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Irish name for a boy/girl
I'm looking for some ideas for an Irish themed unisex name that is suitable for a boy or girl.Thanks!
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Columba. It's used for a boy in Ireland and a girl in Spanish. I don't know if that fits your criteria or not. Lee also works. It's a river in the south, through Cork city.More modern flavor / trend: Sheridan, Flannery, Kerry.

This message was edited 5/19/2016, 1:17 PM

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Rowan is the first that comes to mind, but Shea would work. Too bad it has to be unisex because I quite like Emer and Nuala for girls and Fintan and Sorley for boys.
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RowanI'm not a big fan of unisex names, but I simply adore Rowan!
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I like Finley!I used to only associate it with a boy's name, but now I think it's fine for both!
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Kerry, Carey, Shannon, Erin, Shea...Thanks everyone. So far I have on a short list:Kerry or Carey
Sheaand Clover is a name I am not getting into so much, but I do like the uniqueness of it and I can see it working for either a boy or girl.
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Tierneymaybe Dara or Enda
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Thanks. Someone else mentioned Shea and I quite like that one. Also someone else mentioned Kerry and I like that one too. Carey is similar to that and I'll think about that as an alternative to Kerry.
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Hi !!!!Shannon and Clover.
They are wonderful!Byeeeeeeeeee
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Everyone keeps coming up with some great suggestions :) You guys are making it a hard choice, but thank you!!!!Shannon was a name I had been going backwards and forwards on before I posted here. It's definitely like what I had in mind, Irish and unisex. I wondered if it was a bit dated, but it's not that popular now which maybe is a good thing to consider for a boy/girl. I am going to put Shannon on my short list.Clover is an interesting one. Someone else mentioned it below. I see it's not really at all common and is tagged as a feminine name only (not unisex). But if it is so uncommon I wonder how it got tagged like that? Just from the meaning? Clover makes me think more of a character in a book or a Disney movie (with cartoon animals) though. The unusual nature of the name I find appealing more than the name itself at the moment.
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Kelly. Or, there was a joke years ago about an Irish person who married a Jew and they named the resultant twins Erin and Aaron.
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Thanks for the suggestions. I have bad memories/associations of a female Kelly which puts me off that name. I laughed about Erin and Aaron though :)I know that Erin trends much more popular for girls than boys (more than some of the other suggestions so far), but I could still see it working for a boy too. Am I kidding myself here? Erin and Kerry are my two favorites so far.
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What do you mean by "Irish themed"? Do you want a name that is of Irish origin? something that sounds like a name an Irish person might have like Michael? Something that reminds people of Ireland like Clover? There aren't very many unisex Irish names. Some names derived from Irish surnames have become unisex, like Kerry, or Kelly. I'd suggest Frances / Francis.
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Good question. Both I think. A name that might be more used in Ireland, but definitely one that reminds people of Ireland (since I am not in Ireland myself). I have a bad experience of a Kelly (f) which puts me off that particular name, but Kerry is a great suggestion. Kerry is one at the top of my list for now.
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Thanks. Rowan and Shea are great suggestions. Of those two I like Shea.Thanks for the link too.
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