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If someone had an ex-boyfriend named Joseph, would you think she is naming a daughter after him if she named her daughter Josephine?
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"You're so prob'ly think this name is about you!"LOL! Serioudly though, if you're talking about a Maury Povich, I just broke up with you and you might think this is your baby because we've only been broken up a week and now I'm pregnant by someone else... Probably stay away from anything Joseph related.Otherwise, if it's really in the past, it's in the past. Who cares about old Joe-Schmoe? Don't let it steal Josephine from you!
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I think it would be okay. I don't automatically assume that a Josephine was even named after a Joseph, and Joseph isn't even the first thing that comes to mind when I encounter Josephine. I think of people I've named Josephine first. If someone I knew named a daughter Josephine, my guess would be that she named her child after a relative, not an ex, if she happened to have named the child after anyone at all.
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yes, i do believe that Josephine is the feminine version of Josesph. Jessica is the feminine version of Jesse, Michelle is the feminine version of Mike, Erica is the feminine version of Eric, Corinne sounds to me like a feminine version of Cory, Kylie sounds like Kyle, Daniella sounds like Dan or Daniel, Deena rhymes with the masculine Dean, Jacqueline rhymes with the masculine name Jack. some names are like this where both genders have a version of the name. then there's unisex names like Kelly and Jordan and Cory or answer the question, i believe that if a woman named her child after her ex....then it would seem to me that she really loved her ex. in your example, i think it would be proof to me that the woman really loved Joseph so much that she had the feminine version of Joseph, she had Josephine.
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I don't think Jesse and Jessica are related. Same goes for Cory and Corinne
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Jesse and Jessica in fact ARE related... Though Cory and Corinne are not... but Cori can be a nn for Corinne.What I was wondering was where the "rhyme" thing was coming in here... none of those rhymed... they had connected sounds and associations, but they didn't rhyme...
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No. My soon to be exbrother in law's mn is Joseph, thats not going to stop me from using Josephine when and if I ever have a little girl. I love the name too much to not use it and dont care if people think there's an association (I dont expect a problem though)
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can i reply to that? i don't believe that the middle name is used very much at all. 95% of the time i go by my first name and then 5% of the time i go by my middle name. actually, it's only my mother who uses my middle name. my belief is that a person's middle name is of no use to them. if your soon to be exbrother in laws first name was Joseph, then you probably would feel like you don't want to use it.
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Joseph & Josephine are common enough names that I wouldn't think anything of it. Now if your ex had been named Horace and you named a daughter Horacia, that might be weird...Thus said, I adore the name Josephine! Not terribly fond of Jo, but Josephine is gorgeous.
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I almost never meet Josephine's. It's a fairly uncommon name in the US. In Europe it is common or possibly in the parts of America with a large Irish population.
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It seems to be coming back a bit in N. Am... just not in full force.
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Depends on how she is handling the break-up. Maybe she just really likes the name. Maybe she doesn't realize that it's a feminine form of Joseph.
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Nah. Only really if said Joseph was actually the baby's father. Otherwise, they're really familiar names. eta: I love Josephine (and the Little Women character!).

This message was edited 12/3/2011, 6:15 AM

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A bit more clarification...I am reading the book Little Women, which is about 4 sisters and one is named Josephine. This character is what is warming me to the name Josephine, but I dated a guy in my senior year of high school (I am now a junior in college) for a year named Joseph, but he always went by Joe. Then again, the character Josephine in the book goes by the nn Jo, so....I dunno, I feel like I can't use the name because of the connection with my ex, but I do really like the name. I have never been overly fond of it, but I have always thought it a nice name when I heard it.

This message was edited 12/2/2011, 11:15 AM

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i wonder if you are subconsciously still in love with Joseph? like you're walking around thinking you've recovered but secretly you still care. so if your future husband and you end up having a child named Josephine, does that maybe mean your still in love with your ex? and does it honour your future husband if you do this? if for example, you and Shaun were to marry, then maybe you should pick Shauna as a name for a girl because this is honouring you hypothetical husband.
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Umm, no.
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I think this is a bit presumptuous. Simply because she likes the name Josephine she must still be in love with her ex, Joseph??? This doesn't make any sense. Maybe she's NOT trying to honor anyone, she's just trying to pick a name she likes - I mean, that seems pretty obvious to me
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I wouldn't let that stop me. By the time you're having children, Joseph should be a distant memory.I, too, love Josephine. And that book even made me like Beth, which I've always hated.
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Hahah, I found the same thing happening with Beth, too! I have always thought it a bit stuffy, since my friend's mom from high school goes by Beth and she always seemed to have that air about her, like she thinks she's superior. Same with Margaret, too.

This message was edited 12/3/2011, 9:46 AM

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I wouldn't. But the only person who really matters is the father of the child. If he doesn't think it's a problem then it's fine. It's no one else's business.
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Kind of. It's a pretty common thing that lot's of people do especially when they didn't have a negative break-up. I hear about it all the time. Man or woman suggests naming the baby after an ex because they like the name probably because they liked the person. Usually the other person says no way if they know it's the name of the ex.So yes I might assume so. Doesn't mean that is why though. At the same time the person might not consiously know why they like the name but they might have been drawn to the name because of their like of the ex. If they liked the name before the ex, then I wouldn't assume so.Well I think Josephine is a very pretty name. If that matters at all

This message was edited 12/2/2011, 8:02 AM

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No, not at all. Josephine is alright but I'm not that fond of it.
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Not really, unless there were other signs that she wasn't over him. I'd probably just admire her abilitiy to compartmentalize her feelings and go with the name she loves in spite of the ex. I couldn't do it; my exes have ruined some good names for me.
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No! I suppose it depends how long they were dating and how long ago, but I would never assume that someone would name a kid after an ex just because it's illogical... why would you?! Josephine is a great name!
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maybe, but not necessarily.
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NahThey're both way too common and generally well-liked for that, I think.
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No. I'd think she liked the name Josephine. I might think it was a little odd, because I imagine it'd remind her of the ex-boyfriend, but I wouldn't think it was a huge deal.
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