Comments (Personal Impression Only)

So pretty!
There are plenty of nice floral names, but Flower itself doesn't sound like a name - at least, not a person's name.
This name's alright (wouldn't use it, though for obvious reasons), but we all remember the skunk from Bambi...he was male, and his name was Flower! Something about that feels off...
I like the name Flower, I also like Flower names.
Flowers are beautiful, but you can't name your child the actual word "Flower"! Name her a TYPE of Flower! (e.g. Lily, Jasmine, Violet, Rose, etc.)
Flowers are beautiful, but not as a name like this. Just awful. Plain and just, nothing much to say.
I think it's best to name a child after the name of a Flower. This isn't very original.
Aww, sweet. I can respect this name, especially as a middle.
Weird and childish, and it's honestly kind of ugly...
Yikes! Use a name that means Flower- there’s plenty of them.
Just name her Rose, or literally any other flower name for that matter.
People are just gonna associate her with the character from Battle For Dream Island. She is highly unlikable and slightly whiny, getting better as a character though. Bad idea regardless, however. Just go with something more "normal", like Violet, Blossom, or Rose.
Blegh. I prefer Flower names to the actual name Flower.
Wow a lot of you seem to hate this. I like this name, it has a charming simplicity to it. I see many here associate it with different things but nothing truly of what a Flower is. Once you take away any type of applicable and unfortunate associations to the name you can start to appreciate it. A Flower is something we find visually attractive in nature, it holds a very natural beauty. Call me relentless or pretentious, but I honestly wouldn't be bothered by this name if it were given to a boy or a girl. The holder of the name would have to be bold, but I don't care what people think. I like it.
Hmmmm. Seems a bit ghostly. The Flower is a thing of beauty, but the name would be a bit haunting to actually have.
Flower is a disgusting hippy name.
A girl with the name would probably have such hippy parents for sure. Heck, they would even dress her up as a flower. Sorry but I don’t like this name. It’s too pretentious for me. Blossom is better for a girl. At least it’s not plain.
There are plenty of flower names that I love, but Flower as a name itself would have to be pulled off by the most girliest girl in the universe who has a super ultra-feminine personality. I would hate to see this on a butchy tomboy girl who only associates with masculinity, let alone any kind of male, even a feminine male. Flower as a name would belong to a family who is pure hippy. They would even give it to a boy. Flower is kinda acceptable as a name, maybe a little too cutesy. It’s not too bad as a girl’s name, but definitely not for a boy.
*Guesses that about 80% of people who give negative impressions of word names only come to the site to do so*
Just curious-- how is naming my child "Nitzan" meaning 'Flower bud' in Hebrew any different from naming my child "Flower" in English? Same thing only different languages...
This name just dosen't impress me and it looks and sounds quite bland. I would rather use Flora which is a name also derived from Latin flos meaning "Flower". It sounds better and looks better.
What a dumb, brainless, hippy nameThere are plenty of flower names. Naming your child 'Flower' is going overboard.
I'm sorry, but this is worse than Blossom - and Blossom is a pretty bad name for people and should be reserved for animals. Aside from the "Flower" character in Bambi (an ironically-named skunk), I can't imagine this as any living thing's name. Seriously, it's a part of a plant. Should we start using "Stamen" as a name?At least Flora, Fleur, etc. Sound nice. Flower doesn't even have a very attractive sound.
I've known one girl who's middle name was Flower and she went by it. It was strange at first but eventually it just becomes another name.There's a woman I'd never met but I met her mother. The mother thought she was so clever and amazing when she named her daughter Flaugher, pronounced like Flower. Yeah...I think Flower names are fine but Flower itself is a bit silly. I would keep it for the animals. If that.
Why is this even listed as a name?
I think this would be a nice nickname... but that's it!
No. Just no. It's not cute or pretty. It's so... ew.
I like flower names but I don't like this. But it's not like I like Flora either.
I really like this name. It's beautiful.
Daisy, Calla and Lily are fine names, but Flower? Seriously, it's really tacky and weird. And not very original either.
