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Re: P.S. Daividh's an honorary tribal member, due to his...
Argh! You peeked! But it's true that most of the hair on one's head now resides right above (or in) one's ears. And green might be a refreshing change...My history as an honorable tribal member goes way back. When I was a kid in an older New England city, us and the cranky Catholic lady up the street were the only non-Jews on the block. And yes, not some but ALL of my best friends were Jewish.At school and in the neighborhood, we celebrated the Jewish holidays and knew the drill on Kosher food laws. And it took me a coupla years after moving to white-bread Midwest suburbia not to reach up to touch the Mezuzah when entering a friend's house.Sometimes I miss the old neighborhood, but you guys help me keep in touch with the old pseudo-roots... : )-- Davye
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There, you see?I always knew you were cool. I've got an in-stink for stuff like that. :)-- N
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NanaeaYeah, and for bitin' troublemakers where it hurts the most (or siccin' your minpins and having THEM bite the troublemakers). :DPhyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)btw: I have a bit of trouble explaining the sound to others because of all of the different languages that I've collected (Irish, Arabic, Hebrew, French, Italian, Spanish, German) and I'm going to be taking Japanese this semester.
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