Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Makes me think of bananas.
This is a great name! It’s my brother’s name. There were other Bens his age though. He was Ben (last name). He was born in 2008. My mom thought it was pretty steady, and picked it for him. It went up a rank, but it seemed like there were so many Bens in the area. Benjamin James, Benjamin Henry, Benjamin Joseph, Benjamin Thomas, Benjamin Christopher, and Benjamin Matthew could be good full names.
I really love the sound of this name, but I prefer it on an animal, like a bunny or a fox.
Benjamin is a cool name and I don’t know too many. Great name.
What's even the point? Ain't nobody gonna call them by their full name. They're just gonna be "Ben". I like it though, it's ok.
Benjamin strikes a nice balance. You can dress it up by sticking with the full version, or dress it down with the nickname Ben or Benny. Benjamin is a name from antiquity yet still sounds modern enough. It has a wholesome vibe but isn't stuffy either. Really just has good balance overall. Can't find a fault.
I've never cared for this name or the nickname Ben. I have no idea why it's so popular. I don't like names that start or end with B. It's a harsh sounding consonant. I prefer names that start with J or S like Jason and Shawn.
I get called Ben Dover I don't know how many times but it has to be at least 100 times. I like the name it is just to easy to tease.
A Classic American Boy Name!
While Benjamin is not a favorite name of mine, I do not see it as ugly. Possibly historic, as that would apply it to the elder category, but certainly not ugly.
Very old and ugly.
Benjamin is one of the best masculine names out there. It sounds classy and handsome, and Ben is a great nickname.
Nice name, never under estimate any Benjamin.
I feel this is an overused and outdated name.
I love this name so much, it is very attractive and I've always had amazing experiences meeting people named Benjamin. Always good, nice people. Very nice name.
Although this name's alright, it's a bit too popular on Behind the Name because I see it on everyone's name lists while searching for interesting names to add to my name list. Needless to say, it's kind of overrated.
This name is the best ever like honestly, anyone who has this name automatically gains superpowers and it is such a good name that it has over 900 IQs and people will follow anyone with this name because they are just so great. (100% not biased)
Benjamin is actually my first name. I know not everyone likes it and I understand, but I happen to like my name. If you don't like the name, that is fine but please respect that people who have that name may be reading. I am not offended but I don't want others to be offended.
I don’t like it because of Benjamin Franklin.
I personally find this name rather boring and annoying I hope at least a few of you agree with my opinion and 4 others sitting with me now.
This is strictly snobby, never name this! Prefer Benjina, much better on a girl.
A classic! I can see this name on someone of any age, it has a distinctive sound and Ben is a great nickname too.
This name is so damn sexy and it's amazing and it's so handsome. I love it so much. F**k anyone else who says otherwise.
Very handsome and classic name. :D.
My brother's name is Benjamin (though we just call him Ben) and it suits him. Honestly, it's a little funny: I don't think my parents named their child Benjamin because of Benjamin Franklin, but it's funny because my brother is SUPER into history and I think (though he's never said it out loud) that he likes sharing a name with Ben Franklin.
I really like the name Benjamin. It suits every age range and is lovely and classic.
It's overused, and at least one Benjamin/Ben I know is a real jerk.
I think Benjamin is a pretty good name. I mean, it definitely ages well, in my opinion, and I really like Ben/Benny for a nickname. Benji's cute, too.
I like it but it's way too common and has too many negative associations now.
So lifeless.
I have no qualms with Benjamin. The only peeved thing I have about it is if your name is Benjamin people automatically think you go by Ben. Much like Alexander/Alexandra where people think you go by Alex. I kind of like it, the name really doesn't need a nickname. It's great the way it is.
My name is Benjamin, I used to dislike this name when I was younger, as many others have stated we get called Benjamin Franklin in school. But, now that I’m older I actually enjoy my name and take that as a compliment. Benjamin Franklin is the only person on USA Currency that is not a president of United States of America, and it’s the 100 dollar bill. The name feels formal and eloquent and aristocratic.
My name is Benjamin and I don’t like the name. In school everyone calls me “Benjamin Franklin” or “Ben Dover” (Bend over). It gets very annoying when my name comes up in a conversation because 80% of the time someone will tease me for it.
Very unattractive.
This name has gotten super popular and I can't blame them. It's super cute in my opinion.
I DO like this name, the only problem is that it reminds me of Benjamin Franklin all the time. And, as the other commenters pointed out, this name is a little boring and common.
