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[Games] Mar's Adoption Agency
Since the whole board is filled with CAFs and Congrats games I thought it was time for something else :D
Fill this form out:Family information
DH/DW: (name, age, occupation)
DH/DW: (name, age, occupation)
Existing children: (names, ages)
Languages spoken in the family:
Anything else you want to add:Adoption information
Number of children: (1,2 or 3)
Ages: (0-16)
Preferred sex: (m/f/either)
Siblings: (yes/no)
Multiples: (yes/no)
Teen mom/dad: (yes/no)
Pregnant teen: (yes/no)
Other preferences: (countries, disabilities, children under specific circumstances that you'd like to take in etc)
I will reply to you with the child(ren) we found for your family and a little background story, I expect an update on how everyone is adjusting to the new situation and to post the complete new family.

This message was edited 4/14/2013, 11:54 AM

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DW: Anne-Marie (Boucher) Blackwell-Boucher (28, dental hygenist)
DW: Winnifred Meghan "Winnie" (Blackwell) Blackwell-Boucher (29, secretary)
Existing children: None
Country: Canada
Languages spoken in the family: English, Anne-Marie speaks French, Winnie speaks Welsh
Anything else you want to add: They have a 2-year-old cat named Dorothy.Number of children: 1 or 2 (only if twins)
Ages: 0-4
Preferred sex: Either
Siblings: Twins only
Multiples: Twins only
Teen mom/dad: No
Pregnant teen: No
Other preferences: Anne-Marie is very set upon adopting a child from a developing country (somewhere in Africa or Asia, preferably). They're willing to adopt a child with manageable/minor disabilities, as well as small pets.
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Family information
DW: Sarah Jane Aurelia Hardiman, 31, speech therapist
DW: Maya Nicole Winters, 32, librarian
Existing children: -
Country: Canada
Languages spoken in the family: English
Anything else you want to add: We have two cats Ozma & VincentAdoption information
Number of children: 1
Ages: 0-2
Preferred sex: either
Siblings: no
Multiples: no
Teen mom/dad: no
Pregnant teen: no
Other preferences: preferred countries: Canada, China or any African country / minor disabilities and/or chronic illnesses are okay
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Family information
DW: Caitlin Brianna Seraphine Hart (age 40, nurse)
DH: John Paul Hart (age 41, music producer)
Existing children: Nathaniel David Gordon Hart (age 15), Penelope Anne Seraphine Hart (age 13) and Isaac Efren Pace Hart (age 11).
Country: Canada
Languages spoken in the family: English and French
Anything else you want to add: Christian householdAdoption information
Number of children: 2
Ages: 10-16
Preferred sex: one of each
Siblings: yes
Multiples: yes
Teen mom/dad: yes
Pregnant teen: yes
Other preferences: From Europe or Canada, must speak some French or English.

This message was edited 4/16/2013, 11:12 PM

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Family information
DH: Ian James Peterson, 38, pharmacist
DW: Olivia Janelle {Wilson} Peterson "Liv", 36, preschool teacher
Existing children:
Jason Vincent, 16
Emery Genevieve "Em", 14
Gisette Ariana, 12
Nathaniel Teague "Nate", 10
Country: USA
Languages spoken in the family: English, French
Anything else you want to add: nopeAdoption information
Number of children: 3
Ages: any
Preferred sex: either
Siblings: yes
Multiples: yes
Teen mom/dad: yes
Pregnant teen: yes
Other preferences: anything would be fine
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You're welcoming home Kiri Netana. She's a 13 year old girl from Auckland, New Zealand. She's the youngest of 7 children and she was the only girl. With six older brothers she got bullied a lot. Her mother wasn't up to the task of protecting her daughter and her father never really bothered to make an effort in raising his children properly. Kiri ran away several times during her childhood. She always came back home, but wanted nothing more than to get away from her family and the life she was leading. When she was twelve she ran away again, but unfortunately she ran into a wrong guy who abused her and had tried to keep her locked up in his house. She managed to escape after three days.She returned to her house, only to discover that it had been burnt down to the ground. There had apparently been a leak in a gas pipe and one night the house had blown up with her sleeping family still inside. Kiri was brought to an orphanage to await replacement in a new family. She had another nasty shock about four months after her family's death; she was pregnant. She had been feeling very miserable and sick for a while, but she had always thought it was because she had lost her family and was grieving. She really did not want to have a baby by the man that had abused her, but she had found out too late to have an abortion. As if this wasn't enough, she was told she was expecting twins.Kiri really wanted to be adopted by someone who would adopt her children as her siblings, so she still has some chance to be a child herself. She had the twins right before moving in with your family. She had two boys and wants your input on their names. She'd like to have them a four letter name, just like her and is considering: Cole, Dane, Drew, Leif, Gage, Jake, Rafe, Reid or Sage. But nothing is set in stone yet.
Kiri is a tough girl. She is good at heart, but can get really nasty if you push her. She gets angry quickly and never seems to be really calm. She'll need help to deal with all she's been through. She's looking forward to being a part of a family with people that actually like each other and care about one another. She is a little bit afraid about having another big brother, but she's glad she won't be the youngest in the family.

