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[Facts] AOIDE??
Does anyone know how you pronounce the name Aoide? I am told that it is greek for "song" but no one seems to know how to say it!
I thought it may be EE-da.. becuase I know that the name Aoife is pronounced EE-fa.. however this name is Scotish I believeThanks for your help!
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Aoide was the -Greek- Muse of song. It's Pronounced Ode.
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I'm not sure but I think it may be pronounced Ohd. I think the word ode is derived from Aoide who was the Greek Muse of Song. Just a theory, though.
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Sorry Lilyana but i really can't see Aoife pronounced as'll be "oi - fa" to me...aoide will be pronounced the same i guess...rather "a-oi-de" or "a-wa-de" in French..Sorry....
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A friend of mine worked in Dublin for some years, and developed a rule for Irish pronunciation. Take an English word; take the whole alphabet. Now remove all the letters in your word, plus any other letters that have the same sounds. Double the number of remaining vowels. Now throw your modified alphabet at the wall. The letters that stick will form the Irish equivalent of the word you started with.He says this is a plot by the Irish to confuse the Brits ...
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Aoife is indeed pronounced EE-fa. It's Irish, and Gaelic spellings differ considerably sometimes from English spellings.I've heard of Ava being used as an Anglicisation of Aoife, even though it isn't pronounced the same.Sorry Lilyana, I have no idea how to pronounce Aoide.Miranda
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it could be pronounced as Haidé (i-DE)or like Aida (a-EE-da), the first form is south-american and the other is italian-spanish
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