Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I really love this name and its meaning hope. Not to mention that it’s uncommon!
So so gorgeous.
Very close to the Spanish words for “no one” (nadie) and “nothing” (nada). Still a fine name.
Underused and beautiful. Totally stylish, as well.
My name is Nadia.The meaning hope is nice.
An elegant and pretty name for a girl or woman.
Aidan spelt backwards.
Don't like it, always thought it sounded grubby and slightly spoiled.
I love it! Nadia is an amazing name. Simple, and very easy to pronounce. I love most N names. I am shocked that some people say this name is common, I have only ever heard of 1-3 Nadias. It's not common at all, it's not currently within the top 100. In fact, it only ranks on place #393 in the U.S. (2018 data). :)
So dainty and classic! I love the meaning "hope"!
I really love this name. It's very pretty, and will never go out of style. It works for a variety of girls, and it's overall a good name.
I have read some of the other comments on this page, and I would like to ask: How does this name sound like the Spanish word "nada" meaning "nothing"? Nadia does not sound like "nada", at least not in my opinion. I have many Spanish-speaking relatives, and they agree that "Nadia" and "Nada" sound very different. I personally think that this is one of the best names out there. If this is your name, you can use Natalia/Natalie or Hope as a nickname. :)
Nadia’s meaning of hope is so pretty! Can be a shortened form of Zenadia.
So pretty! Works well on anyone.
I have liked the name Nadia.
Gorgeous but sounds a bit like “nada”, Spanish for “nothing”.
Beautiful! “Nadia” is the best spelling by far.
Please tell me another person spells it Nadyah? Or is that just how mine is?
A very pretty name although I do prefer Nadya.
A lovely name with a lovely meaning:)
I am having a girl and I want a unique name for her and Nadia is the most beautiful name ever. It has an incredible and fascinating history behind it. I love it.
I absolutely love the name Nadia. It's so simple yet elegant, it's easy to pronounce and it is not too common here in the UK. My best friend's name is Nadia and it suits her really well.
My name is Nadia. I've never really liked my name because no one ever had the name Nadia, but the comments on here really boosted my self esteem thanks.
Very pretty name. I love how it's unique and uncommon while not crossing the line of being trashy or distasteful. Nadia just rolls off the tongue quite nicely and is phonetically appealing.
A very pretty name. It is short and simple, but beautiful. It sounds sort of foreign to me, but that's just my opinion.
I love the name Nadia. I used it for a story before, but my sister kept saying Narnia. She can't get over how much they sound alike... but I still like it.
Very pretty.
I like the name Nadia. It sounds so foreign and exotic.
This is a very pretty name, but it's a bit harsh and I wouldn't name my child Nadia, but I'd be delighted to meet a little Nadia.
Ugly ugly. Don't like it.
I have lived with this name for 16 years and never have been teased about it (except I get called Velma), so yeah, it's an awesome name.
I've lived with this name my whole life. So if you want an inside view of what it's like, it's been wonderful ;). I was never made fun of in grade school, never given a nickname, never ridiculed. I'm proud of my name and proud to share it.
I think Nadia is a pretty name in itself, I just don't like how it sounds like "nausea".
This is a very beautiful name, and I would consider it for a girl if I ever have one. I also think Nastia is a pretty name, too. I love the way it's pronounced, very soft, delicate and sophisticated.
I like this name, especially the meaning. But I think it would better suit a non-white girl or a girl with an accent, because it feels exotic.
I really really like this name, it just sounds so sweet and lovely!
This name is so pretty! What more can I say?
It is a beautiful name! It means hope. I think it is a great alternative to using 'Hope'.
I know a sweet, beautiful 1 year old named Nadia, so this name is linked with cuteness in my opinion. ;)
This name sounds like nada, (NAH-DAH) which means ZERO OR NOTHING. There is a story I've read called Nadia the Willful and Nadia is the main character. This name is pretty, I think.
I like this a lot! When I first saw it, I thought it was pronounced Nuh-dee-ya, so that's how I prefer to pronounce it. It sounds weird to me when people say it another way.
Nadia is a lovely name on its own, but the double name Nadia Rose also sounds lovely. But then, almost anything with Rose sounds nice - Julianne Rose, Martina Rose, Eleanor Rose...
I think this is an awesome name.
What a gorgeous name. It will be my first daughter's middle name. She will be Anastasia Nadia N. Her initials will spell Ann, which is my grandmother's middle name. I wanted to honour her without actually using the name Ann, as I think it's very boring.
Beautiful, dainty and exotic, Nadia is a great name.
This is a lovely name. I know someone who is called Nadia and is a twin but she is an identical twin so her twin isn't called Aidan. :)
I like name Nadia, athough every Nadia I ever met was spoilt. Name is still beautiful though.
I don't think anyone will be using this name again aftar the English 'Big Brother' of 2004.
This name is the most beautiful name I have heard of!

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