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It has been a year now since Kiri and the twins came to live with us and all three have adjusted quite well. Kiri is doing great. She struggled a bit when she first came to be with us, always on guard, especially toward Jason and Ian, and she was a bit wary of me as well. Even though she didn't get along with her family, losing them all in such a terrible way truly affected her miserably and on top of that having just given birth, she developed a bit of depression. We had her in counseling for a while and were able to get her help and some medication and she is doing much better now. Though it took a while, she has developed a better relationship with both Jason and Ian. Through her counseling sessions, she was able to work through her trust issues and actually get to know them better. Kiri, Em, and Gisette on the other hand were fast friends. Kiri was thrilled to have sisters, especially so close in age, since she grew up with only brothers. Em and Gisette were happy to welcome her into their 'sisterhood' and I believe Kiri's friendship with them has really helped her a lot. While she is still tough, she has softened a bit and isn't quite as hostile as she was when she first came to live with us. Because all our kids are close, Em and Gisette have helped her in learning how to not see Jason as a threat like her older brothers and this has helped her relationship with him and Nate.Kiri, Ian, and I discussed names for the twins, finally deciding upon Cole Lachlan and Sage Alistair. Cole is by far the louder and more outgoing and active of the two. He started walking first, at just 9 months, and within a month of his first steps he was nearly running. He is quite mischievous and gets into everything. He loves to be up and about and hardly ever wants to sit still. He enjoys being outside and playing. He talks all the time, well babbles anyway, and he's never shy about letting you know what he wants. Sage is much more quiet than his twin. He's very laid back and compliant. He walks nearly as well as his brother, but he prefers to sit and look at books, do puzzles, color, or play with toys. Despite their polar opposite personalities, the boys get along surprisingly well and enjoy each others company.

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Family information
DW: Georgina Mary {Beauchamp} Brent. [35] Primary School Teacher - Year One.
DH: Nicholas Baptiste Beauchamp. [39] Midwife.
Existing children:
- Sidney Alexander Beauchamp. [14]
Country: England
Languages spoken in the family: English, French.
Anything else you want to add: Nicholas is not Sidney's biological father, he has autism and is occasionally aggressive.
Georgie and Nicky with Sidney.Adoption information
Number of children: 2 or 3
Ages: 5-13
Preferred sex: either
Siblings: yes
Multiples: no
Teen mom/dad: no
Pregnant teen: no
Other preferences: Children from England and France are preffered, we do not mind if any of them have a disability but nothing too severe please as we already have Sidney, we would like to help children from neglectful backgrounds but none with too severe trauma or behavioural issues.
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You're welcoming home Hervé Favreau (12) and Léonie Chevalier (5). They are half sibling who share the same mother. They are originally from Thimory in France. Hervé's father Guy Favreau left his mother, Salomé, three days after Hervé was born. They were both eightteen years old and the pregnancy had been an accident. Salomé had no support, since she was not on speaking terms with her family anymore. She got a cleaning job during the day and worked in a restaurant in the evenings. Hervé was mostly left with various neighbours and co-workers of Salomé.When Hervé was about four years old, she often let him alone when she worked. She lost her job in the restaurant and money got very tight with just her cleaning job. One night her boss offered to pay her more money, if she'd sleep with him. With a stack of bills to pay at home and no idea how else to get more money, she took him up on his offer. Before long this became more regular and her boss even introduced her to some friends of his. Before she really knew what happened she had another 'job'. In the mean time Hervé was left on his own a lot. When his mother did come home, she often came home drunk and wasn't really interested in taking care him. She made him do chores at home and shouted at him if he forgot to do something when she'd been out. She eventually lost her cleaning job because of her drinking. By the time Hervé was six years old he was more taking care of his mother than the other way around. Salomé got pregnant again and she had no idea who the father might be. She ended up giving birth to Léonie too soon, because she had taken very bad care of herself during the pregnancy and she hadn't quit drinking either. Léonie was a tiny weak baby, who had to fight for her life for her first few weeks. She got stronger and was allowed to go home eventually. Half a year later, neighbours called the police, because Léonie had been crying for three straight days and Salomé didn't seem to be taking care of her children. In the end Hervé and Léonie were placed in a foster home, while Salomé had to quit drinking, get a decent job and follow parenting courses before she could have her kids back.

