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SlytherClaw's Adoption Agency
Hey all!Many thanks to Sun and Alice for the idea to do an adoption agency. I hope you like mine!ABOUT THE FAMILYParent #1
Full Name:
Bio:Parent #2 (leave blank if unavailable)
Full Name:
Bio:Children (leave blank if none)
Full Name(s):
Bio:Family language(s):
Family nationality (or nationalities):
Family religion(s):
Family location:ADOPTIONNumber preference (maximum 4):
Age preference:
Gender preference:
Nationality preference:
Language preference:
Religion preference:
Would you accept/prefer:
-children with disabilities or illnesses?
-pregnant teenagers?
-children with teenage parents?
-an open adoption (communication with birth parents) or closed adoption (parents are not involved because of death, prison, lack of interest, etc.)?Other comments/preferences:I hope you enjoy the adoption agency! I'll try to reply as soon as I can.Thanks,SlytherClaw"She dances to the songs in her head, speaks to the rhythm of her heart, and loves from the depth of her soul." - Dean Jackson
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Parent #1
Full Name: Nathaniel Edmund 'Nate' Danielson
Age: 47
Occupation: Medical director
Bio: Nate is a successful medical director who runs the hospital at Stanford University. He originally studied and practiced at Johns Hopkins University before making to California after the birth of his second child, Lexie. A divorcee, Nate has three children from his previous marriage, whom his loves and worries about very much. Since his divorce, Nate would never set the time to meet someone for a decade. That was until he met Corinne, a music librarian. He was met with a lot judgement for dating a much younger woman but he found a connecting with Corinne that he never had with anyone else. After six months of dating, Nate took a leap of faith and proposed to her. Parent #2
Full Name: Corinne Diamanto Megalos
Age: 29
Occupation: Music Librarian
Bio: Corinne is a trained librarian working at an independent library supported by a music organization. Throughout her childhood and adolescence, she spent the school time at New York and her summer breaks at Greece. During high school, she discovered her love for music and joined her school orchestra. During her senior year, she was involved in a car accident that left her with several broken bones and infertile. While recovering, she realized she wanted to work in preserving music rather than performing it. An introverted and bookish woman, Corinne has never been the one for dating. The few relationships that she was in never worked out due to the fact she can't have children (due to an freak accident in her adolescence. However, she was surprised she able to connect with some like Nate, a single father of three. But when he proposed to her after six months of dating, she gladly accept.

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Meet Mattie Amelia, Charissa Layla, and Esme Rhea, 7-year-old triplets from New York. Their mother never wanted children but couldn't bring herself to abort them when she knew there were families who desperately wanted children, so she placed them up for a closed adoption. Mattie is very intelligent and loves to read and adores math and science, while Charissa struggles in school - and has dyslexia - but loves art and has a beautiful singing voice, and Esme is a creative soul who is average in school but is a voracious reader and writer. They all are Christians and speak English.Please keep us informed about how they are doing.

This message was edited 5/1/2017, 7:40 AM

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Full Name: Jacob Klement Maly “Coby”
Age: 34
Occupation: documentary filmmaker
Bio: Coby went to film school, and joined the Navy after he graduated. He served for six years before he was honorably discharged. He had wanted to gain experience in the real world before he committed to film. His experience made him more open to different kinds of people, so instead of screenwriting he decided to direct a documentary about cyber-terrorism. It was through this that he met Evren. They continued to talk and work on projects after the documentary filming was done, and became good friends. Coby dated other people for a few years, but none of his partners had the commitment he desired. Eventually he moved in with Evren, so he could focus on his work priorities and sober up. Then he realized that the one person who had stuck around, even as his fame was waning, was Evren. They dated for a few months, and married two years ago. Coby has always wanted children, and would love a large family, since he was an only child.Parent #2
Full Name: Evren Ömer Solak
Age: 32
Occupation: white hat hacker
Bio: Evren first got into hacking when he was fifteen. At first he used the computer at a local cafe, until he was busted by the Turkish government. They were impressed by his skills, and got his father’s permission to hire him to find bugs in their database software. He moved up through the ranks until he became one of the prime minister’s cybersecurity advisors. This was his job when Coby interviewed him. Despite his relatively high-profile position, Evren is a rather shy and reserved man, in contrast to Coby’s fun-loving, try-anything-once personality. Shortly after they met, Evren was offered a job at the UN, as a white hat hacker. Evren was glad for a chance to do some concrete work, as well as the opportunity to live in the US. He and Coby worked on a few more projects together, and eventually started living in the same house. From there, it was an easy transition to being lovers, and an even easier one to marriage. Evren really loves children-- he had five little brothers and sisters growing up!-- and he was extremely happy when Coby told him he wanted to start a family.

