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Re: What do you think of this name?
I can't seem to find a link to the exact study, but there is actually a study that shows that individuals with more unique or rare names are not chosen as often when compared to "normal" names. The resumes that were given "normal" names, despite having exactly the same qualifications, were called 50% more often. So, there is some truth to it. Its a terrible stereotype, however and your name has nothing to do with what you can and cannot accomplish. This article illustrates the study, though isn't the actual study. They use the term "black" names which I think is off, as I know plenty of white, hispanic, asian, native, etc people with similiar names. So, take the article with a grain of salt. I always find it mildy funny and irritatingly grating that you think its okay to rudely bash other people's names but when it comes to a name that you like or have the potential to like, no one else can bash it. I'm not saying what she said was appropriate, but neither are many of your comments. Its ironic.

This message was edited 7/20/2013, 7:08 AM

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To your PS: Emma isn't "rudely bashing other people's names." She states her opinions on names like everyone else does - which is the point of this board. And she's never said anything that implies that no one is allowed to bash names that she likes. I don't know where you came up with that.
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PS, I enjoy names and talking about them. Duh? It's not my fault people who like boring-ass Atticus Eleanor I-hope-my-potential-employer-can-tell-that-I'm-white names never want to stick up for them when I flamboyantly illustrate why I don't like them. Where anywhere did I imply that an equal and opposite reaction to my posts would be anything other than perfectly fair?I don't think there's a comparison between me not liking your Atticus Finchbutt names and this person's bizarrely vitriolic classist comments. I think it's clear to anyone with any kind of... uh, sense... at all... that my comments are made in a spirit of lighthearted dialogue, and meant to provoke a reaction. This person's comments are, like, quite different. Mean-spirited, completely judgmental, no room for subjectivity at all. It's not surprising to me that you would compare them, though - goes along with a lot of the other bizarrely clueless things you've posted in the past few days since you've been back. Seriously, what's going on? Are you sick or something? I don't remember you being this dull-witted.I find the construction "irritatingly grating" rather grating. Who taught you to write that way? Also I hope you know that your little passive aggressive dig towards me here, the kind which I find intolerable when directed towards anyone, has absolved me from any potential future mixed feelings I might have had about intentionally "irritatingly grating" on you every chance I get. Cheers, boring lady.

This message was edited 7/20/2013, 12:17 PM

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I'm not bothered whether you like my comments or liked names. I just thought I would point out how ironic it was that you are rude but like to point out when others are rude back to you. You do it to everyone, not just me, so I wasn't actually saying it in regard to anything you said to me. You're just generally rude. Apparently the internet gives you a mask that lets you just say whatever you want. I honestly don't care that much because its your opinion. What I care about is your lack of respect for anyone else's opinion.
The person was stating how they feel toward the names. Obviously if the poster thinks that way, other people will too, whether you or I agree with it. Thats why its an OPINION. Everyone can have an opinion, but obviously no one can have one that is different than yours. You have an "This is black, this is white. I'm right, you're wrong" mentality. Its just funny. Really. I giggle when I read your replies because they are so outrageously rude.

This message was edited 7/20/2013, 11:15 PM

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Everyone can have an opinion, but obviously no one can have one that is different than yours.Where on earth are you getting this idea? It's so obvious to you, but to me it's obviously not true. I was rude to this person because they were talking not about names but about something much deeper. In ordinary circumstances, I think what I think about names, and I have fun saying it and presenting it - what do I care what other people think? Like, what are you talking about? Other people aren't allowed, like I'm some kind of queen? Like even if I were BTN queen I'd prevent people with other opinions from saying anything? Like I want to be bellowing into an echo chamber? It's a community and a lot of people have different tastes and I like that. My opinions change all the time and I like that. I like expressing them while they're there. A lot of the time they're sort of loud and extreme. I present them that way, without defense. I think this is ok. What else am I supposed to do on a name forum...? Where do I disrespect the opinions of others, aside from this post? I just don't get it.I also think it's truly weird that you feel entitled to come on here and make weird, passive aggressive generalizations about my character, and not keep them to yourself. Very rude. Like, maybe I'm annoying, but it's not really your business, is it? Does anyone else think this is really weird, what she's doing here? Or is she justified and I'm just a troll who doesn't add anything to community and should glumly slink away tail between legs? I'm feeling weirdly bullied by you, I want someone to stick up for me. I don't usually get my character attacked on here. I don't think I ever have. It's no fun. Why are you doing it?

