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Words from the back of my Latin textbook that could work as names.
I was bored last night, so I went through the dictionary/glossary thing in the back of my Latin book and looked for words or forms of words that could work as names. Some of these are pretty out-there, some are usable, and some are already used as names.Acris (form of acer, “sharp, fierce”)
Aedis (form of aedes, “temple, house”)
Aeris (form of aes, “bronze”)
Albus (“white”)
Ancora (“anchor”)
Antea (“before, formally”)
Antra (form of antrum, “cave”)
Arca (“box, chest”)
Audacia (“boldness, daring”)
Audacis (form of audax, “bold, daring”)
Aura (“air, breeze”)
Aurea (form of aureus, “golden”)
Aureus (“golden”)
Auris (“ear”)
Avis (“bird”)
Bella (form of bellum, “war”)
Caeca (form of caecus, “blind”)
Caecus (“blind”)
Caedis (form of caedes, “slaughter, murder”)
Caela (form of caelum, “sky, heavens”)
Caelum (“sky, heavens”)
Calida (form of calidus, “hot”)
Carmen (“song, poem, incantation”)
Carminis (form of carmen, “song, poem, incantation”)
Cecidi (form of cado, “fall,” also “I fell”)
Celeria (form of celer, “swift, quick”)
Clava (“stick, club”)
Collis (“hill”)
Cordis (form of cor, “heart”)
Dea (“goddess”)
Dexter (“right, right-handed”)
Dextra (form of dexter, “right, right-handed”)
Ebria (form of ebrius, “drunk”)
Evado (“get out, get away, escape,” also “I get out, I get away, I escape”)
Faber (“smith”)
Fabula (“story”)
Falcis (form of falx, “sickle, curved sword”)
Falx (“sickle, curved sword”)
Felicitas (“good luck”)
Felix (“happy, fortunate, lucky”)
Fidelis (“faithful, loyal”)
Fieri (form of fio, “be made, become, happen”)
Filius (“son”)
Floris (form of flos, “flower”)
Fontis (form of fons, “spring”)
Foris (“door”)
Galea (“helmet”)
Gloria (“fame, glory”)
Heri (“yesterday”)
Hiemis (form of hiems, “winter”)
Ignis (“fire”)
Imber (“rain, shower”)
Imbris (form of imber, “rain, shower”)
Integra (form of integer, “untouched, undiminished, whole, entire, upright”)
Ira (“anger, wrath”)
Lapis (“stone”)
Leo (“lion”)
Leonis (form of leo, “lion”)
Lex (“law”)
Libera (form of liber, “free”)
Luna (“moon”)
Lux (“light”)
Lucis (form of lux, “light”)
Maria (form of mare, “sea”)
Maris (form of mare, “sea”)
Mea (“my”)
Melior (“better”)
Milia (“thousands”)
Mira (form of mirus, “wonderful, strange”)
Mora (“delay”)
Niger (“black”)
Nigra (form of niger, “black”)
Nova (form of novus, “new, strange”)
Nox (“night”)
Olim (“once upon a time, formerly, some day”)
Ora (“coast, shore”)
Ovis (“sheep”)
Pax (“peace”)
Pila (form of pilus, “javelin”)
Quintus (“fifth”)
Regina (“queen”)
Regis (form of rex, “king”)
Remus (“oar”)
Rex (“king”)
Silva (“forest”)
Sol (“sun”)
Solis (form of sol, “sun”)
Sola (form of solus, “alone”)
Stella (“star”)
Talis (“of a kind, such”)
Terra (“earth, land, country”)
Turrim (form of turris, “tower”)
Vester (“your, yours”)
Vestra (form of vester, “your, yours”)
Victor (“victorious”)
Victoria (“victory”)
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:D I like:Aura (“air, breeze”)
Aurea (form of aureus, “golden”)
Caela (form of caelum, “sky, heavens”)
Carmen (“song, poem, incantation”)
Dea (“goddess”)
Leo (“lion”)
Luna (“moon”)
Lux (“light”)
Pax (“peace”)
Stella (“star”)
Terra (“earth, land, country”)
Victoria (“victory”)Some of my favourite names are there. :)

This message was edited 4/12/2007, 7:09 PM

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I like:
Alba for a girl (from Albus)
