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Just out of curiosity: what do you think of Nigella?
See, I've always liked Nigel and was rather indifferent towards this "feminine" form. All of a sudden, though, Nigella has been growing on me. (Quite a few names I didn't care for are growing on me these days... first Penelope, now Nigella.)
Do you consider Nigella a flower/plant name, a feminization of Nigel, a celebrity name? Would you assume Nigella's parents were inspired by Miss Lawson in their name choice? Do you think it's better fit for the middle name spot?Thanks in advance!
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I think it would be better for a MN. I think it has bad teasing potential! Sorry
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I don't like Nigel or Nigella. I don't think it sounds like a proper name - just trying to be a feminine version of Nigel, which isn't a very attractive name in the first place. I didn't know it was a plant name.
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Thanks! :-)
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somehow made me think of Nutella... Rather indifferent to this one.
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I'd never have thought of Nutella, but I can definitely see the point. Teasing potential. Hmmm.Thanks!
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no prob... though Nutella is at least better than some other possibilities... and maybe not everyone would think of it.

This message was edited 9/22/2010, 10:41 PM

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I prefer it to Nigel as a name, though Nigel isn't bad, and the flower is pretty. My fear, awoken afresh every time I see Ms Lawson wobbling around her kitchen, is that it shortens too easily to Jelly. So, yes, safer in the mn position!
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Oh. Oh no. I hadn't thought of Jelly... that would be... unfortunate.
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The first thing that popped into my mind was Nigel Thornberry in drag... not the best image. O.o So, it's definitely a (obvious) feminization of Nigel for me.
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ROFL :DI had to google Nigel Thornberry (turns out the translators renamed him "Heinrich" in our version of the - and I had to laugh so hard that I almost fell off my chair. Literally.
I'm still giggling :D
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Not a fan.. Nigella seems a little awkward.
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Thanks! :-)It's actually this awkwardness that I find to be rather charming.
I totally understand, though, that it's not everyone's cup of tea and I really appreciate your opinion as I like to learn how some of my favourite names are perceived by others :-)
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I love most feminine names that obviously come from masculine ones. There's something awkward, precious and vulnerable about them that I love. If I met one, I'd first assume she was named after a male family member. Maybe that's the vulnerable part that I'm digging. Family affection is written all over them. Yes, with Nigella I would wonder if Ms Lawson played a role. That's not a bad thing. I'm thrilled when a celebrity or teen book series (thank you J.K. Rowling) re-introduces a name to the general public. Is Nigella a flower / plant? I didn't know that. I think of Nigella as a feminized Nigel, first and foremost. I don't see why Nigella couldn't be a fn. :-) I've never tried to make a combination for it. Nigella Sophie, Nigella Timothea, Nigella Cecily, Nigella Hilary, Nigella Phoebe?
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Oops, posted under wrong message!

This message was edited 9/21/2010, 8:03 PM

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Oh, I love all of your combos (apart from Hilary, maybe. And Nigella Hilary could grow on me, too). They all have a very different feel to them, it's hard to decide which one to choose. I only found out a few days ago that nigellas are actually a genus of several species of plants. Love-in-a-mist, for example, is a nigella.
Another thing I really like about this name. The cherry on top. For me, this adds some extra sweetness to this otherwise very vibrant name. That's at least the feel I get from Nigella. ;-)By the way, I just wikipedia-ed Ms Lawson - turns out she has/had two sisters: Thomasina and Horatia (and a brother named Dominic).
I'm smitten, I'm in awe. Nigella, Thomasina and Horatia. Wow.
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Nigella, Thomasina and Horatia? Hurray-tio! (Sorry)
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I love Nigella. It's so quirky! I love Nigel as well. I would think they would have heard it from Nigella Lawson but I wouldn't have thought they named her after her. I think it's a great choice.
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That's what I like about her, too: she's so quirky and energetic. A little awkward too, which makes her rather charming to me :-)
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