Hate the pronunciation! But, if you say the name, it doesn't sound bad at all.
I don't like the spelling, but the pronunciation is very nice.
I guess the Manx pronunciation isn’t as bad as the English one. Either way, this name looks and sounds so childish. I also dislike almost every B name.
Add Usage: English (Modern)Pronounced: BREE-shə (Manx, English), BREE-shee (English), BREE-shay (English)
Pronounced BREE-shə. When at the end of a word, "ey" makes an "ə" sound. [noted -ed]
Reminds me of the beginning part of the name Breehy-hinny-brinny-hoohy-hah, which belongs to the talking horse from "The Chronicles of Narnia". Also sounds like breezy, which I like. An odd, unusual little name packed with spunk, and it's not just nonsense noises that sound pleasing together, it's actually a legitimate name with substance. It's so out-there yet still conventional and down-to-earth; I really, really like it.
I think it's pronounced BREE-shee. Anyway, this is an absolutely gorgeous name. A terrific alternative to Bridget (and all it's variants), Bree, and Brianna (and all it's variants).
I just found out that it's pronounced BREE-shay, they 'ey' diphthong making the 'ay' sound.It can also be pronounced BREE-shuh: still really like it.

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