This message was edited 7/21/2013, 7:50 AM

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Yep, it's a little weird. But I checked - she isn't the same person as Ella. lol. You had to wonder because she reacted kinda as if you'd spoken that way to her - it was the tone, not the topic, that set her off. People generally don't put down each other's character on the internet, unless they have no good point and are just emotionally reacting in a way they don't want to understand. So you don't have to defend yourself. You called her "boring lady" and said she sounded "dull witted," so you did escalate. I think maybe she was just sort of bothered by how sharp you were? like, maybe she's supersensitive and has a defensive reaction to any trenchant verbal criticism, even though it wasn't criticism of her maybe she identifies a little with the person being razzed and vaguely felt like she should stand up. I'm going to hope that that's it, and that she learns not to bother reacting to stuff. I thought your response to Ella was funny. Haven't seen the ol' "would you trust a [insert profession here] with that name" argument around here in a while.
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I second Billina. You were totally justified in your response to Ella and you're not rude. LMS is making lots of generalizations about your character that are inaccurate and say a lot more about her than they do about you.

This message was edited 7/21/2013, 3:22 PM

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I'll stick up for you. I think Ella deserved to have someone call her out on her nasty attitude. Really, implying the OP might hate her child for giving her that name? If she doesn't like it, fine, but there are less asshole-y ways to express that opinion, no? Disagree all you want, but be an adult about it. I saw nothing in your reply to Ella that was unnecessarily rude or uncalled for. LMS is only using this as a springboard to defend her taste for...some reason. What IS the reason, LMS? Is it because blaaaarg is one of the most outspoken people on the board? Chill.

This message was edited 7/21/2013, 1:20 PM

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Yeah it could work with gender too. Did you see this one? maybe if we want our daughters to have no barriers of prejudice, we should name them Mason or Ryan or Carter. It's ever so important to seem as "normal" as possible to people who are "normal" ... since we certainly ought not expect the mainstream to change their righteous prejudices. Eh?
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I don't think that at all. I'm just showing the research that some people do.
I have no problems with working or hiring someone named Flower or Rajayjay or John or whatever. In fact, I already do (not those exact names, but you catch the drift). And I think most people do, and most sane people would also realize that someone named Parfalofopus would have no less of a work ethic than someone named John and that someone named John would have no more of a work ethic than someone named Parfalofopus.
Just as some HR reps wouldn't hire someone based on their names, some absolutely do. There are some workplaces that seek out diversity, and judge names with the intention of hiring various different "types" of employees. Some workplaces that have more of an influx of one gender or another also use name discrimination, much like your article highlighted. I know where I work, which is mostly females, the managers absolutely jump on any males that apply because a little male testosterone on our unit can change the whole workplace dynamic. Some women with the same qualifications have not been hired, but the male has, because there is some sort of "quota" some workplaces have for various genders, ethnicities, etc. College is a perfect example of this when they fill a "minority" quota.
So really, I think your name doesn't really matter in the grand scheme for hiring. For every biased workplace that won't hire you for your name there is an equally biased workplace that will.
I think its obvious that the mainstream has already changed their perceptions on names based on what people name their kids today. Kiley and Cash are normal today and someone 100 years ago wouldn't have dreamed of naming their kids that. Today, I think its more strange to hear of a newborn Agnes or Charles.

This message was edited 7/21/2013, 3:43 AM

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Taken with several grains.
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