I like it. Gives me royal vibes, especially the French pronunciation. (Look it up on google)
Ew, hate it, despise! I do NOT recommend naming your son Benjamin! I have never met a Benjamin without him being RUDE and ANNOYING, and SUUUUUUPER BOYISH! Name your son Jonah instead, that's much, much, much, much, much, much, much, MUCH, better! 0/10.
In my opinion, this name is unattractive.
Boring and uninteresting.
Common name but handsome for a young boy.
My name is Benjamin but everyone calls me Ben. All the people in the comments say the name is too common and they hate it. I never met someone named Benjamin before besides me, well I know a few Bens. And I have only had one person call me Benjamin Franklin once, it was just a joke. I don't think Benjamin Franklin ruined the name he's the only famous person with the name.
Not my favorite but it’s okay.
Average name, just meh - 5/10.
My name, flexible throughout history and the person's age. Lots of nicknames to choose from and its meaning (Son at my Right Hand).
I love this name. I wouldn't give it to my child, though, because of how popular it is, but it would certainly make a nice middle name.
My real name is Benjamin and at first I hated it! I felt like I was too common and it was annoying how everyone always asked me, "Is it Ben or Benjamin?" T_TRecently I have been going by my middle name Lovell, but I am starting to miss my first name. People tell me it is very beautiful and a sweet boy name and I wish I could name one of my kids by that name!I recently entered high school and my name was really common so that's why I went by Lovell. It is a great name and reminds me of handsomeness, kindness, hopeful, tender, and strong.
I like this name very much, it is my name, but I like being called Ben though. This is very popular and classy. I am 12 right now and I think that I could use this name when I am a adult too.
Really good name!
Benjamin Netanyahu ruined the name
Don't want that association for my son.
It's okay but there are better Old Testament names, and also not keen on Ben on its own and people can't be bothered to say Benjamin. One thing I will say is that it sounds quite exotic.
I named my son Benjamin. I have never met a Benjamin who wasn't a happy, friendly, awesome person. And my little boy encompasses all the possible nicknames at various times of the day... Ben when he's serious; Benji when he's bouncing around being funny; Benny when he falls down and needs a cuddle; Benjamin when he's lovey and giving hugs and kisses.
This is a nice name. I'm considering naming my future son Benjamin.
Awful harsh not handsome. Yes the name is Hebrew in origin but Benjamin Franklin ruined this name TOTALLY. It's an old man name. I can't picture a young person with this name.
I'd name my son Benjamin after my brother. His middle name is Benjamin. :)
My name is Benjamin and I think it’s a nice classy name, there doesn’t seem to be anything stereotypical about it and you will probably never hear anything publicly bad about it. However I’ve been called many nicknames like “Benjamin Franklin” in school but it’s all for joking matter and it's never used to be offensive. People will have their opinions both good and bad. The nickname Ben is most preferred. It tends to be one of those names that you can come up with endless silly or cute nicknames about.
Very nice name:)
I really like the name Benjamin and all, but you meet a Benjamin once a month. The name is so popular that the name is like average and a little boring because so many other people have it.
Despite its popularity I am really not a fan of this name, to be honest. It sounds wet, weak and a bit pompous in my opinion. I have met working class and humble James', William's etc although all the Benjamin's I have known have been stuck up middle class prats. The name also doesn't look appealing to me.
It's so handsome and classic, and I like the nickname Ben.
I love this name. It is my favorite name ever. Classic, cute, great meaning.
Beautiful name, my dad's called Benjamin and always gets wound up when people name their kids just 'Ben'.
This is my name and I cannot stand it! I’m only 17 and it’s hideous. From a very young age I hated my name. There are ZERO good nicknames. It’s either Ben, Benny or Jam. And it’s ridiculously popular. “You’re like Benjamin Franklin” is the only thing in my head considering I hear it sixty times a day. It’s also WAYYYY too biblical although I am very religious. Also it’s so unattractive and all the real “guys” are called Mackenzie or Kyle or Jake...something so cool. I am really considering a name change, someone give me ideas. PLEASE. You will make my life as happy as it should have been.
Sorry, I’m in the minority. It’s handsome but it’s easy to lose interest in it. It’s very common and biblical but I dislike the sound to it. And the nicknames Ben and Benny are awful.Most of the Benjamins I met were nice.
Benjamin is a name for a good man, strong thinker, serious and sharp minded.
The name Benjamin, is an elegant boy’s name that is a timeless gem that shall age gracefully as the years beckon onward from infancy all the way up to the elderly stage of life. A wonderful name. :)
I like this name a lot. It really has a certain charm and magnetism that I find highly complimentary. The impression that I have is of someone friendly and good-natured who has certain qualities that are greatly desired.
Benjamin is an attractive and strong name, which feels traditional, yet stylish, and has the advantage of the lovely nickname Ben. Its only caveat is its popularity.
