Comments (Meaning / History Only)

I discovered some interesting things after tracing my Greek Cypriot surname Antoniades "Αντωνιάδης", I found out the ending (the suffix) is the most ancient Greek suffix. And that would make it older than Rome itself. Interestingly, Greek Cypriots are said to be from Peloponnese, most possibly Arcadia... And Marcus Antonius said he was of Greek descent. Son of Herakles would make him Dorian Greek, who were also based in the Peloponnese. So Anton-ius/Anton-iades "Son of Anton" is highly likely to be of Greek origin.
But on the flip side Antonius' blood was making up a few Royal families not just Rome. His descendants married into Anatolian Kingdoms, one being the Kingdom of Pontus. And it's also said some Cypriots are from there as well, because of the suffix commonality. So now I'm confused- what is the true origin of the name? My father's name is Antonis Antoniades for ref.I'm kind of interested with this dilemma... Could Anton-Suffix be pre-Roman? I am going to do a couple of DNA tests this year so maybe that might shed some light on the matter. From someone with no history and a meaningless name to this, it has really been eye opening in many ways. I have learnt so much about history, language, names, geography, anthropology and tons more. If anyone knows anything more about my surname I would be really grateful for your input!. Especially if you're a Greek speaker. I might even share some of my Kingdoms with you heheFor people saying Anthony would be a strange female name yes, but the original name didn't have the H. So the feminine version of Antony is Antonia, with possible nickname of Tonya.
In the Latin origin it means "priceless".
The origin of the name Anthony is Ephraim which is Hebrew for Antony (no H in the Greek alphabet), son of Joseph, the patriarch, and Asenath born in Egypt in the third generation; Grandson of Jacob, who is Israel, son of Isaac, who pronounced Ephraim, now Anthony, the birth-right leader of the orthodox twelve-tribes in Genesis chapter 48 according to Moses of the fourth generation, author of the first four books and Apocrypha, contained in the only book of life authorized by all twelve tribes individually and Antonius (typeset only) from which I scribe. Anthony also means doubly-fruitful and General in English. Ephraim was, and Anthony is, one of the four holy fathers (later Four Holy Marshalls of Rhineland) with whom God consulted in Apocrypha. Anthony is also the eponym for Antiquity.
English name meaning "Beyond Praise".
I just notice you list Anthony as a Roman name, starting with Anthony and Cleopatra. Anthony (as its "th" shows) is of Greek origin.Anthon was the son of Hercules, and all his sons made up the clan of Antonides (part of Heraclides). Each descendant of this clan was called Anthonios (son of Anthon). Plutarch mentions this in his "Life of Anthonios" chapter 4, section 2.
Anton was the son of the mythic hero Hercules, and his sons where Antonioi (plural of Antonios). Greek historian Plutarch (AD 46-120) wrote a book on "the life of Antonios" the grandson of Hercules. The name is referenced there many times and the story is placed before the classical era, hence it can be safely presumed that Antonios (later Anthony) is indeed a Greek name. The "h" found after "t" in Anthony denotes the translation from the Greek name which uses an "omega" rather than an "omicron". Translation of "omega" adds the "h" to create the heavier accent of "omega" as opposed to "omikron" even though both vowels are pronounced "oh".
I have seen elsewhere that this name could mean 'praiseworthy'.
To all the people saying it means "priceless," why would such an ancient word have such a modern meaning? It's absurd.
Means priceless.
Anthony means "Priceless".
To my knowlegde, Anthony is rightly classified as an Etruscan name - its origin can be traced to a god called Ani-Dune, who has the same function as the Roman god Janus and is depicted with two faces, one looking forward and one backwards. I found translations like "the godly" and "the priceless".
From the ancient Greek name Anthonios, king of Achaia.

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