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Kira, Mira, Esme and Ingrid
What do you think of Kira, Mira, Esme and Ingrid? What kind of people do you imagine with these names? Can you imagine them on a person throughout a lifetime? thank you!Please rate my "Names I would Use" list & "Backup Favorites" list. Feel free to rate some of my other lists too if you have the time.
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I think these are all beautiful names!I get why people dislike Ingrid, and normally I dislike names with those sounds, but for some reason I think this one is beautiful and underrated. It is admittedly the oldest name on the list, but it's probably the most likely to age well.Mira is very soft and modern. It's definitely the most pleasant to say of the names on this list, as well as the youngest.Esme is very elegant. It gives the same vibes as Charlotte, which makes it seem more vintage than it actually is. Still rings modern, though!Kira sounds slightly older but still has a modern ring to it. I prefer Keira and Kiera, though. Kira seems like a very millennial name to me.My ranking: Ingrid > Mira > Esme > Kira
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For me they're all very pretty names. Kira, of course is first on my list. I have always loved this name and the vibes that go along with it. I was not born with this name but have been using it for years now and as soon as I can I will have it legally changed. It was always felt magical and foreign to me which I love. Next I would choose Ingrid, I am also a fan of strong sounding Scandinavian names. It too also has a magical vibe to me. Mira and Esme don't really thrill me or give me any type of vibe that thrills me in any way.
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They are all very beautiful. I prefer Ingrid, personally -- Nordic names are magical!
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Kira: Youthful but very easy to imagine on someone of any age. Smart and friendly. Pretty outdoorsy.
Mira: Similar to Kira but a little more mellow, less athletic, and less outgoing. More artsy/musical.
Esme: Grandma. Sounds old, can't picture it on anyone young. I could see this as somewhat glamorous but still old.
Ingrid: Also a grandma. I've met a couple of younger Ingrids but it still sounds like a grandma to me. Ingrid is tougher than Esme.
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I am very fond of these names, I would love to meet three sisters named Mira, Esme and Ingrid - in that order :). I think Ingrid is fresh and sounds on trend but it’s still unusual - beautiful. It evokes similar vibes to Daphne for me.
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Rating of all of them.1, Ingrid
2, Mira
3, Kira
4, Esme
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Kira to me is a beautiful name, one I wish to use as a nickname primarily because in Death Note manga and anime it is used as a title for the main character/villain from the word killer because it's pronounced there that way. But aside from that I imagine a strong and determined lady with that name.Mira is similarly beautiful, but alludes to a miracle which might be preferable. Perhaps because of that I see a much sweeter and softer person being named that.Esme, to me, is really unique and I think anyone being named would turn out a really unique and imaginative person. Also, unlike Mira and Kira that might work slightly better as nicknames Esme feels already like a full name in its own right and I think its a way better choice than a longer version like Esmeralda that just evokes the Romani Disney character that I would definitely not be comfortable using. And Ingrid honestly I do not like atalld, it feels really old and stuffy, I cannot imagine a child being named that, only an older woman.
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I love Kira and Mira, though they feel very different to me.Esme is ok but I prefer Esmée.Ingrid is very pretty.
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All are nice, but here is my order in which I prefer.Mira > Ingrid > Kira > Esme
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Ingrid is very dated, and a distant third in my -rid stakes: first would be Sigrid, then Astrid and finally Ingrid.
Esme is a family name; also dated but IMO it qualifies as vintage. I'd use it as a mn.
Kira: never seen it IRL and with luck I won't.
Mira looks like a spelling mistake for Myra, which is even more dated than Ingrid. I much prefer Mary.I'd have difficulty imagining Kira on an adult; also Mira, though Myra is definitely adults-only.
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I like them all.In order, it would be...
Esme > Mira > Kira > Ingrid

This message was edited 7/3/2023, 8:05 PM

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I really like all of these names. I can imagine people with these names. I would rank them Esme, Ingrid, Kira, and Mira with Esme being my favorite.
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I am super biased but my awesome niece is called Ingrid. So yes... I can imagine it on her throughout her lifetime. ;-) I understand that it may sound old-fashioned but once the person grows up and becomes their own person, it's impossible for me to imagine her with any other name. Kira and Mira aren't my style but I can see people with those names.Esme is the only one I can't take seriously. As a French-speaking person, this sounds like something Anglophone people like because it kind of sounds French, whilst the name itself is NOT popular at all in France or other Frenc-speaking countries. I swear, look up the popular names in France, Québec, French-speaking Belgium, and Esmé won't be in the list.
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I really like Ingrid, I think it’s beautiful. It’s my grandmother’s name so I’m biased, but I just love how strong and unique it sounds.Kira is ok but I prefer Kiera (KEER-a).Mira is pretty.Esme - I used to love this, I don’t like it as much anymore, but I vastly prefer the EZ-mee pronunciation over EZ-may.
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#1- Mira. This name is nice to me. I like shorter names and names ending in A.
#2- Kira. I feels similar about Kira, but it feels more preppy.
#3- Esme- Esme is a name that feels weird to me. It looks strange.
#4- Ingrid- I dislike it. It seems very old fashioned.
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Kira - I like it, though I do prefer Kyra.Mira - Nothing wrong with it, but between Kyra and Mira, I'd choose Kyra.Esme - Kind of ambivalent toward Esme, I think I prefer the Esmee spelling. It's fine, and I don't dislike seeing it used.Ingrid - I like this one.I think all of them work on a person, and fit them throughout life.
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I like Kira and IngridEsme too old lady
Mira reminds me of mirror
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Esme has been in my Top 10 several times before. Technically I prefer Esmée, since pronunciation is unambiguous (love EZ-may, strongly dislike EZ-mee), and I think it looks more elegant; but I recognize that this spelling is far less practical, particularly in the first name slot. I've met one Esme in my life, who was a total hippie and seemed to come from a family of hippies (this was in college), and this name gives me the impression of "hippies with big goals" (rather than, say, hippies on a commune). Basically, preppy but also crunchy.I knew a Mira in college, as well, and actually knew her better than Esme. We lost touch after graduation, though. She was a Rabbi's daughter, and to my recollection genuinely held Jewish beliefs - which I found surprising only because she also did burlesque. She spoke both Hebrew and Yiddish, and had the reddest natural red hair I've ever seen (no copper / "ginger," rather dark actually). In short, there is a unique image in my mind of who "Mira" is, and aside from this image I've never really considered Mira as a name I'd use, even in fiction.Kira is cool. She was my favorite Barbie doll / character, but a lot of people seem to have forgotten she existed (I think she was supposed to be the "Asian" one, though her heritage always felt ambiguous). Kira feels smoky-cool, like French New Wave films.Ingrid is the only one of these four names I don't like. I suppose she should have a "cool" image, like Kira, due to Ingrid Bergman; but instead she has always sounded cold to me. Ingrid is icy like the fjords.

This message was edited 7/3/2023, 11:54 AM

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