Comments (Personal Impression Only)

One of my old friends was named Keith and whenever I think of this name I imagine this calm, comedic, down to earth African American dude like he is.
My name is Keith, born 1969 in London, UK. I have lived in Brisbane since 1973 and have worked in various childcare jobs since 1991. In that time, I've never come across one child called Keith, and certain children tend to get a bit confused by it at first, I think. :-) I have long got "Keithy" or "Keiffy", and also "Keish" at times, all of which I like. To be frank, there's not a lot else that can be done with it.
The only person I can relate this name to is Keith from the show Voltron. But I really like the name Keith and would want to name my son this someday. I think its important to give children more uncommon names so that they don't get grouped in with a bunch of other people like I did.
(link to clip of Family Guy, re most unattractive name- ed)
Keith is a good name my great grandfather was named Keith. I think Keith Roland would be a good first and middle name. You don't really hear this name on a boy now a days. I knew a couple boys named Keith who were roughly around my age, one was an upperclassman in high school and the other Keith was my sister's ex boyfriend.
Keith Everette Smith is a musical artist.
It sounds really cool.
My brother's name it Keith. I like the name, but I would never name my own son Keith..
I think it's a strong name, I often think people should name their children this.
The name Keith means "wood" in Scotland so anyone with Keith in their name are pretty lucky.
Keith. Example "He's such a Keith".
Keith is one of the names given to people of the highest order and all Keiths are superior.
I think Keith is a pretty good name. I like that it's underused.
A nice name, but unfortunately it has some bad connotations for me from knowing several jerks with that name. It also reminds me of the drug-addled scumbag Keith Richards.
Strong name for a successful man that never goes out of style.
Keith is a great name, and I look forward to it coming back into style. I think it will be another 40 years or more before it happens though, so I'll probably be dead. According to Wolfram Alpha, the most common age for a man in the U.S. (in 2018) named Keith is 47 years old. When most of the Gen X Keiths are great-grandpas or deceased, that's when people will name their children Keith again.
Keith is a lovely name and who cares about that retarded show Family Guy with its terrible humor.
Keith sounds like such a nice name to me, I have heard my friend say it was old-man like, but I think it’s still usable considering how many Hazels, Mabels, Oswalds and Walters we have now and it sounds like a strong and rough, but good on the inside type of guy (Maybe it’s because I’ve seen Voltron Legendary Defender).
This is a great name. It is a strong, masculine and handsome name. I'm female and I really like this name for a man.
The name Keith to me means the most beautiful whirlwind of an adventure... viva all the 'Keiths'...
Not really a big fan of these kinds of names. Rather dull and short.
Keith is STRONG and MANLY. I like it and think it should be classic, not just trendy.
My youth director's name is Keith and everyone in the youth group thinks he's awesome. I've never heard anyone say a bad word about him. He's really nice, humble, funny, sincere... and he's just one of the most wonderful people you could meet. I think that's affected my view of the name. I can't really picture the name on a baby, though.
Family Guy was correct when they say this was the most unattractive name in history because it sucks like really bad.
I just don't like the sound of this name. The only name with the 'th' sound I can think of right now that sounds nice to me is Ethan. Besides, this rhymes with 'teeth'.
This is my Dad's name, and frankly, it's the only name in my immediate family that I really like. By immediate family, I mean the one I had growing up. While the name's not terribly unusual, it's not terribly trendy anymore, and never became popular to the point of over-kill. Some people think it's dated, but I disagree. Today would be a good time to use the name Keith for a baby because it's not as fashionable as it was 30-40 years ago.
I don't like this name, honestly. To me it sounds like a big mean prison guard. Though Keith Urban isn't too bad.
This is probably the coolest name in the whole world.
Keith is such a powerful name, it is beautiful and heavenly. All the Keiths I've ever met were handsome and headstrong and had great charisma, intellect, and personality. This is a truly blessed name, full of life, love and destiny, all the raves to this name!
I cannot imagine Keith being a bad person. Maybe it's just because someone I know is a nice person, but I'd never choose this name for a bad man in a story.
The name Keith to me means STRONG, SEXY, SMART, FUNNY, ATHELTIC, and sounds like a name of an angel.

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