WOW! I typed in Flower and I did not expect it to be an official name. All I can say is that it is pretty for a plant but you are crazy to name your child this. Just name them a type of flower like Rose or Lily or something.
No way. Very dumb and corny.
This name makes me think of the skunk from Bambi. Seems silly to name your kid this.
Flowers are very beautiful, so the name would be wasted on a girl who was ugly.
The Most. Ignorant. Comment. Ever. In my opinion, this name is very hippie, and it doesn't even have a pleasant sound to it. I would go for Lily or Iris or what have you, if I wanted a “flowery” name for my daughter – one that would not ensure her a lot of teasing.
Well excuse me but actually Flower is a beautiful name. That's my name! Not in English but in Spanish "flor" and it's beautiful regardless of what you say. Don't hate.
I don't think naming a child Flower is that bad. You could always use it as a middle name. In Yiddish you find Blume and in Spanish Flor.
It doesn't sound very pretty, what with the identical pronunciation to 'flour'. This name is a hypernym, as opposed to hyponym, which sort of explains why this sounds so weird as a name when compared to Flower names that sound quite normal.
Hello! The '60s are OVER! & Guess what - these types of words are objects. NOT names!
I don't see why some people (or most people, in this case, hehe) don't like this name. Yes, it's simple, but that's why I like it so much. Over-complex names can be a mouthful.
I find it amusing that many people object to the name "Flower" on the basis that it's a recognisable English word. Has everyone forgotten that this is precisely how names came into being in the first place? Names are/were just words or compounds of words from a language. For example, in Mayan the name "Ixchel" is literally a smush of the words Rainbow + Lady and in modern English the name "Verity" means, er well, Verity! According to the logic behind those comments saying "Flower" is not valid as a name, neither is Ixchel or Verity in their respective cultures. The notion that names should not be recognisable words within their own languages is an entirely modern fallacy.
I think this is good as a nickname or pet name.
Heh, I named my favorite stuffed mouse doll Flower when I was little. It doesn't seem like the most creative name, although it is nice. I think it's a bit too simple to be a person's name though.
Not the best of names I'm afraid.
I've got no problem with someone giving the name to their child--after all, look at how popular "Fleur" and "Flora" have become, it's the same to me--but maybe it's just because of the accent I have or the general pronunciation of the word where I live, but the name just doesn't sound very nice to my ear. Surprisingly rough (the "OW" is just too defined), actually, despite its meaning.But then, it could all just be my voice. I'm sure it sounds lovely with someone saying it, or with a person's personality (that really does effect the impression of the name in the end, much more so than the name effects the person), and I'm positive in a country that English isn't the dominant language, the name sounds even more attractive (or so my friend who grew up in France tells me, "English is probably the most beautiful-sounding language, unless you grew up speaking it").
If you ask me, naming your child 'Flower' is ridiculous. It's like planning out your kid's personality for them.
I agree with you on the fact that Flower is a ridiculous for a child, but then why do you have the name Wisdom listed as one of your favorites? If naming your child Wisdom isn't "planning out your kid's personality for them" then I don't know what is.
I am not sure it's a good name for a first name but it would be good as a surname because I know people who have Flower as a surname. And most English words can be a surname, like Cook. So yeah it could make a good surname.
Please, if you love flowers, give your baby girl the name of an actual flower--such as Violet, Rose, Daisy, Peony, Iris, or Azalea!
I REALLY don't see any worthwhile appellative value in this so-called "cognomen". *Bangs head against the wall with laughter* What I mean is this is a plant! The actual plant name! This childish idiosyncratic garbage, I do not understand!
I'd just like to say, Starla_Marie that a flower is not a plant, it is a plant organ. If a flower were a plant it would be just as acceptable as Rose, Iris, Daisy, etc.
No offense meant to anyone named Flower or who likes the name! I just think it's silly.
Sure. And you can name her twin brother Grass.
This name is too bland, and not creative.
Ummm...why would you name your child this?

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