Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Nice beautiful glorious name!
Sounds playful and soft, but never liked this name much. Had a really cool aunt who was super mellow and creative with this name. Beautiful and sunny in a modest way she was. However, the name just doesn’t hold a ton of beauty to me. Sounds very meek. Or like a burger Patty.
The rant below, thank you for proving a point! This name isn't ugly or infantile or whatever ya'll are saying. I think it's cute, and it reminds me of Peppermint Patty from Peanuts.
I’m sorry I’m really trying to give the name a chance but it’s just not the best. Maybe try to find a cuter name and have Patty be the nickname. But the only one I could think of was Patricia.
Stupid and infantile.
I've only met one Patty in my life and she was very nice but I'm not gonna lie I don't like it it's ugly, tacky and unattractive. I agree with everyone else I'm NOT trying to offend anyone named Patty I'm just saying my opinion!
OK, first of all. My name is Patty and this comment section is ridiculous. I was named after my deceased grandmother and this comment section is so toxic and bringing so much insecurity to me, and maybe other Patty's. To all the other Patty's YOUR NAME IS BEAUTIFUL DO NOT LET THESE MORONS TELL YOU ANY DIFFERENT! YOU ARE AMAZING! AND THE FACT THAT THESE PEOPLE ARE GOING ANONYMOUS AND TYPING SUCH HEARTBREAKING TOXIC THINGS IS SO DISGUSTING! It hurts that an actual wholesome comment I saw had -3 likes just shows how much people really don't care about anything but themselves. Think before you type, especially about other's opinions on the names OF THEIR BABY, THEIRS NOT YOURS, THEIRS! THEY DECIDE AND YOU SHUT UP ABOUT WHAT THEY CHOOSE IT'S SO OFFENSIVE AND SELFISH! IT'S AS IF SOMEBODY CALLED YOUR BABY UGLY JUST CAUSE THEY HAVE AN ANONYMOUS THING COVERING WHO THEY REALLY ARE SO THEY CAN NEVER SEE THE CONSEQUENCES! And Trish? Tricia? That sounds like a soccer mom, or a person who would call a manager whenever their expired coupons don't work. (Trishes or Tricias out in the world your name is beautiful I'm just tryna prove my point on how calling and assuming on a name before you even meet the person is extremely offensive!) This name is also common where I am from (Mexico) because it is our CULTURE so technically if you insult ANYBODY'S NAME in Mexico, YOU ARE INSULTING OUR BELIEFS, CULTURE, FREEDOM, AND ARE BEING AN UNMANNERED SWINE!
Terrible nickname.
So unpleasant.
Patty is such an unpleasant name. It conjures up images of an overweight, unattractive older woman who is either sinister or is overly sweet and easily becomes oblivious to everything around her. The name itself, Patty, is hideous as well.
Burger Patty. That's all I'm going to say.
Makes me think of an excitable teenager in a poodle skirt and a sweater. Which makes me laugh when I try to think of a baby having that name.
My dog is called Patti (not Patty) and I think it is really cute on her! It's really hard to imagine this name on girl! Patti is great for pets though!
No, Tricia is a stupid nickname, I think Patty is perfect.
I hate this name. I really do. Why be Patty when you can be Trish or Tricia? It makes no sense to me personally.

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