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Thanks! We haven't had one of these in ages.DH/DW: Tom Alastair, 38, actor
DH/DW: Aisling Margaret, 29, journalist/writer
Existing children: Lennox Jude, 4
Country: London, UK
Languages spoken in the family: English, French, Portuguese
Anything else you want to add:Adoption information
Number of children: 3
Ages: newborn-7
Preferred sex: either (at least one of each)
Siblings: yes
Multiples: no
Teen mom/dad: no
Pregnant teen: no
Other preferences: from UK/Ireland, Eastern Europe or Middle East, manageable disabilities such as cleft palate or epilepsy
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You're welcoming home Leonas (6), Valdas (4) and Milda (3). They are three siblings from Daunoriske, a little village in Lithuania, near the Latvian border. They were the children of a sheep farmer, Karolis, and his wife, Audra, who worked as a tailor. The family had always been very poor and life had been hard. Before Leonas, the couple had had two children Elze and Aras. But Elze had drowned when she was two and Aras had gotten sick and died of fever when he was six months old. Karolis had been very pleased he had sons, so that he could show them how to be a sheep farmer and they could take over the caring for the flock one day. As soon as they could walk, Leonas and Valdas were made to go with their father and look after the sheep. Milda was being groomed to be a housewife and was given some minor tasks around the house, despite her age.One very cold winter day, their father left the house, because he had heard wolves and he wanted to chase them off or kill them. He took his hunting rifle with him. About ten minutes later, Audra and the children heard screaming and shots from the rifle. Audra was convinced something was very wrong, took the other rifle and went looking for her husband. She was not even outside the door for more than ten seconds, when a wolf appeared at her side and attacked her. She managed to shoot once, but missed the wolf. The wolf didn't miss her and bit her throat. The children watched the whole thing from behind windows covered in frozen flowers. After their mother had been killed, they saw another wolf dragging their father's body. The wolves killed all the sheep in the days to come, while the children cowered inside.

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This message was edited 4/16/2013, 1:34 PM

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Family information
DH/DW: Travis Roger, architect
DH/DW: Lauren Grace, photographer
Existing children: Margaret Louise (15) Jonathan Levi (13)
Country: United States
Languages spoken in the family: English
Anything else you want to add: We have dogs and cats.Adoption information
Number of children: 3
Ages: 0-12
Preferred sex: either
Siblings: yes
Multiples: yes
Teen mom/dad: no
Pregnant teen: no
Other preferences:
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You're welcoming home Ellie, Lillie and Alfie. They are 3 year old triplets from London. They were the children of a school teacher named Sophie and a musician named Archie. Sophie and Archie lived together for a year after the children were born, but then split up. Archie took Alfie with him and moved to Dublin, while Sophie stayed with the girls in London. Sophie had a very serious accident while with the bus she was on to get home from work one day. She ended up being in a coma and her sister took care of the girls for several months. After a long while Sophie finally woke up and after four more weeks in the hospital she was finally allowed to go back home. Sophie's sister went to pick her up, but then their car got hit by a truck on the way back. Both of them were killed instantly. The girls were taken to an orphanage, because no one was able to track down Archie. Meanwhile in Dublin, Archie had been working as a bartender after he failed to find a job as a musician. Archie had refused to serve a man who was been aggressive and way beyond drunk. The man had left the bar, only to come back later when Archie was closing up. The drunk broke a beer bottle and stabbed Archie with it. He bled to death and Alfie was left without a father. The police brought Archie to an orphanage, where his new caregivers tried locating his mother. After a long search it was finally discovered that both parents of the triplets had died and they were reunited, though they barely remembered each other. They are in need of a loving stable family now.

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It has been a year since Lillie, Ellie, and Alfie joined our family. Maggie and Jon have been so helpful welcoming and helpful with the triplets, much more than we expected from them. They have come to adore their younger siblings. It took Alfie awhile to get used to having 4 siblings and he still gets upset if he is not getting as much attention as he likes but he is getting better. Ellie and Lillie stuck to each other for a very long time and took a long time for Lillie to start interacting with anyone else. Altogether they are adjusting very well and enjoying preschool.

