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I've created some new Scots Gaelic names.
I've formed some of these names from scratch (and Gaelic words)... and I apologize to the gentlemen, for I've been preoccupied with names for the ladies, and my list is undergoing changes:Ainmichean Albannacha Nuadh.
Fearail (masculine):Bàndubhar: (BAHN-doo-ar) m. “White shadow” (bàn: white, fair; dubhar: shadow)Ceadachas: (KED-akh-as) m. “Tolerance”Coillmonadh: (KOYL-moan-a) m. “Forest of the hills” (coille: forest; monadh: hill, moor)Diamùirneach: (JEE-a-moor-nyakh) m. “Beloved god” (dia: god; mùirneach: beloved)Ealamhan: (EL-av-an) m. “Little swift one” (ealamh: swift)Fiadhan: (FEE-an) m. “Little deer” (fiadh: deer)Filidhean: (FEE-lyan) m. “Little poet”Fionneach: (FYOON-akh) m. “White horse” (fionn: fair; each: horse)Gràidhean: (GRAI-an) m. “Sweetheart, beloved” (gràdh: love)Ionmhainn: (In-van) m. “Beloved, dear”Madadhruadh: (MA-da-roo-a) m. “Fox” (madadh: dog; ruadh: red)Mìnaodann: (MEEN-eu-dan) m. “Smooth face” (mìn: smooth; aodann: face)Mòrachadh: (MOR-akh-a) m. “Great field” (mòr: big, great; achadh: field)Mòrtreunach: (MOR-trayn-akh) m. “Great and valiant one” (mòr: great; treun: brave, valiant)Neabhan: (NEV-an) m. “RavenOnorach: (ON-or-akh) m. “Honorable” (onor: honor)Òrdan: (OR-dan) m. “Dignity, solemnity”Pailteas: (PAL-chas) m “Abundance”Saighdear: (SAI-jar) m. “Soldier”Sàimhean: (SAHV-an) m. “Little quiet one” (sàmh: calm, quiet)Sìormòrair: (SHEER-mor-ar) m. “Everlasting lord” (sìor: everlasting; mòrair: lord)Slànaighear: (SLAHN-ai-er) m. “Healer, savior”Tonnmearsainn: (TUN-myar-sen) m. “Wave of vigor” (tonn: wave; mearsainn: vigor)Sruthcumhachd: (SROO-coov-akhd) m. “River of dominance” (sruth: river, stream; cumhachd: power)Suiridheach: (SOO-ree-akh) m. “Lover, gallant”Teinean: (CHEN-yan) m. “Little fire” (teine: fire)Treubhach: (TRAY-vakhd) m. “Valiant”Triathan: (TREE-a-han) m. “Little lord” (triath: lord)Uasalan: (WAS-al-an) m. “Little noble one” (uasal: noble)
Beanail (feminine):Àghrian: (AI-ree-an) f. “From the sun” (à: from; grian: sun)Àiarosag: (AI-ar-OS-ak) f. “From the west wind” “Zephrine” (à: from; iar: west; osag: wind: breeze)Ainleag: (AN-lyak) f. “Swallow”Ban-phrionnsa: (BAN-fryoon-sa) f. “Princess” (Ban-phrionnsa: princess... from ban: female, woman; and prionnsa: prince)Bàndubharag, f. Feminine of Bàndubhar.Bàrdachd: (BAHRD-akd) f. “Poetry”Beanmhaiste: (BEN-vash-cha) f. “Decorated lady” (bean: woman, lady; maisichte: decorated)Beannachdmhàthar: (BEN-ackd-mahr) f. “Mother’s blessing” (beannaich: to bless; màthair: mother) Beinncraoibhe: (BEN-crweev-a) f. “Mountain of trees” (beinn: mountain, hill; craobh: tree)Beusachd: (BAY-sakhd) f. “Modesty, Decency”Bileag: (BIL-ak) f. “Petal”Breithmhara: (BRE-var-a) f. “Born of the sea” (breith: birth; muir: sea)Buaidheag: (BWAI-ak) f. “Victory” (buaidh: victory)Buailebhàn: (BWAL-ya-vahn) f. “Fair field” (buaile: field; bàn: fair, white)Buidheag: (BWEE-ak) f. “MarigoldCarasìbhreag: (KAR-a-sheev-rak) f. “Friend of the faeries” (Caraid: friend; sìbhreag: faerie)Ceadachag, f. Feminine of Ceadachas.Ceileireachd: (KE-ler-akhd) f. “Warbling”Ciallachag: (KEE-a-lakh-ak) f. “Little prudent one” (ciallach: bright, prudent)Cinneamhainn: (KIN-ev-an) f. “DestinyCleachdag: (KLAKHD-ag) f. “Tress, ringlet”Cliseag: (KLISH-ak) f. “Clever little one” (clis: clever)Dailfoise: (DAL-foy-sha) f. “Meadow of peace/rest” (dail: meadow; fois: peace)Deàrrsadhcarraig: (JAR-sa-kar-ak) f. “Shining stone” (deàrrs: to shine; carraig: rock, stone)Dìlseachd: (JEEL-shakhd) f. “Constancy”Dìtheanmhara: (JEE-an-var-a) f. “Flower of the sea” (dìthean: flower, daisy; muir: sea)Donnighean: (DON-nee-an) f. “Dark maiden” (donn: sable, brown; nighean: daughter, maiden)Driseag: (JRISH-ag) f. “Little brier” (dris: brier)Eachaoibhne: (EKH-weev-nya) f. “Horse joy/ Horse gaiety” (each: horse; aoibhneas: joy)Ealamhag, f. Feminine of Ealamhan.Eunag-dè: (AY-nak-jay) f. “Butterfly” (eun: bird; dia: god)Fiadhag, f. Feminine of Fiadhan.Filidheag, f. Feminine of Filidhean.Fionncoille: (FYONN-coy-la) f. “Fair forest” (fionn: fair; coille: forest)Flathaileag: (FLA-hel-ak) f. “Little gallant one” (flathail: gallant)Fraochag: (FREUKH-ak) f. “Little heather” (fraoch: heath, heather)Geurstuama: (GAYR- stwama) f. “Intelligent and sober/dignified” (geur: intelligent; stuama: sober)Glanflathail: (GLAHN-flah-al) f. “Pure, noble” (glan: pure; flathail: noble)Glasduilleag: (GLAS-doo-lyak) f. “Green leaf” (glas: green, grey; duilleag: leaf)Gleannraineach: (GLEN-ran-akh) f. “Valley of ferns” (gleann: valley; raineach: fern)Gràidheag, f. Feminine of Gràidhean.Grianreul: (GREE-an-rayl) f. “Sun star” (grian: sun; reul: star)Iseanag: (ISH-an-ak) f. “Little nestling (young bird)” (isean: nestling)Leusghealach: (LAYS-yell-akh) f. “Light of the moon” (Leus: light; gealach: moon)Maisìobhrag: (MA-sheev-rak) f. “Elf beauty” (maise: beauty; sìobhrag: elf)Mìlseachd: (MEEL-shakhd) f. “Sweetness”Mochthrath: (MOKH-ra) f. “Dawn, daybreak”Nàdarrag: (NAH-dar-ak) f. “Humane little one” (nàdarra: natural, humane)Neamhanag, f. Feminine of Neamhan.Neamhnaid: (NEV-naj) f. “PearlÒighdhorcha: (O-yor-kha) f. “Dark maiden” (òigh: maiden; dorcha: dark)Paindeag: (PAN-jak) f. “Pebble”Rìbhinncoille: (REEV-in-koy-la) f. “Maiden of the forest” (rìbhinn: maid, girl, nymph; coille: forest)Rìghinnsuire: (REEN-soor-ya) f. “Lady of the faeries” (ban-rìghinn: queen, lady; suire: nymph, faerie)Rònag: (ROAN-ak) f. “Little seal” (ròn: seal)Ròncara(id): (ROAN-kar-a(j)) f. “Seal friend” (ròn: seal; caraid: friend)Ròsdrise: (ROS-jrish-a) f. “Rose of the brier” (ròs: rose; dris: brier)Rùnag: (ROON-ak) f. “(Little) beloved” (rùn: affection, fondness, secret)Sàimheag, f. Feminine of Sàimhean.Slànaighearag, f. Feminine of SlànaighearSpideag: (SPIJ-ak) f. “Nightingale”Sporag: (SPOR-ak) f. “SparrowTeinebhreith: (CHEN-ya-vray) f. “Fire born” (teine: fire; breith: born)Treubhachd, f. Feminine of Treubhach.Uasalag, f. Feminine of Uasalan.Uiseag: (ISH-ak) f. “Lark, pipit”
Neodrach (neutral):Eidheann: (E-yan) m/f. “IvyLeusgrèine: (LAYS-gray-nya) m/f. “Light of the sun” (leus: light; grèine: of the sun)Reulairgead: (RAYL-ar-gat) m/f. “Star of silver” (reul: star; airgead: silver)

This message was edited 5/7/2005, 10:16 PM

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This is on the wrong boardIf you want peoples' opinions on the new names (ie whether they like or dislike them) please re-post it on the opinions board, here: you want others with knowledge of Scots Gaelic to critique the etymological validity of the new names, feel free to post them on the Facts board, here (if you post on the Facts board please make it clear that you're looking for etymological, not personal, input): :-)
ChrisellAll we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
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Point taken.Thanks yourself! ;-)
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No worries :-)
ChrisellAll we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
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