Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Name after the queen Regina George? LUV THIS NAME.
Pretty and sophisticated.
No one cares if this name is Romansh.
Used to hate this name but really like it now. Couldn't say why.
No. It just sounds like vagina.
My name is Regina and my nickname is Rain. I am from Philippines. There is nothing wrong with the name/nickname or the pronunciation. What matters most is the personality, attitude and the values of the one who use or have that name.
Regina is pronounced reh-JEE-na.
It sounds nothing like 'vagina'.
Regina is a very beautiful name! I think it fits really, anybody! #BeProudReginas#LoveYourName.
Name sounds strong, looks strong, just a beautiful name. A lot of class. Should be used more often. Good name.
Regina is a beautiful name.
Regina has a beautiful old-fashioned twang. *kissing noises* Aah. Beautiful.
Okay, My name is Regina and I personally don't really like it because of the pronunciation that rhymes with Vagina but I really like the meaning and I saw a comment that says that the nickname "REGGIE" was a dog's name. Like no. Some of my friends call me Reggie or Reese or Ginna but I go by Reggie and I think it can be a name a nickname or a dog's name✋.
Your name is beautiful don’t think that.
Wow, so much hate for my name! Regina Marie means Queen Mary, a solid Catholic name. Nicknames people call me: Jean (my mom ONLY), Reg or Reggie (almost exclusively by male friends or family), Regina Steamer, carpet cleaner (eye roll). I’m loving the suggestion of GiGi as a nickname. My main issues with the name are the occasional mispronunciations as Ra-JI-na and the fact that as a kid it was hard to find personalized key chains, etc.
Don't like it.
"Regina" is disgusting. I imagine it would be the name of an annoying spoiled teenager.
It's an okay name, just don't choose to pronounce it as re-jie-na unless you want your child to be bullied for having a name that rhymes with Vagina.
It's fine. Reyna is better. Gina is better. Rina is better. But Regina is perfectly fine. I don't have anything against this name, it just isn't personally something I'd consider great.
It makes me think of the code name of the agent in the video games Dino Crisis and Dino Crisis 2. Even though that's a positive association, I really don't like the name.
Regina is a pretty name and I would pronounce it re-jee-na.Pronouncing it re-jai-na makes it rhyme with the name of a certain part of the female anatomy... 0_0.
I don’t know why so many characters are called Regina and are bad.
I myself think that Regina is a lovely name.
I like the name when pronounced Reh-GEE-nuh. Unfortunately, the first Regina I ever met was a duplicitous, horse-faced troublemaker. So that image always came to mind whenever I was introduced to a new person named Regina! Just sayin'.
I always pronounced this name reh-GEE-nuh, also I really like this name, especially the meaning.
A beautiful name, perfect for your little queen. (I prefer it pronounced re-GEE-na.)
Regina is a classic name and is gorgeous, goes beautifully as Regina Elizabeth. I love Regina with my favorite daughter name: Victoria, so Victoria and Regina. So elegant! And I love the nicknames Gigi, Queenie and Ginny for the baby. A perfect name in my opinion and I love the mean girl reference.
The "j-eye-nah" sound in this name is not attractive.
I LOVE THIS NAME! If I have a redheaded baby, I'm thinking of naming her Regina and calling her Ginny for short. (Reggie is a dogs name, come on people).
I kind of like this name, mainly because of Once Upon a Time's Regina, who used to be one of my favorite characters. However, now I find Regina one of the most obnoxious characters in the series, and I think it would have been better if she had stayed a villain. Due to this, I'm not sure how I feel about this name anymore.
Hate this name because it gives off a bitchy vibe, and not just because of Regina from Mean Girls.
