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Pronunciation of the sur-name Sinjin
When I was in High school in 1977 I worked at MacDonalds. One of the Managers there had the sur-name St. John, e pronounced it Saint John. I was surprised to learn the British pronunciation is "Sinjin" I would bet money that if you called him David Sinjin he would not answer.
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Pronunciation of the sur-name Sinjin  ·  Demetri Cassimus  ·  6/1/2019, 1:19 PM
Re: Pronunciation of the sur-name Sinjin  ·  EncyclopediaBrown  ·  6/2/2019, 3:29 AM
Re: Pronunciation of the sur-name Sinjin  ·  LH  ·  6/7/2019, 11:33 PM