Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I have a friend named Emilie who goes by Emmie. I love Emmie.
My friend is called Emmie and it’s short from Emma, it suits her much better as it is more fun!
This is my favorite nickname ever! The only problem is that I dislike the names Emma and Emily... I'll have to find another full name for it.
My friends call me Emmie though, I don't get why? I can't see how you get Emmie out of Mirranda. People use to call me m, but now it's Emmie. Pretty name though.
My middle name is Emmie. I used to go by both my first and my middle name but as I have grown older I decided to go by just Emmie. People always have a hard time getting over the fact that my name is not a name that they have ever heard before. Sometimes when they first hear it they think I said Emily or Emma. I love my name! It's unique and it fits me. I would never want to change it.
I like the nickname Emmie for Emily. I find it more complex than just Emy or Emi. My friend Emily insists on being called Emmie, and it must be spelled Emmie.

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