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Stacy, Tracy OR Darcy?
Which? I like Stacy the most
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I like all of them but my favorite is Stacy. I prefer Stacy and Tracy for girls and Darcy for boys.
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Not a huge fan of any but Darcy is the best of the three.
Stacy and Tracy sound outdated to me.
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The only one I like is Tracy.
I think I would rather be named Stacy than Darcy.

This message was edited 4/7/2024, 5:14 PM

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Darcy. I just like the sounds in it best. I've never been into Tracy or Stacy. Although I have met many and the names seemed totally nice on those people.I've never met a male Darcy but have met and heard of several female Darcys. I hate the idea of it as a guy name, because I think the character is kind of a creepy female fantasy projection, almost like the forerunner of an Edward Cullen.I have met a male Tracy, and that works okay. I prefer Trace for a guy though, because the name Tracy is so common for gals.Stacy seems to be aging the most maybe ... I had some peers in school named Stacy and I associate Stacy with sporty-feminine cheerleader types with loud voices. But it's not a bad name. I like that it can be short for Anastasia.
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I never thought of the character Darcy like that, but it makes a lot of sense. Darcy was a complete jerk, and yet was idolized.
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I thought P&P was meant to be more of a satire - people idolize Darcy, but that's why it's funny (although he was shown to be self-sacrificing and responsible in contrast to Wickham, while Edward contrasted with Jacob is just, idk, more suicidal and older). I didn't have that impression from Twilight...I did get a "he's so annoying, but wow, he has a nice house and a sweet sister! I must be in love (and the only option now is to get married or my life will be empty/over)!!" vibe from both lol.Maybe that's why Darcy as a name sounds farcical to me for either gender (somewhat like Gallant "Gal" would, while being mainstream).

This message was edited 4/8/2024, 12:10 PM

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Tracy for a girl, Darcy for a boy. For some reason really truly dislike Stacy, but have seen it on both.
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Darcy. I prefer it on a boy, though. I'm not a fan of Stacy nor Tracy.
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I don't like Stacy or Tracy, so Darcy.
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Stacy and Tracy look and sound like flimsy nns. Darcy is a one-owner name. I'd be happy never to see any of them IRL.
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Tracy - like this for a boy. Surprised it's not charting for boys, Robin and Morgan are both increasing in popularity for boys and Tracy would fit in.Darcy - cute and sweet.Stacy - my lovable yet obnoxious coworker and the incel rant of Chad and Stacy.
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I think Robin and Morgan are viewed as more modern than Tracy.
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True. Most of the male Tracys I know are 50+/
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It's really too bad it's not. It would be great to see Tracey being used now for boys.
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I've known quite a few male Tracys, including my brother's brother-in-law.It will be interesting to see what happens in the future. Robin is currently more popular for boys than girls, and Morgan is rising in popularity for boys.
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1 Darcy - sounds fresh, youthful and has a great literary pedigree with Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.2 Tracy - Ok but a bit "dated". It was most popular in the US in the late sixties to the seventies. Old association: Actor Spencer Tracy. Newer connection: singer Tracy Chapman.3 Stacy is ok but I find the the sound of it more juvenile than Tracy, It was popular around the same time as Tracy (late 1960's to the 1980's). Associations: American male actor Stacy Keach and reality show "Darcey & Stacey".
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I have a niece named Stacy and my husband has a niece named Tracy. They were flower girls at our wedding. They were born in the early 1980s. My husband and I have almost identical names too! I like Stacy the best
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On a girl? Tracy.
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Stacy > Tracy > DarcyPreferred spellings: Stacie, Traci, Darcy
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I like Stacy and Darcy and am neutral about Tracy.
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I like Stacy the most, but I prefer the spelling of Stacey; Stacey is a favorite name of mine for a girl. However, Tracy and Darcy are also wonderful names that sound beautiful (also, I can find Darcy unisex; it's handsome in my opinion, too!).
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The only Darcy I have known was a man.
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That's very interesting! I have met three people named Darcy (all women); their names were spelled Darcy, Darcie, and Darcee.
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*whew* I love all three of them, but, I think I'll be picking Darcy as the prominent name I'm 'liking-most-of-all-three' today.

This message was edited 4/7/2024, 7:22 AM

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