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[Opinions] Billy
What do you think of the nickname Billy? As much as I love William, I think it's a little too common for me to use, so what do you think of Wilhelm and Willem as potential full names for Billy? Can you think of any others? Much obliged!

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I really like the nn Billy, I prefer it for William but I like Willem as well. Wilhelm is a bit too Germanic. Other suggestions:Wilson
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Thank you! :)
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What about Wilfred or Wilbur?
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They're not really for me, 'mafraid.
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I love Willem, I like it much better than William. Willem would be great with nn Billy.
Wilhelm sounds a bit dated.
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Interesting that Wilhelm sounds dated to you. Has it previously been popular where you live?
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Yes, it has been. Wilhelm sounds rather dated in Flanders and The Netherlands. I'm not sure if it's still popular in German speaking countries though.
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Ooh, Flanders! I have fond memories of Flanders :)Thanks!
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Really? I'd love to know what they are ;-)
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Anytime I read or hear the name Billy the song Billy the Kid by Dia Frampton gets stuck in my head.I love it as a nickname in a fun All-American retro sort of way. Reminds me of the 1950's.
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I don't know the song, hmm. Thanks, though! :)
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I only like Billie on a girl. Boy Billy sounds "hillbilly" and retro in a not good way. I like Willem but most specifically for the nn Will. Billy might also work for Bartolome or Bertil?

This message was edited 12/3/2014, 8:24 PM

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Funny, Billie is much more hillbilly to me than Billy is :P I could dig Bartolome, you know.
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I don't love Billy, but I do think it's cute. Wilhelm & Willem both work as ways to get to Billy, but I only care for Willem.I can't think of alternatives that haven't already been suggested other than bird names. Birds have bills, after all. Peregrine, Kestrel, Swift, Hawk? If you don't care whether or not people outside the family "get" the nickname, I think something like Peregrine, nn Billy, could work.
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I think bird names are pushing it a little, but that's totally a cool idea!
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When I was expecting my son and it was known his name would be William if it were a boy, my sisters told me that they wouldn't be able to stand it if I called him Billy. They had no need to worry, as Billy was never an option, being as I agreed with my sisters. It was a generic and very common nickname for our generation, we knew a ton of Billys who were usually later called Bill. It may just be a generational thing, but I can't stand either Billy or Bill as a nickname for William. Or Wilhelm or Willem.
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Ah, I didn't think about the possibility of it becoming Bill in time. Hm. Thanks!
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I don't like Billy much. Will is more to my taste as a nn for William, but Billy is fine. There's nothing wrong with it, just nms.
I think it works great with Wilhelm and Willem (I especially like Willem, it's cool).
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Thanks! :)
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Despite my snazzy username, I don't care for Billy. It's what a kid living in 1955 would have been named, and it doesn't even charm me in that retro way. It's too childish and annoying.I guess I'm traditional or maybe just stuck in the mud, because I prefer William, NN Will. It's handsome and dignified. Wilhelm/Willem are okay, but William is king, pun intended.
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Aw :( The nickname Will has kind of been ruined for me, though I know that's odd as I do still adore William.
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I don't really like Billy, but that is a personal pref. Though, I could get behind it if it was short for Billina... on a girl. (Wizard of Oz ref.)I think if you used another Will name, you could argue for Billy... though I don't see why Willem would be better than William. Wilhelm though - that carries a little sparkle. I like the name, but think Billy would bring it too far down to earth for me. Willoughby, Wilfred and Wilbur might work too. I wonder if you could make something like Jubal work? Jubilation as a noun-name might work too.
In a note of humor, my first thought was to suggest Bilbo, ala Baggins ;)
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QuoteI don't see why Willem would be better than William
I don't think it's better, just more uncommon. There's also added appeal for me in that it was Vincent van Gogh's middle name :) I do like Wilbur, and Willoughby, but I can't get behind the latter as an actual given name, though it might grow on me. I've never encountered Jubal before, so thanks for introducing me to it! I'll also have a look for names with the b_l pattern. I'd love to use Bilbo, sigh...
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I don't like Billy. William is fine, Willem is nice. But Billy I am not a fan of.As far as using Billy as a nickname, both Wilhelm and Willem work great. Also, Wilbert, Wilburn, Wilford, Wilfred, Wilkie, Wilton, Willard, Willis, Willoughby (!!), Wilson, Wilmet. Woah, the options are endless.
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I wouldn't say "endless" :P I did search for Wil- names, but nothing particularly piqued my interest, and a lot of them seemed like "no go"s for me, so I was hoping for something a little more unexpected than other Wil- names.
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How about skipping the William association altogether:
Abel nn Billy
Bilbo nn Billy
Bill nn Billy
Abimael nn Billy
Abilio nn Billy
Abimelech nn Billy
Baldwin nn Billy
Bartel nn Billy
Basil nn Billy
Campbell (that would be quite sweet, actually)
Gabriel - is that too much of a stretch?
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Ah, I didn'[t even think of that connection. On the TV show Fringe , one of the characters was named William Bell and they called him Belly. But, Billy would be a smooth transition (ignore that his first name also happens to be William).
Tybalt is also a great one (besides Campbell).
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Yes!I think we must have done a similar search just now, because I was just about to reply to my OP asking about Abel, Basil, and Tybalt, and I also picked out Archibald. I might consider Campbell, but as I never have before, it's going to take me a while to contemplate it.

This message was edited 12/3/2014, 1:39 PM

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Hooray! Yeah, Archibald could work too.
Is this for a really growing baby, a hypothetical one, or just for fun?Tybalt nn Billy would be so totally awesome!
But Campbell nn Billy would be my personal first choice. Ahh, they are all good. :)
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For fun and future reference, really :P I'm really starting to see the appeal of Campbell now, hmm...
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Campbell may be fun... but I second the Tybalt vote. Could you imagine meetinga Tybalt? Swoon!
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