This message was edited 4/17/2013, 5:03 AM

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Family information
DH: William Derek Hurley [34, veterinarian]
DW: Theodora Margaret {Hamilton} Hurley [32, French teacher]
-DD: Isabella Rose Hurley [8, deaf]
-DS: Oliver Samuel Hurley [6, no disabilities]
Country: USA
Languages spoken in the family: English, French and ASL.
Anything else you want to add:
-Dog: Fitz [10, Labrador Retriever]
-Dog: Toby [7, Golden Retriever]
-Cat: Penelope [3, Abyssinian]
-Cat: Mara [3, Abyssinian]Adoption information
Number of children: 1.
Ages: Any age between newborn and 16.
Preferred sex: Female.
Siblings: No.
Multiples: No.
Teen mom/dad: No.
Pregnant teen: No.
Other preferences: Children with minor disabilities are welcome!
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You're welcoming home a 16 year old girl named Isaura. She's from Monte Francisco, a little town in the south of Portugal, near the Spanish border. She never knew her father, because her mother, Flavia, only met him once and she had never even asked him his name, so she wasn't able to tell him she had gotten pregnant with his baby. Flavia's father was furious and ordered his daughter to give the baby to the church after it was born. Flavia didn't like this, but agreed to do this. When the time came, Flavia went to the hospital to have her baby. Something went very wrong during the birth, but with the help of the doctors, Flavia gave birth to a healthy girl and named her Isaura. Because of the complications, Flavia was told she would no longer be able to have any more children. Realizing Isaura would be her only child, she chose to defy her father and keep the baby. For months Isaura lived with the family, while Flavia and her father frequently fought over the presence of the baby. The fights often turned ugly with Flavia's father throwing things at his daughter. One night he missed Flavia with a glass he threw, but ended up hitting Isaura in the face. The little girl's eye was damaged. It turned completely white and blind. About two years later Flavia met a man she really loved. He was a widower with two kids. Half a year later he asked her to marry him and live with him. She married him, but when she moved in, he told her he didn't want Isaura there. He only wanted his own children under his roof. Flavia ended upo leaving her child with her parents.Isaura's grandmother cared for her for the next couple of years, not really wanting to and with a grandfather nagging that she should give the child to the church. When Isaura was six, her grandmother got ill. Her grandfather took Isaura and gave her to the nuns, when his wife was too sick to ta care of Isaura or to protest about giving her away. Isaura lived in an orphanage and hated it there. The other kids teased her all the time and called her 'cyclops', because of her eye. She couldn't get along with the nuns either and was punished all the time for misbehaving. After some years she was transferred to a foster home, but couldn't get along with her foster parents either. She got transferred to three other homes, before being placed back in an another orphanage. By this time she was fifteen.

