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A few new loves / interesting finds
Been browsing lately, found these interesting. Thoughts?Tanith - NN Annie?
Aysel - "EYE-zel"
Llinos - "LEE-noss" ...I think. Anyone know for sure?
Flower - NN Flo
Photina Tafari
Thales - "THAH-leez"
Preben - unsure of pronunciation: seeking guidance. I found these all on the theme page so they many have neat meanings.  photo image_zps50478a13.jpg
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I'm with you on Tanith! The others ... not so much. Flower, especially - either Flora or Florence would be so much better and less dairy-farm. I've got serious reservations about Tafari, for Rasta reasons, though it'd be mild fun to meet one without dreads. Zeev looks like the result of being blindfolded and throwing darts at an alphabet.
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Llinos would be pronounced something like HLEE-nos, I think.
Preben is pronounced PRE-ben, with an É sounds as in French liberté. In Sweden we often use the name Preben for a stereotypical Danish man, since it's common in Denmark, but not used in Sweden.
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I like Aysel & Zohar, and Sovanna is interesting - never seen it before
Llinos is nice; it's not very common in Wales, I've only come across a few. There's no English equivalent of 'll', which is a voiceless lateral fricative - touch your tongue to the top of your teeth, as if you were going to say an L, and blow air out.
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Tanith - NN Annie? - I prefer Tanis, but I'm not a huge fan of it either way it's very lispy and even though it's a very old name it sounds made-up.
Aysel - "EYE-zel" - I like it, I probably wouldn't use it though since I am not Turkish. I am not sure how accessible it is, I would personally not have trouble pronouncing it, but from experience people are stupid.
Zohar - Sounds too masculine to me,
Sovanna - Pretty, but I think most people would think it was a trendily spelled Savannah. I don't think that makes it unusable though if you don't mind correcting people.
Llinos - I don't know how to pronounce it and I don't think anyone else would either.
Flower - Rabbit name, Flo is fine as a nickname for Flora or Florence.
Merle - So ugly.
Photina - Can't say I find anything about this appealing. Tafari - Interresting sound. I associate it heavily with Haile Selessie and Rastafarianism, I'd not recommend using it if you aren't associated with those cultures.
Zeev - I really like this, although I find the Ziv spelling cleaner.
Everard - I prefer Everett.
Farran - Sounds like feral and ferrets (and I'm terrified of ferrets)
Leolin - Handsome.
Thales - "THAH-leez" - You'd never get people to use that pronunciation, and reminds me of shale and Thames.
Preben - "pre-ben"?
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Most of these are a bit too much for me. It would probably take meeting someone with the name to wrap my head around it.I likeFlower - without the nickname
Thales I know a Preben. He pronounced it PRAY-ben.
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