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Meet Aziz Temel, Aslan Taylan, and Adalet Tahire, 3-year-old triplets from Turkey. Their parents were financially unable to raise them since they were only teenagers when the triplets were born, especially because they are special needs, but would love to communicate with the adoptive parents and their children, and possibly visit if they have the money. They all are on the autism spectrum, but are incredibly intelligent and love to talk, but they still have severe social and developmental issues. Aziz has been diagnosed with SPD, and they suspect Adalet has it too. Aslan loves to read, Aziz loves math and science, and Adalet loves to dance and paint, though she hasn't done much since she is still young. They are atheists and speak Turkish and English.Please keep us informed about how they are doing and how communication with the parents has gone.
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Coby has taken time off from his work to help the triplets adapt to their new home. Evren is determined to encourage all their interests and passions, and Coby has to hold him back from being a bit overprotective at times. The family's favorite thing to do together is to go to some of the smaller parks and just let the kids explore. Since Aziz and Adalet can get overwhelmed by large crowds, these parks provide a low-stress excursion. The greatest challenge the family is facing at the moment is that Aslan has a tendency to wander off. He seems to be learning that he must stay in sight of his dads, but to be on the safe side Evren and Coby have told their neighbors to keep an eye out. The family Skypes the triplets' parents a couple times a week. Adalet loves to show them her paintings, and recently all three of them put on a puppet show. Despite a few challenges along the way, Evren and Coby are overjoyed with their big new family. Fatherhood is even more rewarding than they expected!
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I'm glad the children are doing well! Thanks for playing :)
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Meet the Baharia Family!Macsen Piers Baharia
Age 32
Occupation Mechanical Engineer
Bio Macsen is first generation Welsh, his parents having emigrated from Uganda in the late 1970s. He struggled in school growing up, enjoying sports and legos more than math and English, but eventually he got a weekend job helping out an elderly clockmaker and discovered his passion for mechanics and inventing things out of spare parts. He channeled this passion into school robotics and eventually was able to go to college. Macsen had just finished creating an automated mechanical dragon when he met Demelza, who fell in love with both him and his work. As his creations have become more and more lucrative, his young family has become very financially comfortable and neither him nor Demelza has to work anymore, although they both do.Demelza Rosemary (Overhill) Baharia
Age 33
Occupation History and Art Teacher
Bio Native Born welsh, Demelza grew up in a very happy family and she was always encouraged to follow her dreams. She studied hard in school, particularly enjoying art and history. She often created little simulations for her history classmates to play and she constantly chose different times and places she would most like to live in. She double majored history and art in college, and eventually, after dabbling in curating positions and archaeology, decided to become a teacher. Now she is able to share her passion with her students and her simulations have just gotten better. She met Macsen while getting her teaching degree and the two fell head over heels in love.Children
Thomas Gerallt Baharia
Age 3
Bio Thomas, fondly called Tomy by his parents and Tam by everyone else, is a bubbly and excitable toddler. He's always wanted a sibling and when his parents told him they were thinking about adopting he was overjoyed by the prospect.Languages Both Macsen and Demelza speak both Welsh and English fluently. Macsen can passably speak Swahili and Demelza speaks conversational Italian, Arabic, and Hindi.

