considered it. We planned on using the name Mari (mar-ree) Like Katarina, though, we felt there were too many ways to butcher it. Mariana also seemed odd with our last name.
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It's a quite pretty sound, but it makes me think of marinas, the sea, seafood and marinara sauce. There's no good association for me. I had the same issue with a friend who named their child Marina. It's just too fishy, salty, pungent, fleshy and oceanic and odd for me...
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I think it's lovely. One of my best friends is a nun named Sister Mariana (before she was a nun she was named Mary), so it reminds me of her. It certainly could get shortened, but not necessarily. I know another girl named Mariana, whom I used to work with, and I don't think anyone ever shortened her name. I'd be more concerned about the pronunciation; lots of people would probably say mare-ee-ANN-uh instead of mare-ee-AH-nuh (to me Marianna is the former and Mariana the latter, but plenty of people don't think that way).
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With backing from Shakespeare and Tennyson, who am I to dissent? (Same character, obviously, but still.)I do find it a bit much, and the rhythm isn't great. I'd much prefer Marianne.
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I think it's very pretty. I only ever knew one, Marianna, and she was always called by the full name.
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It sounds royal: Princess Mariana, Queen Mariana. Lady Mariana. Very fancy.I think it's a bit of a mouthful, and I would shorten it to Mari or Ana, but that's just me. I'm sure there are plenty of people who WOULDN'T do that.
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I like it ^_^
It's lovely without sounding fluffy, and it seems normal without being common. No one is going to hear "Mariana" and be like... wat? O_oYou could shorten it or not. My name is Arin, but I've only ever been called Ari. My parents planned it that way. But even if /you/ don't want to shorten it, other people probably will. Which is okay. Mari is lovely too. (I'm saying "Mah-ree" not "Marie" and Mariana "Mah-ree-a-na". Is it right?)
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