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Avery or Jackson?
Chase and I narrowed down our list to Avery or Jackson as a first name, and William was ruled out as a middle name, because, I wasn't thinking when I was making combos, my last name is Williams, and he will have my last name. So Avery/ Jackson William Williams sounded a little odd. Anyhow, the first names are now Avery and Jackson. The middle names are:Todd
ColeWhat do you think? And, thanks.
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Avery Todd
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Avery SamuelAvery is very handsome. Sorry, but I loathe Jackson. I won't say why in loo of offending you.And Samuel is the only name of the middle names that I like and doesn't sound so... youthful? Spry? That's the best I can explain it.
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Oh, you won't offend me. Everyone has a right to their own opinion.
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Jackson Todd would be adorable nn J.T.
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I say Avery Todd or Avery Cole
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Avery Samuel
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Avery ColeAvery Cole
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Avery SamuelI think this is a very nice combo. Avery appeals to me much more than the overused Jackson, and I'm glad to see Avery used on a boy. I like it paired with a traditional name like Samuel.
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Avery Todd or Avery Samuel. Avery Jackson Williams would be awesome though.
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Jackson Cole
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Avery Samuel.Avery is, in addition to having a cool sound and being more distinctive, more "legit" IMO because it is derived directly from a given name, unlike Jackson which is a patronym of a nickname. Samuel sounds the best with Avery and is IMO the most handsome.
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I agree that Avery is less trendy and/or popular than Jackson. Honestly, even though my husband and I named our daughter Avery, I think the name is very elegant, although maybe a little "fussy" on a little boy. Given the choice between Avery and Jackson, I would say Avery Samuel.Now, given the choice between Avery and Jack, I would go with Jack Samuel. I love Jack. Would Jack be a consideration?
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Probably not. We like Jackson. Here, Jackson is practically unheard of, but we've got dozens of Jacks running around here. Jack might be a possible nickname if we so chose, but for now, he'd be Jackson.
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Definitely Avery, and Avery Samuel :)
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Avery is less ridiculously trendy.I like Avery Todd and Avery Cole.
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Gah..I love both Avery and Jackson!
Prefer Cole and Samuel as a MN. Guess I'm going with Jackson Samuel.
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I like both names but Avery is more interesting to me, and it has more spunk. I like Avery Samuel.
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Avery Todd or Avery SamuelI adore Avery. Jackson is okay, but I would love to see Avery used on a boy (other than my little cousin :)). Avery Todd Williams or Avery Samuel Williams would be very handsome in my opinion.
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for avery, i like avery todd and avery cole.
for jackson, i like jackson tyler.overall my favorite is avery cole
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Avery is nice, but I really love Jackson!My middle name favourite is Samuel, so Jackson Samuel Williams is raelly really wonderful!By the way, Tod (with one d) ist the german word for death, so I wouldn't name my kid this ;)(I am from Germany)
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Avery Samuel Williams is so classy and exquisite! I think its flows fabulously! Jackson Samuel Williams would get my second vote followed by Avery Todd Williams.
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I can't stand the name Jackson, and I absolutely love Avery on a male, so I'm saying Avery. For a middle name I'd choose Todd first, because that name holds significance for me. Otherwise I'd choose Cole. So Avery Todd or Avery Cole.
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I prefer Avery to Jackson, I really don't care for Jackson. The only mn of the list I like is Samuel.
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Avery Todd sounds good to me.
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I like Jackson Tyler a lot :)
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I love Avery! I think its so much better than Jackson.
I like;
Avery Samuel
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