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Meet Yvonne Ilia and Margaret Lane, siblings from Africa. Yvonne is 6 and Margaret is 15. Their parents were very poor and placed them in the system as their only hope of having a better future, since their parents didn't want them to suffer in their third-world part of the continent. The adoption is closed since their parents have no way of communicating with them. Yvonne loves to read and dance, while Margaret enjoys science and math - especially chemistry and physics. They are atheists and both speak English and Swahili.Please keep us informed about how they are doing.

This message was edited 5/1/2017, 7:34 AM

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Meet the Baharia Family!
DH: Macsen Piers Baharia [35; Mechanical Engineer]
DW: Demelza Rosemary (Overhill) Baharia [36; History and Art Teacher]
DD: Margaret Lane "May" Baharia [18]
DD: Yvonne Ilia Baharia [9]
DS: Thomas Gerallt "Tam" Baharia [6]
Location Cardiff, Wales, UKThree years have passed since the Baharia family welcomed Margaret and Yvonne into their family, and now everyone is settled in happily. Margaret, who struggled at first with the pronounced Welsh accents and the culture shock, slowly became more sociable, though she still prefers the company of her close friends and family rather than social events. After watching a movie with Margaret "May" as a main character she adopted the nickname, which everyone agrees suits her. She has especially taken to Macsen and they recently completed a solar-powered food synthesizer together. Even though the synthesizer can only make grilled cheese sandwiches so far, the machine is definitely advanced for an eighteen-year old and the family is very proud. May's biggest supporter is her younger sister, Yvonne, now nine. Yvonne is a quiet, bookish girl normally, but her family has seen her reveal some brutally sarcastic humor and everyone has seen her change into an exuberant and lively person whenever she dances. Macsen and Demelza support her passion for the art of dance by constantly introducing new types from different cultures. Having explored over thirty types, Yvonne's favorite dance is from her native Kenya and she is already a passionate advocate for positive change in the country. She hopes one day that her birth parents will be able to access internet so she can regain contact with them. Very close with May, Yvonne doesn't look forward to losing her to college next year, but she loves her parents and her little brother and she can't believe how lucky she is to have them. Macsen and Demelza, looking back three years after the adoption, wouldn't change a thing.(I chose an African country that fit your description, Kenya, for the sake of the storyline. I hope that's all right.)
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I love your continuation of the story. And it's totally fine that you chose Kenya - I was just too lazy to do so, so I'm glad you did. And the machine sounds so cool!(Sorry for being so informal; I don't have the energy to pretend to be the adoption agency any longer.)
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Full Name: Jameson "Jamie" Albéric Dunn
Age: 38
Occupation: curator in museum
Bio: Jameson or Jamie as he prefers to be called was born in New York City to an American father and a French mother. When he was about two his parents moved to Highlands as they wanted to raise him outside the buzz of big city. He was an only child and had a pretty normal childhood. After graduating high school he moved to university where he studied history. He was in his third year when he met Gaia Dunn, a freshman, at a fraternity party. The two of them hit it off quickly. He graduated with bachelors in history and proceeded to work on his masters. He works as curator in museum which is at the same time his hobby. He also likes hiking, a passion he shares with Gaia and also their daughter Lola.Parent #2
Full Name: Gaia Liv Ellen (Hamilton) Dunn
Age: 36
Occupation: interior designer
Bio: Gaia was born in Tygelsjö just outside Malmö, Sweden as the oldest of five. With both her parents working on farm she often took care of her younger siblings. After graduating high school she decided to try her luck abroad and moved to New York where she studied interior design. That's where she met Jamie Dunn, two years her senior. She had barely graduated with her bachelor degree in interior design when she found out she was expecting. Jamie stepped up and the two got married before Lola was born, two months early after a complicated birth that left Gaia infertile. For the longest time she was at peace with Lola being an only child. But after her parent's 40 wedding anniversary celebration, she was reminded how happy she was to have siblings to lean on while growing up and would like the same for Lola.Children
Full Name(s): Lola Linnéa Cosette Dunn
Age(s): 14
Bio: Despite being an only child for fourteen years, Lola is a loving and caring girl, most of the time. She is very active and loves all kind of sports, currently she is playing soccer and basketball. She also likes taking hiking trips with her parents.

