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First of all, I'd never use it as a first name, simply because it has been so common for so long and because I dislike the meaning, but I really like the sound of James.What do you think of James?
How many have you known?
How many of them were actually called James?
How many went by:
otherJust wondering how common it really is. I know many of the middle aged ones go by Jim or Jimmy. There seem to be a few who go by Jamie. I don't know many who actually go by their full names.Oh and do you think there's any way to interpret the meaning of James in a posiitive way? Just wondering.
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I love James. It's very handsome and masculine.I have known just one that had James as a first name. Unless you want to count my husband, whose middle name, which he went by, was James.The one James I knew was called James. My husband was called Jamie by some people, namely myself, his parents and siblings, and very old friends from childhood. Everyone else called him Jim.I don't think you can re-interpret the meaning of James in some other way, but I don't care about the meaning of names anyway.
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Actually, I think James is overused as a middle name, not as a first name. I'd love to meet more James' in real life. If I ever had a James, I'd love for his nickname to be Jamie. That's so cute to me. I really don't like Jim or Jimmy.
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What do you think of James?
I love it! I am liking simple names at the moment and James is one which is strong and handsome and would never be considered unisex (which is a big plus for me!). Also, one of my best friends is called James and so that makes me like it moreHow many have you known? How many of them were actually called James?
Lots! There were 4 boys in my year at primary school called James, and even more when I got to secondary school. I have worked in a preschool and there were 2 boys called James there. None of them went by a nickname, although I think Jimmy or Jem would be cute for a little boy.
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When I was a kid, I didn't like the name James because those I knew with the name (mainly my mom's friend and one or two other kids) went by either Jim or Jimmy, and for some reason, I can't stand the sound of either of those nicknames. It also doesn't help that that "friend" of my mom turned out to be a compulsive liar who was basically just a toxic person. She no longer associates with him, and thankfully I haven't seen him in years (never liked him much).So for a while I had a really negative association with the name James - though it was more with Jim/Jimmy than the full name. But then, in college, I met a Scottish student named James, who actually went by his full name, which surprised me at first (I'd initially expected him to be called Jamie). He turned out to be a wonderful person, and we became friends. Now I have a very positive association with the full name James, and I like the sound of it. I still can't stand Jim/Jimmy, though.I've met one male Jamie... but at least four female Jamies, so I consider it more or less a feminine name.
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I don't mind it. It is my son's middle name.I know one James, he goes by James or Jimmy. He;s 30.
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I love James, it's my favorite boys' name. I've known quite a few over the years. A couple went by James, more by Jimmy or Jim. My FIL is named Jimmy, but it's just Jimmy, not short for James. I went to school with a boy named Jamie, but I don't know if it was his whole name or short for something.I don't like Jamie at all on a boy, full name or nn. It's just icky. I like Jim and Jimmy though. Jim is handsome and reliable, and Jimmy is that with a fun-loving streak.I don't pay much attention to the meaning of names unless it's very obvious, and James's meaning isn't.
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I'm in my 40's, live in the U.S. and have known scores of James / Jim / Jimmys. I couldn't begin to keep count. Each and everyone was the nicest guy. I don't know what it is about that name, but it brings out the best in men. :-) My favorite nns are Jamie and Jem, and possibly Jay. James is from Jacob. It took me forever to work out how that could be. But I finally got it: Jacob --> Jacobus (Latin) --> Jacomus (late Latin) --> James (2 syllables "JAH-mus" or "JAY-mus") --> James ("jaymz"). I love James so much I've forgotten the meaning. Oh. Supplanter. Well, no. That sounds like a not-nice person. It definitely doesn't go with my picture of a James.
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It's not on my personal list, but if I had a son and his father wanted to call him James, I'd happily do it. It's like the ultimate in unobjectionable names.
I really can't count the number of Jameses I have known, there are just too many. It's got to be in the top 3 of all-time most used names here, and it's always been popular. I know Jameses of all ages, from babies to my great-uncle Jim who's 90-something.
Lots of the Jameses are just James, but I'd say that Jamies tend to be under 30, & Jimmys tend to be old men. I also know a Jammy.
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I love James, it's one of my favorites! I wouldn't use it as a mn because it's so fillery. I've known so many dudes named James I could never give you a number. Dudes of all ages, babies to old guys. Umm... most didn't go by James. I can only think of one off the top of my head (a baby), although I'm sure I've known more.
Jim - some, and I have a cousin who is just Jim
Jimmy - some, probably more than Jim
Jamie - some, probably same as Jim but less than Jimmy, and I know a baby who's just Jamie
My uncle is a James and goes by Jay.I'd say Jim is more common for middle aged guys, and Jimmy was more common on guys my age. At least in high school, for all I know they go by Jim now. Jamie seems to be most common for kids, but I've known a few my age.Yeah, I think of something new and good replacing something old and bad. Like for an image, nice green grass growing through dead grass. Just talked about that being the intention for the meaning of James in church the other day. So religiously that's a nice image. Also James was a good guy, he was an apostle and one of Jesus's first disciples .

This message was edited 4/26/2012, 3:00 PM

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