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Does it work as a nickname? What could Tippy be a nn for? This is for a character, but does it work on a child?Do you prefer Tiggy? Maybe as a nn for Antigone?
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Sorry but Tippy sounds like a nn someone gets in college for drinking too much....
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On a character perhaps it could work, but on a real person no. It reminds me of "tipsy" and is really just too cute (in a bad way). Tiggy isn't much better. It makes me think of Tigger.
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Tippy is cute as a nn. Since Tip is traditionally a boy's nn for Thomas, Thomasine / Thomasina / Tamsin immediately came to mind as a formal name for Tippy.Other possible choices:Tiffany / Theophania
Matilda Pearl
Ottilie Pearl
Any combination that gives you "T.P." as the initials
Agrippina (grip --> trip --> tippy?)
Tipperary (which might not seem so crazy if you've got ancestors from Ireland)
Trinity / Trinidad
Philadelphia (pip --> tip --tippy?)
StephanieGranted, most of these are stretching. But for me nns have always had a loose relationship with the formal name. I'm strict when it comes to the formal name being spelled *correctly,* having history, etc. But the nn is the place to show creativity, affection, etc. So Patricia, nn Tippy, makes perfect sense to me.Aw, my father's nn for me was Tiggers. I've thrown around the idea of Antigone, nn Tiggers, before. So Antigone, nn Tiggy, really makes me smile.Thanks. This was a fun exercise of my brain early in the day. :-) Is there anything that you could use here? Sorry for any repeats.
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Thank you! Great list. I especially like Thomasina, Tziporah, Matilda Pearl and Tipperary, strangely enough. I agree with the nn thing. I'd accept Tippy as a nn for pretty much anything.
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!!Thomasina nn Tippy: brilliant!
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It could be for Tziporah
Or maybe Teresa Philippa - something of that sort.

This message was edited 11/13/2009, 10:39 AM

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I like the idea of the mn giving the nickname! Thanks!
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I think it works as a nickname for a character or real person. It's a bit of a stretch, but it could work as a nickname for Antiope. Maybe Theophila or Tiffany / Tiphanie. If some Elizabeths can go by Biz or Diz and Edwards can go by Ned, I think that a Tiffany could go by Tippy instead of Tiffy. Tiffany is NMS, but I think it could work for certain characters depending on their personalities and such.Antigone "Tiggy" is neat. Another name that I think is neat for a character is Zipporah "Zippy."
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Tiffany -> Tiffy -> Tippy is pretty legitimate I'd say. When I was little I called my sister Bippi. Philippa -> Pippa -> Pippi -> Bippi.Zippy as a nn for Zipporah is so cute.
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hehMy middle name is Tippins. It's a family surname; my aunt is named Mary Tippins and called Tippy.A name that used to kick around on my short list was the nickname Tipp for a bot, which came from Thomas Perseus or some other T. P. combo, so that's an option. However, I really like Tisiphone nn Tippy.I don't like Tiggy as much, it's grottier.
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Mary Tippins nn Tippy is amazing, seriously. Tisiphone is also pretty fanastic (adding to my list!) and Tipp as a nn for Thomas Perseus is something I'd really go for.
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Wow (ETA)Tisiphone is terrific, and is going on my long list this minute. I definitely second Tisiphone, nn Tippy.ETA -- I just wanted you to know that we were typing at the same time. Mutual *zing* fest. LOL.

This message was edited 11/13/2009, 11:02 AM

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My mother's brother Philip was called Tippy. He died before I was born, but I know him as "Uncle Tippy" and it seems completely natural to hear for me. So yeah, I do think it would make a sweet NN.+ I can't think of any girls' names off the top of my head, but I don't see why it wouldn't work for either. I do have to agree with Murasaki; Antigone, though a pretty enough name, is too sad to be usable.

This message was edited 11/13/2009, 7:05 AM

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Tippy 's a cute nn. It would work for Theodora, Tabitha any other longish nams starting with "t", but also, if it's not too much of a stretch, for something like Margaret. Actress Tippy Herden's real name was Nathalie.I don't like Tiggy so much and I don't think Antigone's useable, that story's way too depressing.
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I like Xanthippe a lot (even if it is incredibly impactical) and I think Tulip could work as well. Ta!
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Maybe Tabitha? I think I do prefer the nn Tiggy with the full name Antigone :)
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I like Tabitha with the nn Tibby, so I suppose it's not that much of a stretch for Tippy. Thanks!
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