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Meet Linnea Agnes and Louis Enzo.Linnea is an 11-year-old girl from Sweden. She has autism (semi-high functioning; she talks and comprehends amazingly but has social issues) and her parents decided they didn't have the energy or the financial resources to help her and placed her in an adoption agency when she was 7. She loves the academics - especially reading and math - and is already working at a college level. She is an atheist and speaks English and Swedish.Louis is a 9-year-old boy from France. He has Down syndrome and his parents didn't want a disabled child because they felt he would only be a burden on them so they placed him in an adoption agency as soon as he was ready to leave the hospital. He struggles immensely in school, and has the brain function of the average kindergartener, but is a happy creative soul. He speaks English and French, and is an atheist.Please keep us informed about how they are doing.

This message was edited 5/1/2017, 7:34 AM

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Parent #1
Full Name: Lucie Barbara {Parker} Leighton
Age: 37
Occupation: Author
Bio: Lucie is very caring, loving and maternal though unfortunately she can't carry babies to full term herself. She is trained as a primary school teacher but gave that up to become a full-time mum to baby Parker and since then has rekindled her passion for writing that she has had since a teenager. Lucie now works from home as an author and has had two books published in the past three years while she works on a third. Other hobbies Lucie loves include cooking, picnicking, reading, cinema visits (or watching movies in general), boxing and yoga.Parent #2
Full Name: Henry Joseph Leighton
Age: 40
Occupation: Senior Lecturer - Oxford University
Bio: Henry is passionate about research and moving practices forward in his specialist field of occupational psychology. He tries to be as hand-on a dad as possible but his job means he is often away research in other areas of the country or even giving seminars abroad. When he is around he enjoys watching football with Parker on the television and hopes to take him to live matches and get him into a junior team. Henry loves taking his family to the cinema and treating them to meals and days out spent together.Children
Full Name: Parker Henry Elliot Leighton
Age: 4
Bio: Parker was born four years ago to Lucie's sister Ellie who acted as a surrogate with Lucie's egg and Henry's sperm. Parker understands he is special but doesn't quite yet know how special he is. He is going to start school soon but for now enjoys playing both at home and nursery, he especially enjoys colouring and drawing, reading and making a mess in the sand and water boxes.Family language(s): English
Family nationality (or nationalities): British
Family religion(s): None
Family location: Oxfordshire, EnglandADOPTIONNumber preference (maximum 4): 2-4
Age preference: 2yrs+
Gender preference: either
Nationality preference: British
Language preference: English
Religion preference: no preference