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DH: William Derek Hurley [34]
DW: Theodora Margaret {Hamilton} Hurley [32]
-ADD: Isaura Leonor Hurley [16]
-DD: Isabella Rose Hurley [8]
-DS: Oliver Samuel Hurley [6]
-Dog: Fitz [10, Labrador Retriever]
-Dog: Toby [7, Golden Retriever]
-Cat: Penelope [3, Abyssinian]
-Cat: Mara [3, Abyssinian]--Will and Thea brought Isaura home on a beautiful, sunny winter day. They took it as a sign of good things to come because the winter had mostly been snowy and overcast. And for the most part, things were good. At first Bella and Ollie were a little unsure of what to make of having a new big sister. Of course, Isaura was a little unsure at first too but she quickly grew into her new role of big sister. Ollie warmed up to her quicker than Bella did. Isaura loved to play with his toy trains with him and he loved to help teach her ASL. There was a bit of a language barrier, especially between Bella and Isaura. Luckily Isaura was a quick learner and picked up ASL fast. Since then, things have been a lot better between all the kids. They all love to watch movies and play with the cats and dogs. Isaura has even been helping Isabella with her drawing.Isaura wasn't used to having such discipline so there have been a few rocky moments here and there. The issues were always resolved and she's always thankful her new parents are so patient with her. She is also enrolled in school and she enjoys most of her classes, especially art. She's made a few friends, which makes her really happy.Not long ago, Isaura decided she wanted to have a middle name. She took the decision very seriously and finally settled on Leonor. It was a name from her home country and it was also similar to Thea's sister's name, Eleanor. Everyone in the family had welcomed Isaura with open arms, but Eleanor went that extra mile to make her feel like she truly belonged. Next to her new mom, dad and siblings, Eleanor was one of her favorite people.
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DW - Alexandra Grace [Harper] Cook (34, Farmer/dog breeder)
DH - Martin Oliver Cook (48, Teacher)
Existing children:
Schuyler Alyssa (8, no disabilities)
Harper Jeremy (5, no disabilities)
Carson Isabelle (1, no disabilities)
Kennedy Anne (1, Mute)
Country: England
Languages spoken in the family: English, and Sign Language
Anything else you want to add:
DDog - River (7) [Brittany Spaniel, male]
DDog - Rose (6) [German Shepherd, female]
DDog - Hazel (6) [Brittany Spaniel, female]
DDog - Pogo (5) [German Shepherd, male]
DCat - Cleopatra 'Cleo' (4) [Asian, female]
DCat - Ares (2) [Havana brown, male]
DCat - Diana (1) [Calico, female]
DSnake - Artemis (1) [Ball python, female]Adoption information
Number of children: Up to three
Ages: nb - 7
Preferred sex: Either, but we'd like at least one male
Siblings: Sure
Multiples: Sure
Teen mom/dad: No
Pregnant teen: No
Other preferences: We'd only like disabled children if they're mute and/or deaf
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You're welcoming home 5 year old Greg and 4 year old Ginny. Greg and Ginny Wilson are brother and sister. Greg and Ginny are their full legal names. They are from Newman, Australia. It's a small town in the middle of the desert and they were living on the edge of that town. Robert and Faye Wilson, Greg and Ginny's parents, had a house with a big open area where they kept horses and sheep. Robert and Faye liked a quiet life and never interacted with neighbours much. They were fairly self-sufficient and Robert only did some carpenter work every now and then for money. Faye and Robert were usually working on their house or busy with the animals and Greg and Ginny tried to help them with the tasks around the house. One night there was a fierce storm and lightning struck the gas tank in their front yard. The tank exploded and blasted through their house. The house collapsed with the whole family still inside and a fire got started. When firemen came and put out the fire, there was not much left standing that resembled the house. They started going through the rubble and soon found the bodies of Robert and Faye. The children were nowhere to be found. It was not until hours later that someone checked the shed in the back yard. Greg and Ginny were there and they looked to be okay. Greg had apparently dragged his little sister out of the house and into the shed while the house was burning. Ginny had fallen asleep and Greg hadn't heard the firemen and had been to afraid to leave the shed. The blast of the explosion had damaged his hearing. Ginny got off with a small scar to her leg, but no other physical damage. It's still uncertain if Greg will ever be able to hear again. In case he won't, your family will certainly be equipped to help him adjust. He's very scared most of the time, but being around animals usually helps to relax him. Ginny is very lively and cheerful most of the time, but she gets really upset if she hears loud noises. She's mostly sad around bedtime, because she mostly misses her mother putting her to bed.Please inform us how Greg and Ginny are doing!
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It's been a year since we adopted Greg and Ginny, and the pair have settled in rather nicely.One of the first things we did after their adoption was set up family counselling, and individual counselling for Greg and Ginny. Greg communicated mostly in messy writing at that point, but we soon started teaching him and Ginny sign language and they took to it rather well.
We also elongated their names and allowed them to choose middle names that they'd like. Greg chose Robert after his Father, and Ginny chose Isolde from a story that Faye used to read to her.Greg spends most of his free time with the animals, or with Alex and he has learned a lot about training and breeding dogs. His hearing has not completely returned, and the doctors seem to think it will never fully come back, and so far can only hear especially loud noises.Ginny gets along very well with Harper, and during her first few months she often snuck out of her bed to go sleep with him. She has been sleeping in her own bed more often of late, but if she hears a loud noise during the day, or is particularly scared one night then she will still go to his bed.Thank you for bringing these two wonderful children into our lives!DH - Martin Oliver Cook (49)
DW - Alexandra Grace [Harper] Cook 'Alex' (35)DD - Schuyler Alyssa (9)
DS - Harper Jeremy (6)
AS - Gregory Robert 'Greg' (6)
AD - Ginevra Isolde 'Ginny' (5)
DD/DD - Carson Isabelle & Kennedy Anne (2)DDog - River (8) [Brittany Spaniel, male]
DDog - Rose (7) [German Shepherd, female]
DDog - Hazel (7) [Brittany Spaniel, female]
DDog - Pogo (6) [German Shepherd, male]
DCat - Cleopatra 'Cleo' (5) [Asian, female]
DCat - Ares (3) [Havana brown, male]
DCat - Diana (2) [Calico, female]
DSnake - Artemis (2) [Ball python, female]
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DH: Nigel Garret Blackmoore, 28, Translator/English Professor
DW: Laura Augusta Blackmoore, 27, Professional Vocalist
Existing children: Lillie Ceridwen Blackmoore, 5
Country: USA
Languages spoken in the family: English, Italian, Gaelic
Anything else you want to add: We own a house in northern england and travel there a few times a year.Adoption information
Number of children: 3
Ages: any
Preferred sex: either
Siblings: yes
Multiples: yes
Teen mom/dad: yes
Pregnant teen: yes
Other preferences: none
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You're welcoming home Massimo DiLuca. Massimo is 14 years old and he has two sons; twin boys named Nico and Remo. The twins are 6 months old. Massimo was born in Catanzaro in the south of Italy. His father left his mother before he was born and he doesn't know anything about him. His mother, Rosa, worked in the restaurant of her father. The first five years of Massimo's life they stayed in Catanzaro. After Rosa's father died and her uncle claimed the restaurant and kicked her out, she left for Rome to find a job there. She ended up working in an ice salon and she met Derek Fisher, an American tourist, there. Rosa and Derek quickly fell in love and after Derek had extended his stay there several times, he finally asked her and Massimo to come with him to the US. They got married and Derek adopted Massimo as his son. Two years later Rosa was home by herself one night, because Derek was on a business trip and Massimo was staying over at a friend's house, and she decided to have a relaxing bath with scented candles all around her. She noticed too late that one of the candles had fallen in the laundry basket and she couldn't put out the fire anymore. When she realized she wouldn't get the fire out, she was already too late to reach the door. She suffocated because of the smoke. Derek was devastated and after three months of not leaving the house anymore, he killed himself. Massimo ran away and lived on the streets. He was afraid he would be sent back to Italy if he went to the authorities.On the streets he met Sally, a sixteen year old girl. Sally and Massimo liked each other very much and ended up sleeping together. She got pregnant and Massimo tried to take care of her. She got very sick, because they couldn't eat well and it got very cold. Towards the end of her pregnancy, it was obvious to Massimo that she wouldn't make it on her own. They went to a hospital where the nurses helped a very weakened and drained Sally deliver two baby boys. Sally died from exhaustion and a third baby died with her.

