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[Opinions] Emma or Hannah?
Which out of these two would be the better choice? And please don't just go by the popularity. It does not bother me. But be totally honest with me. I want to know how people feel towards these names.
*Thank you :)*
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I love both, they are both so classic, feminine and old-fashioned. I like Hannah maybe only a teeny bit more.
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I prefer Emma to Hannah, butI'm afraid that even I, name rebel that I claim to be, utterly disdainful of nearly all warnings of both weirdness and overpopularity, nonetheless still think Emma is too popular to use.But then I'm not completely in love with it, either. Neither is on my favorites list. I'm willing to let both go by the wayside. So perhaps mine is not so much a helpful opinion.
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Both are lovely, classic names and both are popular. That doesn't bother me so much though. Emma would be my pick, I prefer Hannah for a mn.
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I'd pick Emma. I think both are nice names but way too popular for my taste.
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I don't like either of them. Hannah because of popularity,and I didn't like Emma even before it became reason really. So, I guess I'd have to say Hannah.
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I like both, but somewhat prefer the sound of Hannah. Besides, it has the attribute of being a palindrome.
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EmmaBut Hannah comes in a close second.This was hard! I love both of them.
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Emma is by far the better choice because I think it has more class and substance.
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I like both equally--nice names but a bit overdone. I'd like Anna best out of them all, though.
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Either way for me.I like them both well enough and fairly equally. I would maybe prefer Emma by a hair because I can picture it more easily on females ranging from young girl to older women, whereas Hannah is still a 'little girl' kind of name to me. That's pretty trivial, though.
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Hannah :)
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I love the name Emma, but Hannah is in my top five names, and it isn't that popular (at least compared to Emma).
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I used to adore both but I wouldn't use either one now because of the extreme popularity. I'll go with Hannah, because it used to be a top favorite of mine and seems to have more staying power than the flash-to-the-top Emma (which also has cousins Emily, Emerson, Emeline, Emilia, etc. to compete with).
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Forced to choose, I'd go with Emma.
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I love Emma.
It is short without sounding nick namey, it works in many languages, it has a round, soft sound and feeling to it, it goes well with tons of middle names, there is no gender confusion, or confusions about spelling. It is classy without seemingly "belonging" to upper, middle or working class, it has history but feels modern.... I could praise it 'til the cows come home (but won't use it myself due to its overwhelming popularity).Hannah - I wish I could give you as many reasons for why I don't like Hannah, but I can't, I just really don't like it.
It was a rather common, boring name when I grew up (and the Hannah's I knew weren't very nice). I'm sorry that I can't tell you more specifically what it is about it, I just really dislike it.
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Both of these names are completely boring to me. I'd even prefer Emily and Anna. Sorry.
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Honestly, I like them both a lot. I'm not one who cares much about popularity, either. Hannah is really cute, and I have always liked it .. Emma is also a favorite of mine, so I'm not sure! I think I would go with Hannah though.
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I prefer Hannah. It sounds very pretty. Emma is also nice. BTW Hannah and Emma would make great sister names.
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Well, personally I love both. My daughter is Hannah, and had my son been a girl, he would have been Emma.
If I had to choose I'd go w/ Hannah. To me it sounds cute on a little girl, yet grows into a sophisticated name as an adult. Hannahs meaning "graceful" is better (imo) than the meaning of Emma "universal". Plus... the palandrome thing is kind of fun!You can't lose either way... but my vote goes for Hannah.
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What is a palandrome?
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a name/word spelled the same forward and backwards.
Hannah, Anna, Ava, Eve... etc...
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I prefer Emma, though I honestly couldn't tell you why. Maybe it just sounds sweeter to me.
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I know you said popularity doesn't bother you but it really bothers me so if I had to choose, I'd choose anything over Emma. Hannah is still a little popular but its not as overused as Emma and personally, I find Emma a little boring. The fact that Hannah is a palindrome and its not as plain as Anna (or Emma) makes it a little more interesting.
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I have to say that I find both terribly boring. I'd choose Hannah over Emma any day, though, since Emma is so annoyingly popular.
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I think they are both great names, but if I had to chose i would say Emma.
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Hannah.Emma used to be cute because it was very "retro" sounding, but of the two names, Hannah sounds more refreshing to me.
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I prefer Emma, mainly because at the moment I like 4-5 letter girls names begining with -e-. Hannah is my mums cousins name so I wouldn't even think of considering it so I don't ever like it or hate it.
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Hannah, definitely. I used to love Emma, but now I...just don't. But Hannah has always been special for me.
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