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Pronounced Pron. U NG U DH(Hinduism) Aan gad(Indian)  [key]

Meaning & History

a part of , normally pertains to a parent addressing the child as a part of themselves
The word angad, comes from Sanskrit and means - "Of my own body". It could be used to describe a bracelet, armlet, or any other ornament.


1. Angad: In Hindu Epic Ramayana, son of Vali, the monkey king. He was protected by Lord Rama and fought on his side against Demon King Ravana.

2. Guru Angad Dev Ji : In Sikhism, name of second guru in succession to Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Original name being Bhai Lehna, Nanak made him his successor in preference to Nanak's own sons. Nanak renamed him 'Angad,' ie, one cast in his own mould and filled by his own light, as a veritable part of his own being.
gods name in sikh religion
also a cherector in mahabharat
Added 7/7/2006 by Amar Sohal
Edited 2/11/2020 by LMS and Mike C