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Lucius vs Lucifer
I like both names. WDYT
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Forget about Lucifer, even in a non-religious perspective it's really unuseable, it's little better than naming a child Satan. I'm not crazy about Lucius, its'a bit overwrought but it's a bit more normal.
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Lucius! Lucifer is the name of the devil, it's clearly not usable.I like Lucius, anyway. It's a bit over the top, but it's nice.
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Lucius is the better of the two. Please love Lucius more! Haha lol I know Lucifer is a name like any other name. However, the connotations are way to strong and make me dislike the name.
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Lucian preferably. It's a smooth name, almost slimy perhaps. Sometimes I like it, sometimes not.I do not think Lucifer is workable at all, and I'm not religious or overly preoccupied with Biblical associations. It's one thing to like the sound, but imagine having to apply for jobs, sign your bank statements or introduce yourself over the phone as "Lucifer". Really. Imagine your girlfriend, ahem, shouting "Lucifer" in bed. (I'm sorry, but this is a test I do in my head to see if a name would be ridiculous in RL. Lucifer fails it...with flying colours.)Lucius is cool, for someone who can pull it off. It reminds me of "Rome" ( and Kevin McKidd - *swoon*).
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Lucifer is the I don't really like that.
But Lucius reminds me of Lucius Malfoy from the Harry Potter books, and that is one of the worst name associations for me.
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Lucius definetly
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Lucifer is totally unusable imo. No way would I consider it.:)
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Lucius. Lucifer - sorry. You cannot ignore that is the name of Satan. You can't treat it like a regular name. It's like saying "Rudolph or Adolph? I like both names. WDYT"
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Lucien, please.Lucius has an ugly sound, and Lucifer, for all its pretty, is still the name of Satan. And whether you believe in him or not, it's undeniable that everyone around him will have that association. Being a Lucifer would be very difficult.Lucien, on the other hand, is fabulous. Lucian, if you must, but Lucien is my preference. And if I absolutely must choose between Lucius and Lucifer, an ugly sound isn't as bad as being associated with the Prince of Darkness.Array
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Lucien is fairly common in my area, I know 2 or 3.
Lucifer? No, bad idea.
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I agree too. + semi-relevant anecdoteI remember when I finally realized what Lucifer actually meant in its Latin origins (this was a little while after I started taking Latin, a bit more than two years ago). I was disappointed, because the meaning sounds so nice, but the association is so bad. I made the connection when I was watching a mini-series. One of the characters, who was part angel, was trying to find out his own origins. He eventually was led to this mysterious "man" in a cave. The man did not say his name originally, but instead mentioned casually something about being the "bringer of light." He was obviously evil, so I took notice of something that seemed to be quite the opposite. I was like "bringer of light", hmmmm... "Lux" is "light" in Latin, and "ferre" is "to bring"... Wait...Lux...ferre...Holy crap, Lucifer means "bringer of light"?!So, yeah. Major "wow, I'm stupid" moment there, LOL.
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If I remember years of parochial school correct, Lucifer was the dawn star?
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I wish this name wasn't ruined, because that meaning is probably one of the more beautiful ones out there of ANY name.*sad*
Edited because I cannot seem to post a single message without a typo in it.

