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A friend of mine would like to name her daughter (if she ever had one) Samara. WDYT? Anyone knows a woman with that name? I've only heard it in a movie.
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The only "real" person I've heard it on was a baby girl in the news. Her mother was 14 and the father was 21, and on his way to jail for statutory rape, I'm pretty sure. They said their favorite movie was "The Ring" so they named their baby Samara. :-/ All of that, plus the character in the movie, have pretty much turned me off it.
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I love it. Samara has been one of my top 5 for a long time, and it's a serious contender if my next baby is a girl. I, personally, don't care about the Ring reference. How many babies have been named Jason or Michael since Friday the 13th and Halloween came out?
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Well, I've never met a Samara, but I know a Samira.I've never seen The Ring (horror movies creep me out big time) but people could make a connection.
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My younger brother goes to school with a girl named Samara. I've been thinking about this name a lot, since I just recently met her. I think it's quite pretty and to me, it will age well. I also like the nn Sam.
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I know a girl named SamaraI work with her and no one ever mentions The Ring to her. When people come to work and read her name tag they often comment saying how pretty her name is and ask where it comes from. Never a reference to the movie. One of our regular customers actually named their little girl (who is about 8 months old now) Samara after seeing Sam's name tag.
Admittedly, it probably helps that she looks nothing like Samara in the movie. She is blonde, tall, tanned skin, very pretty etc. If she was pale with very dark long hair there might be more of a problem.I think Samara is a really pretty name
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it's a seed... that's why I wouldn't use it.
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I love this name I don't care about The Ring its just a silly movie. My niece's middle name is Samara Louise and I used to work with a girl named Samara she was very nice.
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I agree.I havent even seen it.
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I really like it, it's on my favorites. The Ring connection doesn't bother me at all. I also like Tabitha, which was the name of the girl in Scary Movie 3, which spoofed the Ring. Honestly, if I couldn't use names that were in movies, there'd be no names left.

This message was edited 9/7/2007, 7:17 PM

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It's pretty, but...Samara is the name of the creepy killer-girl who climbed out of the tv and attacked people in The Ring. Unfortunately, the movie is so popular and well-seen (in the USA at least) that almost EVERYBODY would make that connection.
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Yes. I would never name a child this. Too affiliated.
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YeahWell, I don't know about everybody, but most of the younger generations definitely would, unfortunately. It's something I'd stay away from right now.
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