Lex for a boy
Avis for a boy
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I like:Aura
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Oh dear, that reminds me of some horrible Latin lessons I had in school :-)I like:
Aeris (form of aes, “bronze”)
Antea (“before, formally”)
Aura (“air, breeze”)
Bella (form of bellum, “war”)
Calida (form of calidus, “hot”)
Carmen (“song, poem, incantation”)
Faber (“smith”)
Felicitas (“good luck”)
Felix (“happy, fortunate, lucky”)
Floris (form of flos, “flower”)
Gloria (“fame, glory”)
Ira (“anger, wrath”)
Lex (“law”)
Libera (form of liber, “free”)
Luna (“moon”)
Maria (form of mare, “sea”)
Maris (form of mare, “sea”)
Mira (form of mirus, “wonderful, strange”)
Nova (form of novus, “new, strange”)
Stella (“star”)
Victor (“victorious”)
Victoria (“victory”)
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I like:Aura (“air, breeze”)
Bella (form of bellum, “war”)
Calida (form of calidus, “hot”)
Fabula (“story”)
Felicitas (“good luck”)
Gloria (“fame, glory”)
Imber (“rain, shower”)
Imbris (form of imber, “rain, shower”)
Leo (“lion”)
Maria (form of mare, “sea”)
Mea (“my”)
Milia (“thousands”)
Mira (form of mirus, “wonderful, strange”)
Mora (“delay”)
Silva (“forest”)
Sol (“sun”)
Solis (form of sol, “sun”)
Sola (form of solus, “alone”)
Terra (“earth, land, country”)
Victor (“victorious”)
Victoria (“victory”)
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These are the ones I think might work:Acris (form of acer, “sharp, fierce”)
Ancora (“anchor”)
Aurea (form of aureus, “golden”)
Aureus (“golden”)
Avis (“bird”)
Bella (form of bellum, “war”)
Caelum (“sky, heavens”)
Cecidi (form of cado, “fall,” also “I fell”)
Celeria (form of celer, “swift, quick”)
Collis (“hill”)
Cordis (form of cor, “heart”)
Dea (“goddess”)
Dexter (“right, right-handed”)
Felicitas (“good luck”)
Felix (“happy, fortunate, lucky”)
Floris (form of flos, “flower”)
Gloria (“fame, glory”)
Heri (“yesterday”)
Imber (“rain, shower”)
Ira (“anger, wrath”)
Leo (“lion”)
Lex (“law”)
Luna (“moon”)
Lux (“light”)
Lucis (form of lux, “light”)
Maria (form of mare, “sea”)
Maris (form of mare, “sea”)
Mea (“my”)
Mira (form of mirus, “wonderful, strange”)
Mora (“delay”)
Nova (form of novus, “new, strange”)
Nox (“night”)
Pax (“peace”)
Regina (“queen”)
Regis (form of rex, “king”)
Rex (“king”)
Silva (“forest”)
Sol (“sun”)
Solis (form of sol, “sun”)
Sola (form of solus, “alone”)
Stella (“star”)
Terra (“earth, land, country”)
Turrim (form of turris, “tower”)
Victor (“victorious”)
Victoria (“victory”)
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OohVery inventive of you. I like Ancora (partly because it reminds me of that fabulous Il Divo CD). Fidelis is one that I would never, ever use because it reminds me of "Fidel Castro". Lux appeals to me for some reason. I like Mea as it reminds me of Mia & because it can be paired with other names to create meanings like "my blessing" etc. Milia is very pretty & refreshing as far as M-names go. Thank you for sharing this. It was most interesting. Why are you taking Latin? You're not studying Law by any chance?
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No, I'm not studying law, it's just my language choice at achool.
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I think that quite a few of those ARE common names, like you said. In my family: my husband's grandmother was named Leo and I have an uncle Rex.
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