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ChildrenMeet Antonia Minna, Tabitha Iona, Huxley Lachlan, and Lowen Ivor, quadruplet four-year-olds from Britain. Their mother had them when she was 17 and was unable to raise four children on her own and couldn't bring herself to pick one and separate them. They are all twice-exceptional, meaning that in their case, they are all profoundly gifted with some sort of disability. Antonia has dyspraxia, Tabitha has dyslexia, Huxley has dysgraphia, and Lowen has Asperger's syndrome. They are all very curious and analytical, although that plays about in very different ways. Antonia loves to read and write, whereas Tabitha loves science, while Huxley and Lowen have very mathematical minds. They have not been raised in any religions, and speak English.Please keep us informed about how they are doing as it is hard to raise quadruplets, but even harder to raise profoundly gifted quadruplets.(Sorry for the delay, by the way!)
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Lucie, Henry and Parker all welcomed the quads with open arms into their family. Parker was initially very unsettled by the sudden influx of children into his home but carefully, and with sensitivity, Lucie and Henry have brought together Parker and his new siblings.It has now been a year since Antonia, Tabitha, Huxley and Lowen came to their forever home and the children are doing very, very well. Alongside Parker, the children have started primary school and have all been put into the same class. The school are very welcoming of the children's unusual circumstances and are aware of their individual needs, putting into place everything the children need to flourish. For Antonia this means a having special "nipple-pad" for her to sit on to help her understand where her body is; she also takes part in physical interventions where she is supported to cross the midline of her body and keep control of her limbs. Tabitha meanwhile has been given tinted glasses to help her read and make sense of words on paper, she doesn't understand phonics very well but the school are supporting her to read and write through whole-word recognise and cursive lettering. For Huxley his dysgraphia is supported through the use of chunky pencils and special-grips he can slide onto his tool of choice - like Antonia, he struggles with fine manipulative skills and the school have brought in many specialist equipment for the two children to use so that they can cut, draw, paint, mould and join with the same accuracy as their peers. Lastly, Lowen has made astounding progress since starting school. Initially, both Lucie and Henry, and the school had concerns as to how much support Lowen was going to need and they queried whether they were doing the right thing putting him in a mainstream establishment. But in the end Lucie and Henry couldn't bear to separate him after everything they had done to keep him with his siblings and so the school have employed somebody to be with Lowen throughout the school day, supporting him during transitions and social conflicts.All five children are enrolled onto swimming lessons but Lucie and Henry wanted to give their children the option to explore their individual talents too, therefore, in the last year every child has taken up another extracurricular club. Parker is playing football, Antonia karate, Tabitha gymnastics, Huxley rugby and Lowen horse riding.
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I'm glad everyone is getting along so well! I'm so glad their school has been accommodating of their disabilities. Have they also made adjustments for their giftedness? Higher level work, et cetera? I'm so glad Loren was able to stay with his siblings during the school day.Thanks for giving the quadruplets their forever home!
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Sorry for the delay! I can't do yours right now but I'll edit this message later to give you your children and I'll put ETA in the subject so you'll know!
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Thanks, I was hoping someone else would do one.ABOUT THE FAMILY
Parent #1

Full Name: Marie Olivia Adams

Age: 36

Occupation: Primary School Teacher

Bio: Marie is a caring woman who has always wanted children yet unable to become pregnant due to medical issues. She became a teacher because she is intelligent herself and believes that she can pass that onto her students.
Parent #2 (leave blank if unavailable)

Full Name: George Henry Webb

Age: 37

Occupation: University Lecturer 
Bio: George lectures about history the local university. He is like his wife and has always wanted children. He has always been interested in history, and his first job was being an expert in his family history.
Children (leave blank if none)

Full Name(s):


Family language(s): Marie speaks English and French. She also knows a little German. George speaks English, French, German and a little Spanish. 

Family nationality (or nationalities): George's parents are both German, and their parents were English and French. Marie's mother is English and her father is French.

Family religion(s): Marie and George are both Christian.

Family location: Marie and George live together in a family house in Essex, England.
Number preference (maximum 4): 2

Age preference: Older children (see other comments)

Gender preference: Female (see other comments)

Nationality preference: Any

Language preference: At least basic English, French or German.

Religion preference: Any, but would prefer Christian.

Would you accept/prefer:

-siblings? Yes, preferred. 

-multiples? They would not decline, but not really preferred.

-children with disabilities or illnesses? No, would not accept.

-pregnant teenagers? Yes, preferred. 

-children with teenage parents? No, would not accept. 

