Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Sounds like "knickers."
Putting the stress on the second syllable is so much nicer than on the first. NI-co-la doesn't sound nice to me at all.
I love this name! For girls it tends to be pronounced NICK-a-la, and in Italian it's pronounced ni-CO-la and used for boys. However, I do know of a few girls who use the latter pronunciation, and some boys who use the former. It's a beautiful name that can be used on all genders!
We named our daughter Nicola in 2018. It is a rare name in the US, and we call her Nico as her nickname. We do get some questions on how to pronounce it here the states, and we just say that it is pronounced like the coin, "nickel," with an "ah" on the end.
She is independent, opinionated, and quick-witted, and the name gives her options for use as she grows older.
I know way too many Polish girls with this name (same for Nikola) and what they all have in common is that their either mean, fake or racist. Ruined Nicola and Nikola for me.
Okay! So I'm using this name in a Discord RP server, and this name will belong to my character's daughter, Nicola Rifft. Both my character, her wife, and her daughter, are taken from the book I wrote with my friend; in which the child's name was Nico. The canon character was male, but since the RP server is realistic, we had to do some research, and found out that two females can have a child with each other with some sort of science-y procedure, but the child can only be female. We wanted to keep the name Nico, but I can't imagine it as a girl's name. We compromised, and decided on the name "Nicola", but "Nico" for short. I think it's really cute (despite my rambling)! Nice and simple, but elegant and charming as well.Well I'm rambling now. Like this name. Good name. Tasty name.
Beautiful name.
I just can't help but see it as a male name.
My name is Nicola. Anybody saying 'Nicola is a male name.' GET PREPARED FOR THIS! I am Greek, my full name is Nicoleta shortened to Nicola due to much bullying and mispronunciation. Also, Nicola is a VERY common full not shortened, like mine, female name in England, Greece and even Italy! So check the facts before you go blabbing on about origins and genders! We all know you are just trying to sound smart... SO STOP because even if you do sound smart it will never change the fact that you are not.
Elegant name, sort of sounds like the word necklace.
My name is Nicola and I like it though I hate being called Nicky and prefer it shortened to Nic. Nicola was a very popular name in 1975 when I was born and I agree with a previous poster who says that Americans cannot cope with the 'a' on the end and just call me Nicole which I don't like at all! Also agree with the poster who said Nicola's are sexy and intelligent, we are!
My name is Nicola and I am proud! Nicola sounds nice- I'm not saying it because it's my name, my mum picked it and is not pronounced ni-COLA it's NI-CO-LA. I get called Nikki and Nikkiola and I don't mind! People in America call me Nicole but I don't mind! (Note I am from the UK)
My name is Nicola, it was common here in the UK when I was born in 1974. Apparently there were several on the maternity ward where my mother had me. I've never had a problem with my name, but I do notice that Americans can't quite work out why there's an 'a' on the end of my name, and I was called Nicole a lot when I visited the US and even online sometimes where they can see the spelling. Lol In Italy it's a boy's name. But over here we have Nicholas and Nicola. Can also be spelt Nichola but mine is not. It's pronounced NI-ca-la.
This is a man's name and is from the Greek. It is the Italian male version of Nicholas. Check Wikipedia.
I actually really like this name. I can imagine a woman called Nicola being really sexy but quite clever and studious as well. I prefer this to Nicole: floats off the tongue better.
I MUCH prefer the name Nicole to this. The way this name looks at the end reminds me of Coca-Cola.
I first noticed this name due to the character in Spice World (the Spice Girls' friend), and decided that it was a most attractive name, which I much prefer to the far more common Nicole.
I know my history. I don't know who would name a girl Nicola because that is a man's name.
Soo… this is my name, and I used to hate it, but now I like it okay. I don't love it, but I like it better than Nicole.
One of my biggest issues is that people almost always pronounce it ni-KO-la at first. And once someone thought it was Nikolai, which was annoying. I also don't like any nicknames for it- Nic, Nikki, Cola (just no)- which means I go by my full name. People sometimes think that makes me a snob, which kind of sucks.
I would advise anyone considering naming their child this to think about nicknames before naming them this.
I'm sorry but this name is just ugly. All I can see is "cola" which sounds yucky.
My name is Nicole and back in kindergarten there was this girl who got my name wrong and called me "Nicola". And then her sister called me "Coca Cola" because they both thought Nicola was my name and it sounded like the pop to them. And then all the people in my kindergarten called me that. Thank goodness for elementary school, because I HATED that nickname. And I hate the name "Nicola". It sounds like a brand of soda, it's ugly on both boys and girls. Don't call your child Nicole or Nicola, please. Nicole because it's overused and Nicola because it's gross and cheap. Your child will end up resentful to their name and school if they had to go through what I did.
My cousin's called Nicola, but she pronounces it NIK-oh-la. To me this sounds a lot prettier than ni-KO-la.
I prefer this name to the overused Nicole, and I like it best spelled without the 'h'. This has to be pronounced ''NI-ko-la'', however, not as ''ni-KO-la'', as the latter makes me think of Coca Cola. This name sounds quite spunky, like the name of a lively and confident, intelligent young woman, but the religious roots of the name are a reason for me not to use it.
I have a friend called Nicola and it is a very pretty name. I call her Nico as a joke. I think the prettier pronunciation is "NI-co-la", instead of "ni-CO-la". To me the second pronunciation just sounds disturbing. I don't know why.
I think Nicola is a cool name for a girl. I don't know, names that end in "a" pronounced "uh" seem more for a girl.
A beautiful name. Sounds like music.
I personally really hate the name Nicola and NEVER use it. I don't know why I hate it so much but I cannot type it very fast I use it that rarley.
I have always prefered Nicola to Nicole.

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