I dislike that form of the name because I have a Benjamin ficus in my living room (my family and I think of it just as 'Benjamin').I love the forms Binyamin or Beniamino though.
Ben Shapiro made me fall in love with this name.
When I was about to baptize my sister my father gave me this name. People love me by this name. Everyday I asked God to favour me by my name, let my name which says Benjamin speak for me.
Benjamin is a really sweet name. Nicknames like Ben, Benny and Benji work nicely.
Our son's name is Benjamin and we chose it because we both liked it and his middle name was going to be Shasta (my wife's Dad's name) and it was one of the few names that sounded decent with that!
It is a nice name, but the meaning is a bit snobby. If you have other children, and a "favored son" that might lead to confusion. Still, the popularity of this name makes it stale and bland.
Too damn long, all the Benjamins I know go by Ben, and it's boring too.
It's a nice name, but I dislike names that are as common as this one because they feel stale and boring.
Dislike this name. Sounds old and boring.
Love this name. It is popular for good reasons. It's a very handsome name.
Love this name. It's super popular but for good reason. You can get quite a few nicknames out of it too. Ben, Benny, Benji, Benjo, Banjo.
I prefer Benedict.
I ADORE this name! This is number one on my boys list. I will definitely name my future son Benjamin! ^^ You have to admit, using the nickname "Benji" when they're little is just adorable!
Great name - good versatility (Benjamin, Ben, Benji), good international appeal, minimal tease-ability.
My husband is Benjamin "Ben". I love the name on its own and with the nickname, I don't think I've ever met a Benjamin who wasn't extremely sweet and friendly. It's also my son Arthur's middle name, after his father. It's been a favorite of mine for ages, I had actually planned on using it as a first name until I met my husband.
Love this name! Classic and timeless. I have a cousin with the name Benjamin and he is the sweetest, brightest little boy. I would definitely name my son Benjamin.
I love this name! I also like that its been consistently popular for over 200 years.
Love this name, love the name Ben. Sounds like such a sweet name for a little boy.
Beautiful name, but I don't like it, because of the politics of Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield... in my opinion William Ewart Gladstone is better, and not only as a name.
Very nice, classic boys name. I like Ben and Benjy for nicknames.
Even though this name is super popular, it is still my absolute favorite boys name as it is just so handsome!
I have a character called Benjamin and I pronounce it in the French and English ways. It depends on who's interacting with him I guess. It's a very kind and sophisticated name to me~
Benjamin is a really nice name.
I like this name, but I'm not sure why. I think it's much better than Benji.
Well, you can't really go wrong with this name. This is one of those safe classic names like Andrew and Jacob that are likely to work on any regular guy and that shouldn't lead to bullying or discrimination, and the name sounds good for kids and adults alike. I also like the sound of the full name more than Ben alone, but Ben is the only decent nickname. Benji sounds like a name for a little kid or a dog, and only annoying and immature frat boys and members of crappy bands that only want to make money would go by Benji.
Believe it or not, but this name is starting to grow on me. I don't just picture losers or preps with the name anymore, and the associations have recently improved drastically. I can even stomach the nickname Ben now. I still don't like it enough to use it, but perhaps for one of my characters!
Benjamin is a very nice name with a lot of history. I love the nickname Ben. I can see this name on a jock, a nerd, an actor, a dentist, a doctor, pretty much anything. I hope this name doesn't become too popular.
I love this name! There's just something about it that I really love!
Uck. I just plain don't like this name, everyone with the name I've known are either preps or complete losers. It sounds like a name I would like but the few people I've known that have it, aren't exactly my best friends.
This name is nice but it is still getting plain. It is a very popular birth name for children. I really like the nickname "Ben".
This is a good and wholesome name that's for sure. But it is increasingly common which puts a damper on this gentle name. I've heard this name be used in countless movies, numbers of songs, plenty of people I have passed, and not to mention its famous start in the bible. The meaning, "Son of my right hand" is beautiful and seems like a a symbol of pride one has of their son. Benji is a cute nickname but most people cross compare a dog to this name. Which again is a bad trait for this name. Ben is not bad for a nickname but it's very plain in my opinion. Overall, Benjamin is a name one should consider. But I would only use this name if I had some sort of heart felt binding with it.
In Denmark the youngest person in a group is called the benjamin. I love this name and I would have loved to give it to my son, but unfortunately Benjamin is so popular in Denmark right now, that it is simply overused and way to common.
Benjamin is a nice name. It makes me think of someone who is kind, gentle and strong. The one nickname for it that I don't like is Benji.

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