This name was (in)famously borne by Claretta Petacci (1912-1945), the mistress of the Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini (1883-1945). 28 years his junior, she also went by Clara, but was born as Clarice Petacci (according to Italian sources). She, Mussolini and a few high-ranking members of his government were executed by a partisan firing squad on the 28th of April 1945. Their bodies were subsequently transported to Milan, where they were dumped in the local town square of Piazzale Loreto. A lynch mob consisting of thousands of enraged Italians then proceeded to violate the bodies and hung them upside down from the roof of a gas station, where they remained for several hours until the American military arrived.
Claret, anyone? :) A nice pet form of Clara, but I wouldn't use it as a full name. Why not name the girl Clara, and let _her_ choose which diminutive, if any, she wants to go by?
Lovely, beautiful name.
Another form of it is Clarita. :)

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