My name is Regina (Reh-jee-nuh) and I like my name, one of the reasons being the amount of nicknames people come up with. I'm pretty chill with whatever people call me - Regina, Reg, Reginald, Reggie, Gina are the most common, my favorite being Reg, because it's simple and casual. However, I DETEST the pronunciation Re-ji-na for obvious reasons, and I dislike Re-gee-nah as well. I don't love Reggie, but I don't mind it much anymore.I get a lot of comments on how pretty my name is, especially if I say my middle name with it - Regina Rose. I was named after the Blessed Mother, and I love the name meaning.Overall, I think it's a fun name, since it can be both formal and casual. Just be prepared for a boatload of nicknames! ;)
I can understand why this name isn't too common in the U.K. (probably was never on the charts) because the way they apparently say this name, it rhymes with the word, Vagina. \:Reh-gee-na is loads better! Over in the states the name is alright\ok-ish but over in the U.K. it sounds dreadful and awful.
Regina is such a beautiful name. I love the meaning "queen". :)
In Italy this name is pretty unusual, maybe due to is meaning. Infact, Regina means "queen" and I think that this make the name heavy to bring.
It can also be pronounced re-HEE-nuh in Spanish-speaking countries. In my high school Spanish class, this was my "Spanish name" and I loved it. :)
It´s my mother´s name. Really old-fashioned here in Brazil. I can´t imagine a little girl with this name.
I really like the sound of this name, but I would probably spell it Regena to avoid mispronunciation.
My cousin is named Regina (Reggie for short). Everyone in my family loved Reggie but she did get teased for her real name, Regina.
This is now currently my favorite name because Regina Spektor is my favorite person in the world wide world.
I love this name, but only pronounced reh jee na. Reh jie na just reminds me too much of... well, you know.
This is my name and I absolutely love it. When I was younger I didn't like it as much because it was so different. But now, I am happy that I have such a unique name. And I love that it means "Queen." This is a beautiful and elegant name.
Regina is such a beautiful name, although every time I hear it, it reminds me of the main mean girl in Mean Girls, even though that does not bother me, I still love it.
I hate it when people call me 'Reg' for short. It really sounds like 'wretch'.
Kind of a pretty name, when pronounced Re-gee-na. I'm not crazy about the nickname Reggie though. It sounds too much like "veggie" or "wedgie". (Can't you just imagine a little kid saying that?)
My mother's name is Regina, and she always goes by Gina. She can't stand being called Reggie.
I love this name when it is pronounced Re-jee-na.
My name is Regina (re-GEE-na, I hate the other pronunciation). I used to dislike it when I was younger, but I just asked people to call me Gina instead. Now I use either. I don't like the nickname Reg though; I cringe when people call me that. It sounds too masculine for me.
It's my name and I'm really proud of it, because it means "queen".
I don't like any pronunciation of this name, but the worst is re-JY-na. You know what happens to children whose names rhyme with body parts.
I love the name Regina, I have loved it since I was little. I think it's spiffy because there are a choice of nicknames: Reg, Reggie, Geen, Gina. Maybe I would spell it Regeena, but I would probably stick with Regina. Yes, Regina Spektor is a musician, and an amazing one at that. I think it's also a nice name if you're catholic and are going to get confirmed and need to pick a saint name. (I'm not catholic, otherwise I'd totally pick this one!). But I would totally name my kid this. And I'd pronounce it ruh-gee-na[h].
It's a pretty word. I've always liked the sound of it. I can understand why people would want to name their child this. The only problem is that everyone would associate it with things that have already been mentioned in other comments. I wouldn't use it myself, but go ahead if you want to.
I think Regina Aurelita goes really well, isn't Regina meant to be said like Re-Jeen-A? I like the Nickname Gina, not Regie.
I really dislike this name. It sounds old and drab to me.
Obviously it is regal, sophisticated and gorgeous.
Elegant and sublime.
This is my name and I've always loved it, even though sometimes I get teased about it when some English pronounce it like the female organ but that's rather rarely.
I would never pronounce this name as "re-JIEN-a"; that makes it sound too much like a similar sounding, feminine organ, if you get my meaning.
The correct pronunciation of the Canadian city is "re-JIEN-a." I've heard the broadcasters on CBC pronounce Regina in this manner.

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