-an open adoption (communication with birth parents) or closed adoption (parents are not involved because of death, prison, lack of interest, etc.)? Closed adoption.
Other comments/preferences: Marie and George would prefer children at "the end of the line". Children who can grow up with experience of moving country. They would like one younger one between 10 and 13, and one older one between 14 and 17. They would prefer two girls, but a girl and a boy would be accepted. Two boys would be declined.
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Meet Aurelié Corinne and Amoux Therron.Aurelié and Amoux are both female siblings from France. Aurelié is 11 years old, and Amoux is 16 years old. They were placed into adoption after both were disowned by their parents, who were disgusted by Amoux's pregnancy and at Aurelié support of her. Amoux's boyfriend (who impregnated her) is out of her life (and in a different country), but she has decided to keep the baby and raise it, and not put it up for adoption. They are both Christians. Aurelié loves math and science and loves to learn. She is interested in chemistry and physics and is very advanced for her age. Amoux is creative and loves to read and write, and do ballet before she got pregnant. They both speak fluent French and English.Please keep us updated about how they are doing!

This message was edited 4/30/2017, 5:58 AM

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George and Marie are delighted to welcome Aurelié and Amoux into their lives. Aurelié has just started at the local high school, and she is doing amazingly. She is a mini helper in French class, which all Year 7 students have to take. All of her fellow pupils were Marie's student's last year, when they were in primary school. Amoux has just found out that she is expecting a little girl, and when she told her foster parents the news, of course they agreed to help her look after her new arrival when she comes. Aurelié is supporting her older sister too, and is helping, along with Marie and George, Amoux to choose a name for her baby. The 16 year old wants it to be English, but lovely in French too. Marie and George have immediately started taking the girls to church, and they are both enjoying meeting new people.
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Great for them! I'm glad Aurelié and Amoux are acclimating to their new home!
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Gonna do my favourite thing again. Gonna distort their story a little, but whatever.ABOUT THE FAMILYParent #1
Full Name:
James Buchanan Barnes
Age: 35
Occupation: Retired government agent
Bio: Born in Shelbyville, Indiana and growing up in various parts of the world, James learned a handful of languages and cultures before he joined the military. He based himself in Brooklyn after that and rose in the ranks as part of a special ops team where he eventually became an important government agent working for various classified sectors. He spent years doing undercover tasks and eventually retired about a year ago when he lost his arm due to an accident that happened in the field. Parent #2
Full Name:
Natalia "Natasha" Alianovna Romanova
Age: 32
Occupation: US government agent
Bio: Born in St. Petersburg, Russia, Natasha grew up doing ballet and even danced at the Bolshoi. There, she met and fell in love with undercover agent James Barnes. Not knowing James wasn't the Russian man she originally believed him to be, he was forced to leave her in Russia and continue with his job. However, fate and hearts intertwined as Natalia left ballet a few years ago and moved to the US. She moved to New York and surprisingly met James again. After some initial conflict concerning their past together, the couple got back together. Natalia joined an independent agency doing stealth missions as well and she and James ran a number of missions together or within contact of one another. While James is retired, Natalia is still in the field. However, she does recognize that she and James are ready for something more.Children (leave blank if none)
Full Name(s):
Bio:Family language(s):
English, Russian, French, German, Romanian and basic conversational in a number of others as the job demands.
Family nationality (or nationalities): James is American (Scottish ancestry) and Natalia is Russian.
Family religion(s): Jewish

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This message was edited 4/30/2017, 12:38 AM

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Meet Léonie Angelika and Aurik Falken.Léonie is an 11-year-old girl from France. She was abused by her stepfather until the government received notice and removed her when she was 9 years old. He was jailed and her mother had already died at the hands of her stepfather. She was placed into the adoption system immediately since she had no other relatives who could/were willing to take her. Nobody wanted to adopt her in part because of her age but mostly because of her intense anxiety and PTSD. She has no religion, because she believes that no God would have let her go through what she has gone through. She is very intelligent and inquisitive, but also very hesitant and emotional. She is very afraid to open up and is worried that this family will abuse her, too, but she is also happy to be out of the system. She loves animals and it may be helpful to buy her a therapy animal. She speaks French and English.Aurik is a 10-year-old boy from Germany. He was in a very bad car accident when he was three, causing the death of his parents and younger sister, as well as the loss of his hearing and his left leg. He was raised by his aunt until he was seven, when she developed a drinking problem and married a man who abused her. The government discovered that as well, and decided to place him in the system as well. He has a prothesis for his left leg, but hearing aids will not help him seeing as he is completely deaf. He wasn't adopted until now because in addition to his physical disabilities, he also has anxiety and minor PTSD (though not as bad as Léonie's). He is also highly intelligent and loves to take apart things and explore, but doesn't always obey orders due to his curiosity. He loves working with his hands and tinkering, and wants to be an inventor someday. He knows German Sign Language and American Sign Language, and can read and write both, but does not speak or read lips.Please keep us updated about how they are doing, especially because they have significant disabilities that are not always easy to handle.

