Dutch name - pronunciation?
How would the Dutch name "Aleydis" be pronounced? I read it's a contracted form of Adelheidis, so related to Adelheid etc.I've been going with "a-LAY-diss" in my mind but that's total guesswork.Thanks in advance :-)_____________________________________________________________________Elinor"Yeehaw!" is not a foreign policy!
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But that link doesn't include the pronunciationUnless I'm an idiot and missed it.
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In it was"pronounced: ah-lay-dis "Elizabeth
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I'm fairly certainthat the Dutch diphtong "ey" is pronounced like the word "eye" so the name would more likely be pronounced like ah-lie-dis (no idea what syllable is accented).Of course, I'm not Dutch, don't speak Dutch and have never heard the name spoken.
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German pronounciation
http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=300208&board=genA childs smile is worth more to me than Gold
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