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[Opinions] Kimberly and Kim
I'm quite surprised to see Kimberly so high on the popularity charts. I thought most people would find it dated by now but it seems to have remarkable staying power. I never would have guessed. Any theories?What do you think of Kimberly? Dated or still nice and usable? It used to be really common some time ago, did you meet many? Did they go by Kim or any other nickname or by their full name?Did you ever met someone whose full name was Kim or Kym? Boys or girls? What do you think of Kim on its own?Kimberly or Kimberley? Kymberly, Kymberley?
Kim or Kym? (I know a Kimberly who goes by Kym because she thinks it looks more feminine).What do you think of other Kim names for a boy/girl?Kimball
Kimma or Kymma
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I love Kim on a boy. On a girl it's a bit of a gp.
Kimberley seems dated and rather "valley girl-ish".
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I don't like itIt was popular when my sister was born in the mid 80's. I just dislike surname names on girls. First names that is. Middle names, I don't have problems with.My sister went by Kim exclusively and I dislike it. I always called her the full name. Actually, I prefer Kim on a boy and I'm glad to have come across a couple.
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My name, too!I don't really like it, but I often go by my middle name, which I also don't like much lol. I automatically get called Kim most of the time. I don't really care either way though. My close friends and family call me by my middle name and that's the name I prefer. Kimberly is my mom's middle name, and that's were she got it from. I would find it too dated for a child now, but not for my generation. I'm 19, and I don't know anyone younger than me named Kimberly. I have met a few men who are named Kim and one who was named Kimberly. Actually, I think I have met more men than women named Kim.
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I'm 17 with the name, so same generation

This message was edited 6/28/2009, 6:30 PM

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It's my nameNot many people on the board like it though. I only like the spellings Kimberly and Kimberley, the rest just look silly to me. I hate being called Kimmy unless by really close friends, otherwise I'm generally Kim (though most adults now call me Kimberly.) I met one woman and one guy with the full name Kim. I don't really have an opinion on the name or even my name really. It's just sort of there I guess, don't hate or adore it. I'm surprised it's still popular because I've never really met another person with the name that wasn't roughly my age or about twenty years older. It wasn't until high school that I even met someone else with my name though that wasn't my friend's father named Kim. It's still usable I guess. There's nothing wrong with the name, it's not Bertha by any means. I don't like how people always correlate it with a ditzy girl though x_x I'm not at all. Makes me feel pretty bad, not that I think any less of the name. Oh and I don't like any of those Kim-variation. Icky.

This message was edited 6/28/2009, 5:23 PM

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My niece is Kimberley Paige (13). I was more than little surprised when my sister named her because we both went to school with our share of Kimberlys (Kims). In fact, I attended a birthday party today of a three-year old whose mom is named Kim(berly). It's an ok name -- too prissy for me in its long form and too bleh as Kim. I find it dated, however, I like Kimberly much better than any of the alternatives, especially Kimball.My niece has been called Kim, Kimmie, Kimber and Berly (yikes!).
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I really really despise the name Kimberly and all of its variations.Most of the Kimberly's I know who over 30ish go by Kim, and all of the Kimberly's I know who are around my age (20s and under) go by Kimberly as a whole. One Kimberly I know hates her name and goes by Kimber because she thinks it sounds edgier.
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I never really thought of it as dated, because I know 3 people with this name, and one with it as a middle name. Only one of them is older than me, and they're my friend's mom. Her name is Kimberly, but goes by Kim. A girl in my school has the name Kimberlyn, which I always kind of liked. I met her a long time ago, before ever meeting anyone by the name of Kimberly. This girl goes by Kimberlyn, Kim, or Kimmy. The other girl is a year younger than me, and people call her Kimmy, and her full name is Kimberly. Then my friend, Abigail, has this as a middle name.I don't like Kim or Kym alone or on a boy. I actually think Kimberly or Kimberlyn are pretty names for girls. I don't think it's dated, and probably wouldn't use it, but wouldn't mind seeing it on a baby these days.
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I don't really like Kimberley, it reminds me of the ditzy character from Full House lol. I do really like Kim and Kym though, Kym slightly more. I think it works just as well on boys and girls.
I don't really like the other Kim- names you've listed, although Kimora is ok.
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I'm a Kimberly. Any other spelling besides Kimberley looks trendy and stupid. I loathe being called Kim or Kimmy. I get called Berly, Kimber and Kimba. And one creative NN-Pealee. I'm surprised Kimberly is still popular as well. I would think my generation wouldn't use names like Jennifer, Jessica, Kimberly and Ashely. I've only known a handfull of Kimberly's. They usually go by Kim. I freaking HATE it when I introduce myself as Kimberly and people continue to call me Kim. It's freaking annoying.
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Berly?...that seems so mean to did you like that growing up?? It's too similar to "burly" which would have totally crushed me as a little girl! Kimber is rather spunky!
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Not a does seems very dated and boring to me. I know two Kims over 50 (one was just named "Kim", no full Kimberly), and one my age who refused to respond to her own name and insisted on being called "Kacey" because her name was Kimberly C-something. I think our children might pull it out for their own use, though.I don't much care for Kimball or any of the variations either, but I once saw a show where the host's name was Kimimila ("kee-mee-mee-la"), which was an Native American name meaning "butterfly", and I quite liked that.
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