This message was edited 4/30/2017, 5:58 AM

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(I thought it would be fun to do a woman from my story hehe)Full Name: Laia Jane Alberto
Age: 34
Occupation: Pediatric Nurse (Cardiac Wing)
Full Name(s): Dorothy Alessandra Alberto (Dodie)
Bio: Dodie is a very bubbly girl. She loves cats and stickers and anything glittery. She is excited for siblings!Family language(s): English, Spanish, Russian (learning) and Swedish (learning)
Family nationality (or nationalities): Spanish-American
Family religion(s): Christian, but children of other faiths are welcome.
Family location: Small town Pennsylvania.ADOPTIONNumber preference (maximum 4): No number preference.
Age preference: None younger than Dodie. Older children are preferred. (7+)
Gender preference: If just one child, a girl. If more than one, an even mixture of boys and girls preferably.
Nationality preference: No preference here.
Language preference: English, Spanish, Russian, Swedish.
Religion preference: Christian, but other faiths are welcome.
Would you accept/prefer:
-siblings? Yes.
-multiples? Nothing more than twins.
-children with disabilities or illnesses? Yes. Dodie was born premature, and has complications with that, so she can cope. She's also a pediatric nurse, so it's not difficult to handle.
-pregnant teenagers? Yes, as long as the young woman is not having more than twins.
-children with teenage parents? Yes.
-an open adoption (communication with birth parents) or closed adoption (parents are not involved because of death, prison, lack of interest, etc.)? Either is fine, but closed adoption may be better. Other comments/preferences: No animal allergies, because Dodie has a therapy cat to help her cope with her health issues.
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Meet Majken Celine, Kian Levi, Esperanza Jaquinta, and Alexei Vasily.Kian and Majken are 7-year-old boy/girl twins from Sweden. Majken was born with a congenital heart defect, and had a heart transplant when she was 3 weeks old. Kian is very protective of his sister, and feels as if he is her guardian. Their mother was a single mother who decided to place them for adoption as soon as they were healthy enough to leave the hospital because she realized she had neither the financial nor the emotional resources to care for them. They are both Christians, though Majkan is a devout believer while Kian believes in both science (for example, that the theory of evolution ties in historically with the Bible) and Christianity. They are both very intelligent, but Majken is very creative and artistically-oriented, while Kian is inventive and mathematically and scientifically inclined. They both speak English and Swedish.Esperanza is a 9-year-old girl from Spain. Her mother grew up in a poor, rural area of Spain and used alcohol and drugs while pregnant with Esperanza. As a result, Esperanza has some learning disabilities, like dyslexia and ADHD. However, she is still a bright and happy girl, and is fully capable of keeping up intellectually with her siblings. She is agnostic and looking into Christianity, which Majken is more than happy to teach her about. Her mother died in a car crash when she was five, and her father got shot to death when she was three. She is exuberant and naturally curious, and like Kian, loves working with her hands, and like Majken, loves to create art as well as dance. She speaks Spanish and English, though she cannot read or write either. Her talents are more kinesthetic.

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Wow, I feel like my couple should have gotten their request in before Alexei the deaf Russian boy was adopted. Missed out on that. *sigh*
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Sorry, haha. Don't worry, we'll find you a child (or children) suited to all your needs.
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