This message was edited 2/17/2008, 3:17 PM

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Yup. The reason I like the name Lucifer is because of its beautiful Latin meaning. Just to be clear, I would never use the name on a child.:0)
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I agree with everything
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I dislike them both, but I'd pick Lucius over Lucifer just for being easier to grow up with.
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Lucifer!I hate Lucius (and Lucian), due to bad assocaitons, and because they sound slurred to me. Lucifer is far more lovely, I really like the name. I'd love to meet a little boy named Lucifer!
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Ditto everything.I've loved that name for a long time.
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The bad associations of Lucifer don't bother you?
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Not really...It bothers me a little that if I were to name my son Lucifer, people might give him problems because of it. But the connotation itself I can easily get over, because I don't even really think of the devil when I think of the name. I only notice how lovely it sounds.
I'd hate to set a future son of mine up for ridicule or to feel ashamed of his name, etc, but ultimately I think if I truly loved the name enough to use, I'd use it regardless of what other people thought. I'll never know for sure what I'd actually do though, since I have so many names I love more, I wont get a chance to use it. Looks like my hypothetical children luck out this time! ;)
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Out of curiosityfrom one Rudolph-fan to another, if you loved Adolph more than anything do you think you could bring yourself to use it?
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LOL. Hmm, I suppose I would. *don't hit me!* It wouldn't be that bad, because in all truth I think a Lucifer would get more crap for his name than an Adolph would. I've actually met an Adolph IRL, which makes the name feel a little more useable to me. I want my child to be accepted. But at the same time I don't want to be influenced by other people, you know? That's why it's tricky for me. So I suppose if I adored Adolph, I'd use it, and just like with Lucifer I'd make sure he had middle names he could go by incase problems arised. I'd just make sure to spell it Adolph and not Adolf, because that makes it a little better...right? :x
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Wow, you do that to a kid?I'm sorry. I don't think Lucifer has a connotation that most people could ever get over.For myself, I don't care how much I loved a name, I couldn't name my son anything that would lead to a lifetime of mocking and ridicule. The child has to live with their name their entire life, not the parent. I don't even think a child could be baptized with the name Lucifer, so the name itself would probably be seen my many as mocking religious beliefs.
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Yes, I'd do that. =/ I probably sound like a horrible person but I'm just being honest. If it ended up my son had an unbearable time with the name - and it's possible he wouldn't - but if he did, I'd make sure of leaving him the option of two middle names he could use! :)
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I agreeA child will have to interact with billions of other people in his life other than his parents, and it's not because the parents have chosen to neglect a name's bad associations that everybody else will too or that necessarily the child won't mind, or will like his name just because his parents did.
As for sounding nice, a lot of words/names sound nice but still have connotations that are too negative to ignore. Adolf and Benito would be perfectly legitimate nice-sounding names if they didn't designate two bloodthirsty tyrants who led the world in a destructive war.
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OT, but I love Benito, with nn Benny!
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Fine. If you want to name a son that, just make sure he never goes to Italy, or everyone will assume he comes from a family of fascists.
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I haven't read how everyone responded, but I assume someone mentioned that Lucifer is another name for the devil. It is also a really stereotypical cat name. Both of which connotations I dislike. Therefore, I would rather go with Lucius.
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well, lucifer is a name for the devil, and i like the sound of Lucius better anyway.
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Lucius is a handsome name that is a little too connected with Harry Potter for my liking, but Lucifer makes me think of an evil black cat and really has very little appeal as it also makes me think of the story of the fallen angel.
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I always associate Lucifer with the devil, so I'd say Lucius
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Lucius is way too Harry Potter, and I dislike the sound of it. I'm fine with Ginevra, or Ronald, or Harry, but names like Albus, Lucius, Hermione, and Sirius are just too unusual and closely linked with Harry Potter that I wouldn't want to use them.I'm an Atheist and Lucifer is pushing it too far.
ETA: Talked to two other Atheist friends. Friend A says Lucifer is too weighed down to use, but Friend B says it's "wicked."

This message was edited 2/17/2008, 12:28 PM

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I prefer Lucius. Lucifer is not a name I would ever use because of the association with the devil, sorry.Note: However, I dislike both names and prefer the name Lucian.
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Lucius is a beautiful name. Lucifer, on the other hand, might be fun for a pet or something, but if you want to use it on a child, don't be surprised when other people constantly do the sign of the cross or throw holy water.
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I like them both. Lucifer is a beautiful name, but I would not use it because of the overly negative association with the ultimate evil of the Judeo-Christian mythology. Pity, really, because I really like it.I *adore* the name Lucius. It's very handsome and elegant, but it's also cool. It's ancient, but it also has a contemporary feel to it.I also like Lucian, but Lucius is my favourite out of the three.
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I love Lucius prn. the proper way (LOO-shus), but LOO-see-uhs sounds pathetically girly. I can't get over the fact that Lucifer is the name of the devil, so don't like it at all.S xx
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Lucius! I also like Lucien although it's perhaps too girly-sounding. Lucifer would be a wicked thing to do to a baby!
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You'd probably get a lot of odd looks for Lucifer. I'm not a fan of either, but I do like Lucian, which is similar.
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The more PC one would be Lucius, and would be slightly less likely to be made fun of.
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I would say no to both. Lucius is okay, but the word lucious always comes to my mind, not a good thing. And Lucifer is just a big no-no, it's like using the Satan, God, or Jesus.I like Kristen's suggestion of Lucian (or Lucien), though.
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Please NO!
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Lucius is much much better, it's a GP of mine.
Lucifer sounds like a snobby boy with an english accent, or a cat.
Have you thought about Lucian? Another one of my GPs.
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