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DH: Nigel Garret Blackmoore, 30, Translator/English Professor
DW: Laura Augusta Blackmoore, 29, Professional VocalistDD: Lillie Ceridwen Blackmoore, 7
ADS: Massimo DiLuca, 16
-ADS: Nico Elijah DiLuca, 2
-ADS: Remo Olivier DiLuca, 22 years later...Massimo takes very good care of his sons and is a very patient teacher. He has become involved in mission work and has gone on two mission trips since he came to live with us. After spending some time on the streets he is able to relate well to the people he meets. Lillie loves having a big brother, and likes having two little guys to play with. They have all adjusted very well.
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Family information
DH: Felix Michael Gerber (Age 42, dentist)
DW: Gabrielle Louise Gerber (Age 37, physical education teacher)
Existing children:
- Annabelle Marie, 14
- Frederick Paul, 12
- Lydia Carina, 6
Country: USA
Languages spoken in the family: English, German, French
Anything else you want to add: Gabrielle works part time to have enough time for the children. If she's not at home, her mom Ada (Age 61) takes care of them.Adoption information
Number of children: 1
Age: somewhere between 2 and 8
Preferred sex: either
Siblings: -
Multiples: -
Teen mom/dad: -
Pregnant teen: -
Other preferences: just a little kid that desperately needs a loving & caring new family.
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You're is family welcoming home an 8 year old boy named Peter Timothy Simmons. Peter was born in London and he moved to Toronto when he was four. Peter's mother, Cathy, got sick about three years ago with unknown illness. She got very tired all the time, to the point where she nearly got to tired to breathe. George, Peter's father, rushed her to the hospital one night, because she got blue in her face and couldn't speak anymore. On the way over there his father ran their car into a tree. Peter's mother died instantly and his father two days later in the hospital. Peter is a quiet little boy. He's friendly, but doesn't make friends easily, because he's shy. His best friend in the world is a goldfish named Mandarin, which he'll be bringing along when he comes to live with you. He speaks English, but understands a little French as well. He's told his social worker that he's a bit worried about living in a big family, but at the same time he's excited to have a brother and sisters as well. Please let us know how he's adjusting :)
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